15 work results

16) 1541.0022 Boys' Class C Final: Semi-Final Basketball Game [NHF Tape #22] (WESTERN MAINE)
Western Maine High School Championship Basketball Traip Rangers vs. Wiscasset Redskins 12/17/1995
6) 2716.0153 Candlepin Bowling - Championship
Master; X6216; Bowling;Candlepin Bowling; Championship; Flynn and Easterbrook for the first game; Flynn and Atkins for the second game; Atkins and Saniuk in the third game; Saniuk and Berger for game ...;Don Gillis, host; with Phil Rubin, Emmons S. Levine, Rob Crowley, Kif Williams, Bayard Peabody, Jr, Emeric Feldmar, Marjorie McKenna, Leroy McLaurin, Ron Schindler, Bob Armitage...
11) 2716.0154 Candlepin Bowling - #9538
Master Candlepin Bowling X5824 14;Candlepin Bowling; Don Gillis hosts a report on competition between Janice Caissie, from Newton, Massachusetts, and Janet Poch, from Lynn, Massachusetts, for prize money and tro...
17) 2716.0155 Candlepin Bowling - 9539
Master; Candlepin Bowling; 9539; Air Date 10--21-95; X5878;Candlepin Bowling: Don Gillis hosts; Toni-Marie Baldinelli and Janet Poch bowl; black screen breaks; Poch wins the series 367 to Baldinelli's 304;;In the studio Phil Rubin, Dinn Bros, Christmas Tree Shops, Rotmans Furniture and Carpet, Berkline Corporation, The Fairway in Natick, Massachusetts;
18) 2716.0156 Candlepin Bowling - 9540
Master Candlepin Bowling X5921 #9540 Air. 10/28/95;Candlepin Bowling: Don Gillis hosts; Marianne Kelly and Janet Poch bowl; black screen breaks; Poch is the winner with 346 to Kelly's 340; ;In the studio Don Gillis, Phil Rubin, Dinn Bros., Christmas Tree Shops, Rotmans Furniture and Carpet, Berlkine Corporation, The Fairway in Natick, Massachusetts;
10) 2716.0157 Candlepin Bowling - #9541
Master Candlepin Bowling;Candlepin Bowling; Don Gillis hosts a competition between Mal Onorato, of Natick, and Janet Poch, of Lynn; black screen breaks; Mal Onorato won all three strings and the champi...;In the studio Phil Rubin; taped at the Fairway bowling club;
34) 2716.0158 Candlepin Bowling - #9543
Master Candlepin Bowling X5924;Candlepin Bowling; Don Gillis hosts a competition between Chuck Vozzella and Jack Ray; black screen breaks; Chuck Vozzell takes the first string; Jack Ray takes the second and t...;In the studio Phil Rubin; taped at the Fairway Bowling Club;
20) 2716.0159 Candlepin Bowling - #9542
Master Candlepin Bowling X5922;Candlepin Bowling; Don Gillis hosts a match between Reggie (Legend) Deline and Jack Ray; black screen breaks; Jack Ray takes all three strings; Jack Ray wins the match, a chaise...;In the studio Phil Rubin; taped at the Fairway Bowling Club, Natick, Massachusetts;
17) 2716.0160 Candlepin Bowling - 9544
Master Candlepin Bowling X5925;Candlepin Bowling: Don Gillis hosts; John Bird and Jack Ray compete; black screen breaks; Ray wins with 429 over Bird's 369; ;In the studio Phil Rubin, Dinn Bros., Christmas Tree Shops, Rotmans Furniture and Carpet, The Fairway, Natick, Massachusetts;
16) 2716.0161 Candlepin Bowling - #9545
Master Candlepin Bowling X6019;Candlepin Bowling; Don Gillis hosts a match between Jack Ray, of Stowe, and Chris Sargent, of Haverhill, whose father was also a candlepin bowler; Chris Sargent wins the first a...;In the studio Phil Rubin; taped at the Fairway Bowling Club, Natick, Massachusetts;
19) 2716.0162 Candlepin Bowling - #9546
Master Candlepin Bowling X6026;Candlepin Bowling: Don Gillis hosts; Dan Gallant and Chris Sargent are the challengers; black screen breaks with some audio interference; Sargent wins with 403 dropped pins to G...;In the studio Phil Rubin, Dinn Bros., Rotmans Furniture and Carpet, The Fairway, Natick, Massachusetts;
16) 2716.0163 Candlepin Bowling - 9547
Master Candlepin Bowling X6027 #9547 Air. 12-16-95;Candlepin Bowling: Don Gillis hosts; Joe Tavernese and Chris Sargent bowl; black screen breaks with some audio interruptions; Tavernese wins with 400 dropped pins to Sargent's 3...;In the studio Phil Rubin, Dinn Bros., Christmas Tree Shops, Rotmans Furniture and Carpet, The Fairway, Natick, Massachusetts;
19) 2716.0164 Candlepin Bowling - #9548
Candlepin Bowling X6075;Candlepin Bowling; Don Gillis hosts a match between Jim Grigaitis, of Brockton, and Joe Tavernese, of Lynn; black screen breaks; Jim Gerigaitis takes the first strong and Joe Ta...;In the studio Phil Rubin; taped at the Fairway Bowling Club, Natick, Massachusetts; sponsors of the prizes are Dinn Brothers, Christmas Tree Shops, and Rotmans Furniture and Car...
22) 2716.0165 Candlepin Bowling - #9549
Master Candlepin Bowling X5142;Candlepin Bowling: Don Gillis hosts; Joe Tavernese and Jim Flynn are the bowlers; after three strings Tavernese wins with a score of 402 dropped pins to Flynn's 367; ;In the studio Phil Rubin, Dinn Bros., Christmas Tree Shops, Rotmans Furniture and Carpet, The Fairway, Natick, Massachusetts;
15) 2716.0308 Discover New England - February '95
Master; Discover N.E. February 1995 Edition; Air date: 2-19-95; WCVB code 14 or 19;Commercials included in the taping; Discover N.E. February; Mount Snow, and Pat Danahy is interviewed; Waterville Valley race, New Hampshire; a hike up Mount Washington; Hope, M...;Credits: Reporters: Chuck Kraemer, Peter Mehegan; Producer: Ted Reinstein; Field Producers: Chuck Kraemer, Peter Mehegan, Bob Oliver; Videography: Chuck Kraemer, Judy Guild, Bob...
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