11 work results

4) 1171.0001 Bangor 4-H and Noel [Stookey] High School Audio
David Weiss and Karan Sheldon videotaped at Bangor Fair, 17:45 mins. Noel Paul Stookey prepared audio for a high school reunion; videotape includes audio portion. Also edit black.
26) 1184 [The How and Why of Spuds outtakes]
Includes 5 shots: 1) Intertitle: 'Then Spread Out to Dry.' 2) Two men with backs to camera, each holding a bag of potatoes in large tub. 3) Intertitle 'left for 1 1/2 to 2 hours...
21) 1250 [NHF Compilation: 'Maine selections']
Ca.1990 NHF compilation of Maine-related footage, taken from various NHF collections. The tape contains: 1. Everett Johnson Collection, cat.no.5241-01-JOHN-43, Cutting Ice 1943,...
70) 1250.0005 [NHF Compilation - Rural Selections]
1997 NHF compilation of rural footage dated 1929-1960, fifteen segments taken from nine collections. (Segments are described fully in separate ProCite records at each collection...
69) 1250.0007 [NHF Compilation - Maine Selections]
VHS reference tape. Ca.1990 NHF compilation of Maine-related footage, taken from various NHF collections. The tape contains: 1. Everett Johnson Collection, cat.no.5241-01-JOHN-4...
32) 1304.0001 Big Horse
Retrospective look at role of the 'big' (draft) horse and current uses as well as effects of technology. Briefly mentions horse's use in logging/timber operations; primarily foc...
3) 1462.0001 [Earliest Maine Films]
Submaster, created 11/27/1991. // NHF compilation of archival footage from three collections, 'short pieces from the days when motion picture was young.' // The five segments ar...
35) 1462.0002 [Earliest Maine Films] DISTRIBUTION MASTER
DISTRIBUTION MASTER. // Created 10/30/1991, edited at UM. Has soundtrack. New tag added 02/26/1996. // Titles contain more dropout than submaster. // NHF compilation of archival...
21) 2226.0001 [unidentified Van Buren/Aroostook County segments] Reel 1
NITRATE // Date from edge code on film. // Film also consists of Dupont film stock. // Heavy perf damage throughout, scratching, over 2% shrinkage. // Reel is predominantly sile...
20) 2226.0002 [unidentified Van Buren/Aroostook County segments] Reel 2
NITRATE // No edge code on film. // Moderate perf damage, predominantly at tail, some scratching, over 2% shrinkage. // First intertitle reads: 'J. Frank Guiou, President, North...
3) 7412 Harvesting by Hand
VHS reference tape. This film documents a class of 4th graders from Saco as they visit and participate for a day in a different culture, in Aroostook County where grade school c...
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