684 work results

33) 0376 cat. 0072-19-WABI-64 Cerebral Palsy
Activities at the United Cerebral Palsy Center including children working at desks and attending physical therapy. Also building and sign.
7) 0396 cat. 0072-20-WABI-64 McIntire
Interview with Congressman McIntire in which he states that he will support Barry Goldwater for president if Senator Margaret Chase Smith is not nominated by the Republicans.
16) 0396 cat. 1029-09-WABI-64 Dr. Elliot -- Trip
Interview with Dr. Elliot regarding his upcoming trip to Venezuela sponsored by the Ford Foundation, that country's higher educational system versus ours.
9) 0396 cat. 1030-02-WABI-64 Dr. Elliot -- University of Maine Enrollment
Interview with Dr. Elliot regarding coming school year, fundraising project, tuition and room and board increases.
10) 0396 cat. 1030-03-WABI-64 Dr. Jeffrey Interview -- Panama Canal
Interview regarding Panama, why Canal shouldn't be given to Panama, White Americans' prejudice against Panamanians, Castro and Communism.
33) 0396 cat. 1031-01-WABI-64 James Meredith at University of Maine
Interview with James Meredith regarding Civil Rights movement, including his role, and President Lyndon Johnson's policy.
12) 0396 cat. 1031-02-WABI-64 McIntire
Congressman McIntire speaks regarding his candidacy for Maine senate, his experiences and accomplishments as Maine representative.
8) 0396 cat. 1031-03-WABI-64 Coopal
Interview with Coopal regarding new International Relations Committee, his role in it, powers and functions, future.
14) 0396 cat. 1031-04-WABI-64 Senator Smith
Interview with Senator Margaret Chase Smith in conference room with two reporters beside her. LS and MS.
15) 0396 cat. 1031-05-WABI-64 Police Officer Watson Retiring
Retirement party including officials, Watson and group at doughnut-covered table, she poses with a teacup.
16) 0396 cat. 1031-06-WABI-64 Margaret Chase Smith Day at Skowhegan
Same as Cat no. 0075-07-WABI-64
17) 0396 cat. 1031-07-WABI-64 D'Errico on Employment
Interview with D'Errico regarding Bangor survey to determine employability of citizens in order to attract bigger business, when it will be conducted, its effects.
18) 0396 cat. 1031-08-WABI-64 Ed Connor -- YMCA
Interview with YMCA Director Connor regarding YMCA Week, its programs, and YMCA in general.
14) 0396 cat. 1031-09-WABI-64 Barnes at BOMARC
Colonel Barnes of BOMARC speaks on NORAD's decision to deactivate 30th Air Defense Missile Command, when it will begin, future plans, tribute to 30th's men.
20) 0396 cat. 1031-10-WABI-64 Edmund Muskie on Sugar Beet
Muskie speaking to camera on fundraising for sugar beet project, for Maine to have one of only three refineries in country, economic impact on state, his support of it.
21) 0396 cat. 1031-11-WABI-64 [Edmund Muskie]
Muskie speaks to camera on number of years he was governor, then senator, service political office provides to Maine citizens, his wish to continue representing and bettering Ma...
22) 0397 cat. 0071-01-WABI-64 Rice and Miller Show
Annual sporting goods show including booths with rifles, boat, skis, visitors.
23) 0397 cat. 0077-02-WABI-64 UM
UM meeting.
24) 0397 cat. 0077-03-WABI-64 Rice and Miller Show
Annual trade show including washing machines, lawnmowers, paint and other products.
25) 0397 cat. 0077-04-WABI-64 Community Oil Meeting
Bangor: Meeting at Pilot's Grill.
26) 0397 cat. 0077-05-WABI-64 Drawing
Men draw card from mixer.
30) 0397 cat. 1034-02-WABI-64 Dr. Whittaker
Interview with Dr. Whittaker of Bangor Theological Seminary on a convocation for the 150th Anniversary of the Seminary's charter. Talks about events, expected crowd, significanc...
28) 0397 cat. 1034-03-WABI-64 Bid-A-Buck Prize Car
Men hold up contest sign and stand by prize car.
29) 0397 cat. 1034-04-WABI-64 [Muskie on Passamaquoddy-St. John Project]
Interview with Muskie regarding Passamaquoddy-St. John project. // Same as catalogue number 0076-11-WABI-64.
2) 0397 cat. 1034-05-WABI-64 Internal Revenue Service--Goode
Interview with IRS representative Donald Goode regarding filing tax returns.
3) 0397 cat. 1034-06-WABI-64 Murder Scene at Newport
Newport: Police knocking at house door, getting back into car, leaving, various shots of house.
4) 0397 cat. 1034-07-WABI-64 Rice and Miller Show
Annual show including booths of area merchants including Trustworthy, crowd.
33) 0397 cat. 1034-08-WABI-64 Internal Revenue Service--Mr. Goode
Interview with IRS representative Donald Goode regarding new tax proposal he supports, and how to handle interest and dividends.
6) 0397 cat. 1034-09-WABI-64 Chamber of Commerce Vote on Urban Renewal
Men count vote ballots.
7) 0397 cat. 1034-10-WABI-64 Fluoridation
George Redpath interview of unidentified man regarding fluoridation process including cost, benefits, methods (dental health).
31) 0397 cat. 1034-11-WABI-64 Mr. Goode -- Internal Revenue Service
Interview with IRS representative Donald Goode regarding automobile expense tax deductions, mileage deductions.
1) 0397 cat. 1034-12-WABI-64 Herbert Silsby
Silsby announcement of his candidacy for Republican nomination to 2nd congressional district including campaign promises.
10) 0397 cat. 1034-13-WABI-64 Dr. Cross -- Heart
Interview of Dr. Cross on heart treatment and research in Maine including immediate future of heart transplants, heart readings, use of research funds.
11) 0398 cat. 0077-11-WABI-64 National Ed Boyers
12) 0398 cat. 0077-12-WABI-64 Science Fair-Millinocket
High school fair with students standing in front of projects.
5) 0398 cat. 0077-13-WABI-64 Steering Committee for Urban Renewal
Committee members talk and sign documents.
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