4 work results

2) 2716.0113 Black History - Laughter Bitter Sweet
Master Black History X5135 A Laughter Bittersweet Rec. 1/4/89;[Final edited version of 2716.0112] Interviews about Black storytelling, comedy, music, and performance, from historian Byron Rushing, Joseph Boskin, Professor of History at Bos...;Credits: with Esther Rolle; A Laughter Bittersweet; Produced by: Karl Nurse; Hosted by: Esther Rolle; Written by: Steve Hemingway; Script Editor: Clif Garboden; Assistant to Pro...
2) 2716.0178 City Streets - Harlem Renaissance
Harlem Renaissance 1919-1929; Hosted by Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis; Harlem welcomes home their own fighters from World War I; Written by Steve Hemingway, Rene Westrbook and Karl N...;X3498 Program Title: Harlem Renaissance ;Credits: Produced by: Karl Nurse; Directed by: Bob Comiskey; Hosted by: Ruby Dee, Ossie Davis; Written by: Steve Hemingway, Rene Westbrook, Karl Nurse; Research by: Rene Westbro...
3) 2716.0179 City Streets - Black Women Rising
X4090 2 Shows on this tape City Streets Mother's Day '84 Rec: 5/10/84 Air: 5/13/84;City Streets: Black Women Rising; Elma Lewis, Johnnella Butler, Joyce Scott, and Marsha Darling provide historical notes and background to the stories of black women in the Amer...;Jayne Kennedy Overton, Karl Nurse, Steve Hemingway, Barbara Browne, Rodney Grace, David Skillicorn, Alice Daly, Alan Pratt, Dave Teixeira, James Fripp, Ellen Boyce, Lisa Borge, ...
4) 2716.1618 Auschwitz and the Allies
Master Specials X4095 Auschwitz Part 1 Rec. 2/16/84;[Includes footage from within Auschwitz. Graphic images of prisoners. Some nudity.] Opens with interview with Reuven Dafni. Title: ‘Auschwitz and the Allies with Edward Asner’....;Credits: A BBC production in association with NDR based on the book “Auschwitz and the Allies” by Martin Gilbert. The BBC wishes to thank: Associated Press; Auschwitz Museum, Po...
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