160 work results

1) 2908.0001 [Stephen K. Desroches--home movies] DVD 1
(11) [2908.0037]1980 Going to school, girl's birthday parties; Storyland performance; dance recitals; (23) 1981 Christmas with new bike and skates; (34) 1971 canoeing; (6) 1974 ...;Super8 Reels 1 - 46 (minus 7 reels)
2) 2908.0002 [Stephen K. Desroches--home movies] DVD 2
Super8 mm Reels 4, 5, 7, 15, 17, 18, 42; Lisa Christmas when Stephen was still an infant; several Christmases additional views on other reels; several dance recitals from all ag...
4) 2908.0004 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 4
Baby bathing and in white gown; children on carousel; children at picnic; children at birthday party table (summer indoors); outdoors adults picnic in backyard; swimming pool fr...;A-1
5) 2908.0005 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 5
shark birthday cake; sailing; graduation ceremony; ballet, tape and free dance recitals; several birthday parties, some with clowns and lots of swimming; communion
8) 2908.0008 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 8
A;Baby bathing and in white gown; children at picnic; children at birthday party table (summer indoors); outdoors adults picnic in backyard; swimming pool frolic; clown party
11) 2908.0011 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 11
D;Reel D; Swimming; jumping rope; babies sleeping; yard play; clown party; wedding (1974?); Lisa's first day of school; Stephen as an infant (?); Lisa nursery school graduation (1...
12) 2908.0012 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 12
E;Reel E; Santa's Workshop; Hershey Park; Lake Placid; Storyland Park; Lisa first day of school 1975? (other views in D); Stephen first day of school 1978.
13) 2908.0013 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 13
F;Reel F; Clown party; Lisa's 6ths birthday? Magician at the party? Different birthday for Lisa -- Wonder Woman birthday cake; snow play and birds in the feeder;PacMan birthday cake.
6) 2908.0014 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 14
G;Reel G:Children riding horses; on the beach; lots of water sports.
15) 2908.0015 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 15
Northern Outdoors; Dingo Boy Production
16) 2908.0016 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 16
The Killians; June 22; Our 50th Anniversary
17) 2908.0017 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 17
Steve Birthday; Backyard party
18) 2908.0018 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 18
Stevie's Birthday;Backyard pool parties; school speeches; puppies; dance and cheer; basement parties.
19) 2908.0019 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 19
Taupo Bungy; New Zealand
20) 2908.0020 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 20
Gail's Pool Party
34) 2908.0021 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 21
Xmas Eve 1987 1986 & 1987 Holidays in both years
22) 2908.0022 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 22
Xmas Parade
11) 2908.0023 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 23
1992 Miss Mass Pageant Finals Disc 1 Individual performances of the Miss Massachusetts talent segment 1992 including Lisa Desroches
24) 2908.0024 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 24
1992 Miss Mass Pageant Finals Disc 2 Announcement of Winner for Miss Massachusetts--Lisa Desroches
25) 2908.0025 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 25
50 Contestant Talent 1992 Disc 1 Individual performances of the Miss Massachusetts talent segment 1992
26) 2908.0026 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] DVD 26
50 Contestant Talent 1992 Disc 2 Individual performances of the Miss Massachusetts talent segment 1992
27) 2908.0027 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] Reel 1
Recital 83
29) 2908.0029 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] Reel 3
Recital 84?
30) 2908.0030 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] Reel 4
Birthday Party July 1982/Birthday Party September 1982/Christmas 1982 - Taunton, Mass.
31) 2908.0031 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] Reel 5
Dance Recital - 1984 - Taunton, Mass.
32) 2908.0032 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] Reel 6
Graduation Party (Master's Defree)/Party - Birthday Party - Playing 1974
33) 2908.0033 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] Reel 7
Christmas - 1982/ Dance Recital - 1983 - Taunton, Mass.
34) 2908.0034 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] Reel 8
Christmas - 1979 - Taunton, Mass.
35) 2908.0035 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] Reel 9
Dance Recital - 1978 - Taunton, Mass.;Bambi
36) 2908.0036 [Stephen Desroches--home movies] Reel 10
Christmas - 1979 - Taunton, Mass.
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