4 work results

30) 0659 ['Falling In Love' Ad]
Short, incomplete ad for HBO movies 'Falling in Love' with Meryl Streep and Robert de Niro and 'Same Time Next Year' with Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn
20) 1461.0002 Maine's Television Time Machine
Maine's Television Time Machine 'Version 2.' // Created 05/01/1989. // Formerly Distribution Master. // General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor Historical Society/WABI...
26) 1461.0003 Maine's Television Time Machine DISTRIBUTION MASTER
DISTRIBUTION MASTER of Maine's Television Time Machine. // Created 10/27/1989. // New NHF 'tag' added to tape 02/26/1996.' // General description: Selections from NHF's Bangor H...
16) 5459-01-NHFC-87 Claws
Humor tape: Tim Sample and Benny and Denise Reehl embark on a coastal safari in search of lobsters. Sample sells Reehls needless lobster hunting paraphernalia. Reehls are stoppe...
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