10 work results

31) 2177.0032 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 32
Box label: 'Family II Ja 28 - 5/30/28.' // Film is warped.;DVD slate: Reel 32. Family 2. Jan 1928-May 30, 1928. Man and woman on horseback jumping fences in countryside. Boston terrier. Baby in high chair outside by brick wall. Woman ...
33) 2177.0033 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 33
Box label: 'Family III Summer 28 to Nov 28.';DVD slate: Reel 33. Family 3. Summer 1928 to Nov 1928. Lawn, mother and children on blanket laid on grass, dog rolling in foreground. ECU blurry child's faces. Various toys and...
16) 2177.0042 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 42
Box label: 'Jun. Hill+Family Black+White 1928-1934.' // Film was moldy - cleaned.;DVD slate: Reel 42. Jun. Hill Family, 1928-1934. Biplane on field, scratched and dirty. Biplane lifts off; view of biplane briefly in air. Mold, dirt. CU woman in biplane weari...
12) 2177.0049 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 49
Label: 'Dobsis Summer 28.';DVD slate: Dobsis Summer 1928. b&w: Young people in lake roll logs, using sticks to stabilize themselves. They fall off. Eventually they are successful in standing up and po...
13) 2177.0061 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 61
Label: '1928 Fishing Trip.';DVD Slate: Reel 61. Fishing Trip 1928. Water coming through dam, line of cabins in the background. Canoe, two people fishing. Man with net waits to bring in his partner's fish....
14) 2177.0062 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 62
Label: 'Hunting 28.';DVD slate: Reel 62. Hunting 1928 Stream with canoes, second canoe, man wades and pushes canoe through shallows. In woods, men walk up from lake carrying buckets. View of lake, p...
8) 2177.0065 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 65
Label: 'Rodeo, Best, Cheyenne.';DVD slate: Reel 65. Rodeo, Cheyenne, 1928. Overall, footage lacks contrast. Man on bucking horse, second view, man falls off horse. Various views bucking horses. Clown with b...
2) 2177.0073 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 73
Label: 'Ranch #1.' // Film has 1.2% shrinkage - 07/2004. // Perf damage and tear in frames near head.;DVD slate: Reel 73. Ranch, 1928 View from train, view of receding rails (standing on caboose platform or end of train.) Very flat terrain. Occasional sheds, cows. Encampment,...
23) 2177.0074 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 74
Label: 'Ranch #2.' // Film had mold on edges - cleaned.;DVD slate: Reel 74. Ranch 2, 1928 [Near Powder River, Wyoming] Views in woods, people on horses. Trail ride, view of landscape, some snow on hillside. Rocky area. Man with lar...
26) 2177.0077 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 77
Label: 'J.T.D. Football at Nobles (1928).';Schoolboy football players in leather helmets with views of bench. Views of quarterback throwing, some blocking, various plays. Cars parked next to field. Later views are not we...
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