66 work results

12) 0660.0002 Blue Hill Class Reel 2
Date from edge code on film. // Pekinese dogs on lawn. Asian girl, about 5 years old, gestures, dressed in robe. Waters flowers. Goose. Boy does somersault on lawn, plays in spr...;Three Pekinese dogs on the lawn. Pekinese and Pekinese puppies playing tug-a-war with a person off screen. Close up shots of the dogs. An Asian woman and little girl. Shot of th...
7) 0759.0002 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 2
Farm and horses (winter), Frank on horses at the Cape (Otisfield), dog Rowdy in winter, snowbanks, Janet in snow.;A snowy field. Men lead two horses out of a barn. A cat in the snow. A horse drawn sleigh. Houses. A woman on horseback. A dog in the snow. A person riding a horse through the s...;'Doc 1939, horses, farm, snow, very good.'
6) 0759.0017 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 17
Red Day, after 1938 house, lake, farm, Moose Pond.;(Footage tinted red) Ducks by a lake. Trees along the shore. A dog walking up a road. Panning shots of a lake. Three girls pose for the camera. A puppy. A man walking in a field...
12) 0759.0022 [Margaret Cummings Bean--home movies] Reel 22
Sunset, Jan and Frank, Christmas, snow covered Cape, horse and sleigh (Bill Ralph) delivering milk, tractor plowing snow.;Sunset. The sun (moon?). A girl (Janet?) with dogs. Two people having a snowball fight. A Christmas tree. A dog in the snow. Houses, trees and the lake in the snow. A horse draw...
8) 0822.0012 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 12
Lane Tote Gate – Xmas 1968 - Church riding 3 wheel cart snow – Jo Lane with Susie church Orono Universal Fellowship good picture of Christmas – 1968 – Grandma Hunter Susan givin...;A boy on a motorized scooter pulls two children on a sled. (Jo Lane and Susie) People in a church. Shot of the altar. A woman and a girl with a kitten next to a Christmas tree. ...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 12 (1968): -Joseph Lane on scooter (homemade by him and his father) with Susan and Suzie Lane -Church of Universal Fellowship in Orono – regular service ...
9) 0822.0017 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 17
Susan + Lanes Tobogganing – Gladys + the kitten 1969 Susan, - Joe Lane – Tobogganing Gladys – snow – kitten;A parade with floats on a television screen. A woman (Gladys) walking through the snow, followed by a cat. A man shoveling snow. Children playing in the snow. A woman checking t...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 17 (1968): -parade (hard to see-don’t know where) -Gladys & cat walking in snow; Walter shoveling -Susan and next door neighbor Joe Lane sledding beh...
7) 0822.0026 [Gladys Steputis--home movies] Reel 26
Nancy + Frank – Bar Harbor, Ruth Scherg? no date G + N @ Thunder Hole Acadia Park Jordon Pond sailboat G in short shorts! Nancy + Frank + Ruth Nancy’s Siamese cat, G + Ruth Sche...;People on the beach. People standing at the railing of Thunder Hole (Acadia National Park, Maine). Waves in Thunder Hole. A sailboat. Two women walking up a path. A man and a wo...;[From Susan Wells] Reel 26 (1971): -Sand Beach, Bar Harbor, Thunderhole -Gladys and Nancy B.(?) w/siamese cat at home -Linda with her daughter, Melanie, and Aunt Elsie Englefield
26) 0996.0001 Maine and New Hampshire ca. 1929--Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies. Reel 1
Men moving hay onto a wagon. Moving hay into a barn. Intertitle: ‘IT WAS HOT WORK!’ Men standing in an empty wagon. Intertitle: ‘UNLOADING AT THE BARN CONRAD ON “HAT”’. A boy on...;Haying: Curtis Thayer, Walter Woodman Wright, Walter Woodman, Uncle Ell Thayer Brooks Wright, Conrad Wright, horses Hat & Minnie. "It was Hot Work" : Unloading hay, CCW on H...
15) 0996.0003 Maine and New Hampshire, ca. 1929--Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies. Reel 3
A group of people and a dog. A man places a sign for ‘Windy Ledge’, as two others watch. Placing stones around the sign. Shot of the sign. Close up of a boy with a bird on his h...;Visiting the Ingrams next door. Setting out the Windy Ledge sign, carved by Vivian Alera, Norway artist. Curtis, Charles, Mary, Brooks, Weston Uncle Ell, CHCW Pheonry? on Brooks...
2) 1000.0013 Home on the Farm
Close up of a black cat in the grass. A barn and field. A garden. A dog. Pigs. Shot of the barn. Laundry drying on a line. Shots of the barn. The house and cars. [End of Reel];Home on the Farm Reel 13 JLB
14) 1026.0001 [Elizabeth Thompson Reed--home movies] Reel 1
[illegible] at 215 Bishop. Bill. Burd's 1st cat Anne + friends in snow. Grandfather Reed. Watch Hill, Eddy. Children. Nanna, Uncle Blair. Bill + Hotchkess. (over) [illegible] on...;Four women in chairs in a garden. Three older women outside a stone building. A young girl leaning against a pillar. Two girls holding cats. Puppies in a dog house. Dogs seen th...
4) 1206.0004 [Laurence Bray--home movies] Reel 4
Harbor. Snowy woods and houses. Man pushing power snow shovel. Downtown Boston. Rural yard. Boston Harbor. Rural snow scene. Slow pan of snowy trees and street. Family watching ...
13) 1206.0005 [Laurence Bray--home movies] Reel 5
Family. House. Cars. Cat. Boat named Bowdoin [Schooner Bowdoin](?). Women and man with goats outside barn. Dalmatian. Chickens. Boston terrier. Fishing. View of water from boat....
32) 1206.0011 [Laurence Bray--home movies] Reel 11
Mixed breed dog. Rural or small town homes. Snow scene. Cat. Man on tractor plowing field by mobile home. Small girls. Young men working in field. Dalmatian. Women. Black cat. O...
21) 1206.0014 [Laurence Bray--home movies] Reel 14
Barbecue. Chickens. Boxer dog. Mobile Home. Cat.
2) 1375.0051 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 51
NHF cataloguer's notes (reel numbers assigned by donor or creator): Reel 51: boy climbing down ladder on house; carries ladder away; man on ladder picking ?apples; girl pulling ...
23) 1375.0052 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 52
NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 52: 00:02. Man piles shingles by exterior of house. Smoke permeates air. Roof of home. Shutters of upper windows. Chimney. Rubble, debris on grou...
29) 1375.0053 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 53
NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 53: 17:33. Young woman standing by tree. Two girls astride their bicycles. Baskets on their bikes, they pedal forward. Ribbons on handlebars. 18:...
21) 1375.0054 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 54
NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 54:36:01. CU Christmas wreath with large pink bow on door of home. Man hangs wash on lines hung between two trees. He pins black trousers to line...
10) 1375.0057 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 57
Wharf and boats on the water. A sailboat. Two women walk out of the house and towards the camera. Children moving debris from a collapsed building. Hauling logs on wagons. Peopl...
27) 1375.0059 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 59
NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 59. Woman on porch. Woman sits in chair. Other woman combs her hair while friend sitting on rail of porch looks on. 18:01. Woman tending to anoth...
22) 1375.0060 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 60
NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 60. Coupe being backed out of garage. 36:04. Car is motored down driveway. Car stops at side of academic building. Cigarette in hand, man emerges...
36) 1375.0061 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 61
NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 61:00:00. Two men remove large item from home. Washing machine is already outside of home. Two men lift washing machine. Carry it forward. Sign s...
24) 1375.0065 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 65
NHF cataloguer's notes (reel numbers assigned by donor or creator): Reel 65: people w/ car, older man wearing service jacket, too large; people unloading car; (18:00) people lea...
25) 1375.0072 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 72
NHF cataloguer notes (reel numbers assigned by donor or creator): Reel 72: [all color, exterior shots; well composed, fairly lengthy, and steady] 4:35:53 car driving away from g...
30) 1375.0076 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 76
NHF cataloguer notes (reel numbers assigned by donor or creator): Reel 76: [darkish interior shots; focused, fairly lengthy, well composed, steady.] 6:00:01 black delivery van i...
27) 1375.0079 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 79
NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 79:00:05. Three women and man in park. Woman on right has small paper in hand. Two couples standing side by side. Variegated trees in park. Pan. of t...
33) 1375.0081 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 81
NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 81:36:03. Woman, little boy in yard. Little boy has large, floppy-eared plush toy. He sits astride toy. Pushes on it. He rocks back and forth astride...
29) 1375.0083 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 83
NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 83: 18:00. People walk down gangway. Some board boat. Man waves. Woman smiles while standing at end of gangway. Woman, man descend gangway. Both wave...
30) 1375.0084 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 84
NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 84:36:06. Older woman turns little boy about. Woman has book. She holds infant in her arms. Various family members with their gifts. Older man holds ...
5) 1734.0024 [Laura Nickerson--home movies] Reel 24
A man and a woman arrive with a baby. The woman changing a baby’s diaper. A different woman holding the baby. A man holding the baby. The baby on a couch. A cat seated on the ho...
1) 1736.0006 Farm 1955--Joan Thurber Baldwin--home movies. Reel 6
Title from reel. Note on can '160 set [?]'. Home movies. Mailbox, dog, trees, springtime outdoors, darkness, driveway, apiary, woman with dog, barn. 'The End' animation on tail ...;A mailbox with ‘Baldwin Reveley’ written on it. Title card: ‘Old Oak Farm’. A roadside sign: ‘DRIVE SLOW SMALL DOG’. A dog (dachshund) running around in the woods. A dirt road l...
35) 1823.0009 Miscellaneous [Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies] Reel 9
Label on box: 'Crystal Spring (?), E.B. Phenix, BW & Mary, Ebony, Splen...' Date from edge code.;Plants. Flowers (strawberry blossoms). A truck full of hay coming up a dirt road. A wagon pulled by steer. Two girls and an old woman (Mrs. Maxim?) eating. A crowd of people gat...
35) 1861.0031 [Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 31
Title from label on original film reel: 'Seth's Ninth Birthday 82.' // On reel with Reels 29-30, 32-35. ;'Seth's 9th Birthday 1982.' Boy holding kitten; two boys with dog and kitten outside; baby in seat; kids playing in lake; kids in party hats on beach; boy blowing out candles; o...
15) 1942.0015 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 15
Date from edge code. Footage of a cat and dog, as well as a group of people hanging out on their motorcycles.
17) 1942.0021 [McEwen Family--home movies] Reel 21
Footage of a man playing with a dog, and people outside with their cars.
Next 36