62 work results

26) 0328 cat. 0018-16-WABI Country Kitchen
Country Kitchen Bread ad. Bread slice is torn in half, then loaf is shown. Narrator says, 'Only batter whiping makes bread this tender, and only Country Kitchen is batter whippe...
24) 0328 cat. 0018-17-WABI-61 Beacon Finance
2 spots for Beacon Finance Co. First features John J. Flaherty Jr. Second features William G. Hayes.
30) 0328 cat. 0018-20-WABI-61 Beacon Finance Co.
2 spots for Beacon Finance Co. First features John J. Flaherty, Jr. Second features William G. Hayes.
31) 0328 cat. 0018-21-WABI Country Kitchen
Commercial: Country Kitchen bread, 'Have you tried the tenderness test?' A woman compares normal bread to batter-whipped Country Kitchen bread, tearing it.
33) 0328 cat. 0018-23-WABI-61 Dead River
Dead River Co. ad in which a man makes a speech. 4 takes.
10) 0332 cat. 0019-10-WABI-61 Freeses
Freeses Gold Bond Stamp commercial. Stamp spins with caption, a stamp book filling up, and a poster for the stamp.
18) 0332 cat. 0020-01-WABI-61 Freeses
Freeses Gold Bond Stamps spot. Stamp spinning, a stamp book filling up and displaying its total value, and poster advertising stamp.
19) 0334 cat. 0024-05-WABI-61 Community Oil
Commercial featuring Chevron Oil Company. Shots of a receptionist answering the phone, a Chevron truck delivering oil to a house, and other oil and gas companies in Bangor area ...
17) 0336 cat. 0023-07-WABI-61 Saab
Hammond Motors Saab commercial. Optical audio track followed by shots of Saab on various types of roads, its features, Hammond Motors.
25) 0336 cat. 1009-03-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Ad including train pulling past camera, man backing up a truck and dropping off a crate, more footage of train rolling by.
27) 0336 cat. 1009-05-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Commercial: composite master copy of commercial about Bangor & Aroostook Railroad's free pickup and delivery service. Same as 1009-03.
28) 0336 cat. 1009-06-WABI Bangor & Aroostook Pre-Iced Cars
Ad including a hydraulic lift raising large ice blocks to top of a railroad car, men sliding blocks down into car. Dick Curless sings jingle.
29) 0336 cat. 1009-07-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Round-trip Ticket
Commercial: Bangor & Aroostook Railroad's round trip ticket on their bus service. Shots include bus stopping to pick up passengers, onboard the bus, washroom, shot of the road a...
30) 0336 cat. 1009-08-WABI-61 Bangor & Aroostook Pickup and Delivery
Four copies of ad. Same as Cat. No. 1009-03. Third or fourth copy is listed as the first proof.
35) 0337 cat. 0023-03-WABI-61 Dead River Salutes Houlton
Dead River spokesman talks about their representatives in Houlton, Presque Isle and Van Buren. He holds up cards with pictures of those stations and their managers.
28) 0341 cat. 0026-15-WABI-61 Bangor Bank Ads
Commercial stating that live 116th UM commencement ceremonies were public service sponsored by Eastern Trust and Banking Company. Includes information on branches and services, ...
32) 0345 cat. 0031-16-WABI-61 Glidden Paint
Animated ad for Spread Satin paint has house asking paint doctor about blistering problem, for which he prescribes Glidden Paint.
15) 0347 cat. 0030-13-WABI Freese's Gold Bond Stamps
Gold Bond Stamp ad.
26) 0349 cat. 1011-02-WABI-61 Dead River
Commercials including 'Dead River Salutes Presque Isle's Bion Hartford and Sons,' 'Dead River salutes Vaillencourt Oil Co. in Van Buren,' 'Dead River's History -- Parts 1 and 2,...
13) 0579 cat. 0044-09-WABI New Equipment?
Men inspect new equipment and shake hands. LS of tower or crane included.
1) 0626 B & A pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-13. Copy.
2) 0627 B & A -- Fox & Ginn
Same as 0046-15 but with SOF First proof with added freight scene for final.
19) 0631 and 0630 B & A Christmas Message
Same as 0046-18 but with animated snow scenes at beginning and end. Two takes of 36 ft. each.
20) 0632 B & A Pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-13 but with SOF
21) 0633 B & A Pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-11 but with S.O.F.
8) 0634 B & A Audio
Audio track (jingle) for B & A transportation company ad, sung by Dick Curless.
9) 0635 B & A Christmas Message
Only audio that goes with a non-audio copy. Similar to 0046-18.
10) 0636 B & A Pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-13. Two takes. SOF
15) 0637 B & A Pickup and Delivery
Same as 0046-13.
12) 0638 B & A, Fox and Ginn
Various takes of the two companies logos.
14) 0640 B & A Free Pick-Up and Delivery
Promo for free service including alternating shots of train and truck.
18) 0642 Saab Ad Footage
Hammond Motors Saab footage including Saab's features and Saab driving on various kinds of roads.
31) 0643 B & A Round Trip Ticket
Unused negative portion of ad. Same as Catalogue No. 0046-02.
50) 0644 Animated Snow Scene
Animated snow scene with trees and mountains. Was used on B & A Christmas commercial.
28) 0645 B & A Iced Cars
Same as 0046-07.
20) 0646 B & A Bus Negative Original
Edited sequence from previous footage includes: bus picking up passengers, driver's view of road, mother taking daughter to restroom, passengers watching landscape, pedestrian w...
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