2 work results

1) 2507.0001 [S.D. Kelsey--home movies] Reel 1
Can notes: " 1) Engagement pictures May, 1942 2) Stevie's first holy pictures July, 1943 3) Christening day - Marge" 4) Stevie with Jack for first time in front of 150" Add...;REEL ONE 1942-1944 The scene opens with pre-marriage expectations. The date is May 27, 1942. The location, Post Chapel, Lemoore Army Flying School, California. The time, ...
2) 2507.0003 [S.D. Kelsey--home movies] Reel 3
Can notes: " WP to Maxwell Football Game, Ft. Put, Ft. Monmouth, T-6, WP in snow." "Fall 1948-1949 West Point 1948 Football game, Mechanics Dept. party at Round Pond. Hunti...; REEL THREE 1948 The 1948 football season game between arch rivals Army and Navy is seen followed by an after game party where the men and women, all officers and their spouse...