139 work results

16) 0317 cat.0011-13-WABI-60 Coopal Office
Bangor: Men at conference table talking with Bangor city map in background. River in Bangor. Labeled 'Pre-for Domya.'
28) 0318 cat.0013-02-WABI Car Accident
Car accident. Shots of car and crowd.
13) 0322 cat.1007-11-WABI-60 Flood Pictures at Hudson
Flooded river including cars trying to cross road, water rushing over road past trees and houses.
19) 0323 cat. 0017-13-WABI-60 Accident at State Street
Bangor : Minor accident. Shots of cars and damage.
29) 0324 cat. 0017-08-WABI-60 Tractor Accident at Auditorium
Bangor : a farm tractor is flipped back into position by a wrecker in front of the civic auditorium.
3) 0325 cat. 1008-08-WABI-60 Coopal Office
Men apparently discussing Bangor at conference table, map of Bangor, river in Bangor. Negative story was labeled 'Pre-for Domya.'
7) 0334 cat. 0024-13-WABI-62 Gas Main
Damaged gas main. Police directing traffic around it, men working on it, spectators.
10) 0335 cat. 0025-05-WABI-61 Racing at Bangor Fair
Horse and buggy race including an accident.
6) 0337 cat. 0023-04-WABI-61 101 B Crash
Recovery of crashed 101 Bomber. Shots of search party, crash site, forest, wreckage.
38) 0338 cat. 1009-13-WABI-61 Plane Crash at Dedham
Dedham: 101 bomber crash including sections of airplane and trees scattered on ground, path gouged into woods, people standing around, an official speaking.
23) 0339 cat. 0026-06-WABI-61 Plane Crash at Dow
Crash at Air Force Base with plane stranded on train tracks.
20) 0339 cat. 0026-07-WABI-61 Machias Flood
Machias: Flooded ditches and roads, picnic area underwater, logjam, houses and stores, Narraguagas and Machias rivers.
13) 0341 cat. 0027-10-WABI-61 Pleasant River
Fishermen at Pleasant River talk to game warden and display their catches. Also shots of river.
18) 0342 cat. 0031-09-WABI-61 Three Truck Accident
Accident includes 18-wheel semi, gas or oil truck and third truck. CUs of damage.
8) 0343 cat. 0029-02-WABI-61 Drowning at Brewer Lake
Penobscot Sheriffs Department searches for drowning victim. Sheriffs in boat and planes.
20) 0343 cat. 0029-05-WABI-61 Belfast Car Accident
Belfast: Car damaged in accident.
34) 0343 cat. 0029-09-WABI-61 Train Hits Car
Driver hit by train is fatally injured. Shots of car, train.
18) 0343 cat. 0029-12-WABI-61 Lucerne Accident
Crowd looks at car's front end damage.
22) 0343 cat. 0030-01-WABI-61 Bass Fishing on Kenduskeag
Spectators watch man fish for bass.
24) 0344 cat. 0027-16-WABI-61 Holden Accident
Interviews with spectators gathered around overturned car. Ambulance arrives and police direct traffic.
33) 0345 cat. 0031-11-WABI-61 Auto Accident
Car and truck collision including CUs of damage.
22) 0345 cat. 0031-13-WABI-62 Auto Accident on Main Street
LSs and MSs of one damaged car and a police officer at accident scene.
20) 0345 cat. 0031-14-WABI-62 Train and Car Collision at Veazie
Collision scene shots include damaged car, railroad tracks, police officer.
28) 0345 cat. 0032-06-WABI Auto Accident
Accident scene includes car in embankment.
8) 0350 cat. 0032-11-WABI-61 Car in Kenduskeag Stream
Accident scene including pulling car out of water, men in boat by car, bridge, spectators.
27) 0350 cat. 0032-17-WABI-61 Truck Accident in Belfast
Belfast: Wrecker attempting to restore overturned Avis Truck to upright position.
31) 0350 cat. 0032-23-WABI-61 Plane Crash in Albion
Small single engine plane crash in Albion including damaged plane, helicopter standing by, Federal Aeronautics Commission inspection, warning to people not to touch wreckage.
24) 0353 cat. 1020-11-WABI-62 Kenduskeag Stream Crane
Crane is used in construction or repair in stream as crowd watches.
33) 0353 cat. 1020-18-WABI-62 Accident in Veazie
Veazie: Accident scene including car upside down in embankment, car being restored to upright position, police, spectators.
20) 0354 cat. 0047-14-WABI-62 Plane Search
Helicopter, boat and ground crews search for plane downed in water.
31) 0354 cat. 1020-21-WABI-62 Accident in Brewer
Accident scene including two damaged cars, and sign saying, 'Seat Belts installed $5.95.'
9) 0354 cat. 1020-26-WABI-62 Bulldozer in the Kenduskeag
Shots of stream's lower banks including bulldozers and workmen.
9) 0355 cat. 0048-06-WABI-62 Auto Accident
Scenes from multi-car accident including officer opening car door to show damage, wrecker about to pull car away.
31) 0355 cat. 1021-20-WABI-62 Four Cars in Accident
Accident scene including victim carried away on a stretcher, damaged cars.
34) 0356 cat. 0048-17-WABI-62 Plane Crash in Mt. Waldo
Mt. Waldo: Plane crash scenes include mountain, police car, wreckage, damaged foliage, helicopter picking up a man and lowering something to police officer.
28) 0357 cat. 0049-11-WABI-62 First Snowstorm
Bangor: Snow covering Kenduskeag Stream, construction equipment, roads, shrubs, neighborhoods.
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