189 work results

7) 0252.0034 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 34
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 34: (100 ft.) 'Christmas 1932 Machias.' Family members.
178) 0660.0002 Blue Hill Class Reel 2
Date from edge code on film. // Pekinese dogs on lawn. Asian girl, about 5 years old, gestures, dressed in robe. Waters flowers. Goose. Boy does somersault on lawn, plays in spr...;Three Pekinese dogs on the lawn. Pekinese and Pekinese puppies playing tug-a-war with a person off screen. Close up shots of the dogs. An Asian woman and little girl. Shot of th...
13) 0660.0003 [Nice, North Africa] Reel 1
Title, 'Nice from the sea.' Water, hillside. Title, 'Nice, Promenade des Anglais.' People at tables. Title, 'Herald of the Carnival, Nice.' More such titles. Stable shots, no CU...;Title card with the still image of a man and woman standing near trees: 'Nice from the sea'. Panning shot of Nice shoreline, seen from the water. Shot of the beach. The Jetée-Pr...
8) 0660.0006 Guatemala, 1932
Title, 'Costa Rica, Billy the Ant Eater.' Woman's legs and small animal on ground. Title, 'Nicaragua, Where More U.S. Marines were ruined by Boredom like this than were killed b...;Title card: [Costa Rica. Billy the Ant-Eater.] An anteater on a leash, being played with by two women of whom only their feet are shown. Intertitle: 'Nicaragua. Where more U.S. ...
17) 0660.0007 Guatemala, Mexico 1932-1933
Street scenes including vendors, people smiling and waving at camera, bull fight.;A line of men in various uniforms walking down the street. One man breaks off from the group to pose for the camera and is joined by a man with a guitar. A crowd gathers to pose...
23) 0696.0017 [E.H. Maxcy--home movies]
NHF viewing notes as follows. Reel notes in quotes. 5511-08 'Viggo, snow scenes' Dev before 9/33. Date code 1932. 100 ft. Lots of slow pans outside a house in town with few inch...
15) 0702.0001 [Lloyd B. Hayes--home movies] Reel 1
Men walk among piles of lobster traps along the water as a few young boys explore the traps. One of the men wrestles with a boy. Footage of the fishermen sitting on lobster tr...
28) 0702.0002 [Lloyd B. Hayes--home movies] Reel 2
Footage of young boy and woman exploring a broken-down shack. A shot of them standing on the rocks on Baker’s Island, ME, near the water and a few shots of the water splashing ...
19) 0702.0003 [Lloyd B. Hayes--home movies] Reel 3
Footage of a boy rowing a boat around Spurling Cove, ME, including shots of him untying the boat from the dock and getting in the boat and then tying the boat back up to the doc...
36) 0702.0004 [Lloyd B. Hayes--home movies] Reel 4
The steamboat J.T. Morse of Eastern S.S. Lines pulls into Spurling Cove, ME, filled with passengers. Rachel Millard talks with one of the crew members as they walk around the s...
14) 0702.0005 [Lloyd B. Hayes--home movies] Reel 5
Rachel Millard and two other women greet each other at the docks. A man steps in a rowboat and paddles around a bit. The man and two women row the boat to shore, the women get...
32) 0702.0006 [Lloyd B. Hayes--home movies] Reel 6
People get into a launch. A shot of ladies in the back of the launch. Two shots of schooners as a launch passes by. A man helps two ladies exit the launch. Footage of people...
7) 0702.0007 [Lloyd B. Hayes--home movies] Reel 7
Two women walk along the shore. A man and a young girl in swimsuits shake hands. The man attempt to give her a piggy-back ride and they both fall in the water. Footage of peo...
8) 0706.0004 [Forrest Colby--home movies] Reel 4
Reel 5501 Date code on original 16mm film is 1934. Dalmatians with Joan (young girl) in garden. Swan house in Columbia Circle, Shanghai. Outdoor table with mother. Sm...;Label on film: 'Hangchow, Lianchi First Part Street Scenes.' // Date from edge code on film. // Fox hunt or steeple chase and other horse scenes. Children in yard. Shots of rive...
10) 0712.0001 [Forrest Colby--home movies] Summer logging
Can/box note: 'Pulpwood drive.' NHF cataloguer's notes: 00:50 Camp in summer, long pan of log buildings. Horse crosses, pulling travois-type sled with box on it. Man walks behin...
5) 0712.0002 [Forrest Colby--home movies] Winter log hauling
Can/box note: 'Dead River logging. March 1, 1932.' NHF cataloguer's notes: Winter. Quick shots. Horses pull logs down snow road with snub line attached. Trees marked with cross ...
29) 0726.0008 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 8
NHF cataloguer's notes (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): Reel 8: Circus. Zoo. Mountain scenes. A small-town parade. Four-masted schooner 'Seth Parker' open to the public. Isl...
1) 0738.0001 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 1
Intertitle: “A TRIP AROUND WAYSIDE INN FEBRUARY 5, 1932.” Intertitle: “REAL WINTER AT LAST” followed by men and boys shoveling grounds. Intertitle: “SHOVELING OUT THE INN” fol...
43) 0738.0002 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 2
Grainy footage, hard to make out what is happening. Live Nativity scene. Shot of dining staff in line with aprons. Men working on the roof. Shot of large building with white...
3) 0738.0003 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 3
Beginning is an exact duplicate of reel one – see 0738.0001. Only exception: The Intertitle “IT’S BEAUTIFUL! BUT HARD ON THE OXEN” appears backwards in this reel. Duplication ...
37) 0738.0004 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 4
Blindfolded man follows blindfolded boy around a table in middle of seated audience. Intertitle: “WALTZ CIRCLE” followed by couples dancing (waltzing) and a shot of the musicia...
55) 0738.0005 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 5
Shot of children dressed up, standing together holding rolled paper with ribbons tied around documents (diplomas or certificates). Dark shot of boys in tuxedos or suits standin...
31) 0738.0006 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 6
Hockey. Intertitle: “THIS TEAM, ‘THE BOYS’ PLAYED HARD.” followed by shot of boys’ team. Intertitle: “BUT THIS TEAM, ‘THE FACULTY’ WON.” followed by shot of faculty team. Foo...
2) 0738.0007 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 7
Shot of a cover of a book that reads: Second Eclectic Reader. Shot of title page. Hands flip through the book and stop on a page. Close-up of text and a pointer pen follow wo...
1) 0738.0008 [Unidentified—home movies] Reel 8
Peaches. Men loading crates. Wide shot of trees. An orchard and landscape. Shot from above of trucks and stacked crates. Men move crates into piles. A horse team pulls a wa...
12) 0760.0002 [Water Sports Day at the Rangeley Lake Hotel]
1932 date code on film. // Title card: 'Water Sports Day at the Rangeley Lake Hotel, August 13, 1932.' 'Photographed, edited and titled by Harrie B. Coe.' 'Can you find yourself...
14) 0762.0028 [Edward M. Graham, Sr.--home movies] Reel 28
Men walking through woods with paddles and packs. Man in water standing in canoe. Women in hat and scarf on shore sharing drinks and jokes with men. CU of man smiling and smokin...;Home movies of fishing and hunting in Maine. NHF cataloguer's notes below. (Reel notes from donor are in brackets; reel numbers are donor-assigned.) Reel 28: [Moosehead Lake 193...
1) 0801.0001 Maine family activities and travels, circa 1930-1950-- Ben Blodget--home movies. Reel 1
Compiled home movie reel including 1939 New York World's Fair color footage shot by Benjamin P. Blodget, resident of Bucksport, Maine. ;New York World's Fair footage: United States Building and Lagoon of Nations with fountains. Government Zone Pavilions including Romania Pavilion. Union of Soviet Socialist Rep...
5) 0818.0001 [Albert Conley--home movies] Reel 1
Notes from film tag: 'Automobile trips in Maine.' // 1928, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934 edge codes on film. // Film has twist throughout. // Intertitle: 'Automobile Trips in Mai...
14) 0818.0012 [Albert Conley--home movies] Reel 12
Date range from edge codes on film. // Notes from film tag: 'Sarasota (Fl.); circus; ballgame; end of pageant; celery farm; ranch [?].' // Monkeys in cage. Leopard in cage. Ring...
3) 0879.0001-.0004 [amateur camp footage] Reels 1-4
NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94 for Reels 1-4 (DIVISIONS BETWEEN REELS IS UNCLEAR IN NOTES): Raising the American flag, girls camp. Young and teen girls on a nature hike, studying...
3) 0879.0005-.0007 [amateur camp footage] Reels 5-7
NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94 for Reels 5-7 (DIVISIONS BETWEEN REELS IS UNCLEAR IN NOTES): Horseback riding, English saddles. Archery. Shooting practice with rifles. Canoeing. A...
3) 0996.0003 Maine and New Hampshire, ca. 1929--Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies. Reel 3
A group of people and a dog. A man places a sign for ‘Windy Ledge’, as two others watch. Placing stones around the sign. Shot of the sign. Close up of a boy with a bird on his h...;Visiting the Ingrams next door. Setting out the Windy Ledge sign, carved by Vivian Alera, Norway artist. Curtis, Charles, Mary, Brooks, Weston Uncle Ell, CHCW Pheonry? on Brooks...
36) 0996.0004 Maine and New Hampshire, ca. 1929--Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies. Reel 4
Shot of the Windy Ledge house. (Paris, Maine) A wood-sided car drives past. Children walking through a field. Orchard trees. Intertitle: ‘MRS. MAXIM AGE 93 CUTS HER BIRTHDAY CAK...;Windy Ledge (dark) Lena driving by. Corn field across the road. Brooks and Mary crossing the field, resing, running CHCW looking at the view. "Mushroom" Sears Roebuck cottage in...
17) 96-034.0001 Play, graduation, wedding, at home--Oscar R. Houston--home movies. Reel 1
Family. Children's play. Mother, Emerine, Aunt Betty. Family at home. Judy swimming.;Compiled reel of black-and-white and color home movies shot circa 1926-1940, with subjects including a short silent drama enacted by costumed children, a girls' school graduatio...
16) 96-034.0012 Algeria and Italy, 1931-1933--Oscar R. Houston--home movies. Reel 12
Compiled black-and-white home movies of the Houston family's travels in Algeria and Italy, 1931-1933, including footage in Algiers, Pompeii, and Venice, edited with intertitles.;Intertitle: "VACATION 1931" Intertitle: "The North African Coast" Intertitle: "Algiers" Intertitle: "Wandering in an African Garden" Intertitle: "Bouzarea" Intertitle: "Pom...
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