3 work results

33) 2716.0726 Jabberwocky - Faces #J23
Jabberwocky; Show #23; Faces; J-123; Rec. date Jan'80; ;Jabberwocky: Faces; video of headshots around the world; theme song; Carl asks the children to name feelings and then opens the Surprise Box. Out pops actors expressing the feel...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopka, Peter Jonson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schlipp, Gail Frank, Dave Gosey, Carol Lawrence, Michelle Conners, Jerome Kagan, Marshall Haith, Dewey Ber...
7) 2716.1480 Special Programming - Use Your Smarts
Use Your Smarts X1734 Spec. / Prog. Educational Version Rec. 3-25-82;Intertitle: “The following program was donated to the New England Community by WCVB-TV for non-profit education use, in recognition of viewer concern and support for the educati...;Credits: Cast in Order of Appearance: Becky Herzberg, Adrienne Sandberg, Alan Miller, Billy Caines, Ed Hall, Elisa Erali, Bob Owczarek, Dana Rebeiro, Jim Spruill, Annie Burton, ...
20) 2716.1532 Great Expectations - Puppets
Master Great Expectations X5426 Puppets Rec. 3/21/91;A series of promotions for Great Expectations, The Education Project, with puppets urging children to go to school. Each segment is repeated.
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