385 work results

12) 2394.00174 Nathan Hale School pt.2
Assignment Sheet ID: NHF_RA67ZGQORBD1VIP , Description: Description from Assignment sheet: "Roxbury School Recruitment Program - Folk from the Hale School invite parents and kin...;Hale School 5-24-77 (Gibson);Interview with a woman about Academics Plus program. Children watching a puppet show. Reel 2 of 2. (See Acc. 2394.00176 for 2nd reel);Standup interview with unidentified woman about Academics Plus Program. She reports the program includes an enrichment day on Fridays for kindergarten and first grades. Puppet s...;Sgtandup interview with unidentified woman about Academics Plug Program that includes enrichment on Fridays for kindergarten through first grades. Puppet show with children watc...
2) 2716.0007 [Jabberwocky: Being Black]
Children's show with animated songs intermixed with live segments with actors and puppets. In this episode African American cast member Tucker receives a letter from a mother w...;Credits: Cast: Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Tucker Smallwood, JoBeth Williams, Executive Producer: Gail Frank, Producer-Director: Dan Kolsrud, Writer: Edsel Watkins, Esq., Associa...
3) 2716.0121 Body Works - #2
Dupe X-302 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Show #2 House Mix Master w/o Breaks;The Heart; three young people explore how it works; their words of advice: Don't smoke; Don't eat junk food; Excercise!;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Adam Stavisky, Rachael Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson,...;In the studio Adam Stavisky, Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton, William C. Brennan, Adelita S. Moore, James A. Lowell, John Nagy/Mark Holden, Howard Roiuse, Rob Roy, Dick McNamara, Cal...
4) 2716.0122 Body Works - #3 And #6
X-314 WCVB Code 3 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Shows #6 + 3 House Mix Masters w/o Breaks;The Ear; Respiration; three young people explore these parts of the body with Timothy Johnson. The summary is sung to a musical tune from Gilbert and Sullivan.;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Adam Staviskym Rachael Lerman, Dana Norto; Produced and Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson, ...
9) 2716.0123 Body Works - House Mix #4
Master X-318 WCVB Code 4 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Show #4 House Mix Master w/o Breaks;Bones; three young people explore the many bones in the body and the muscles that keep them together; they go sailing to understand how the muscles and tissue work together to k...;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Adam Stavisky, Rachel Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by: William C. Brennan; Written By: Dr. Timothy Johnson, ...
6) 2716.0124 Body Works - #5;
X-317 WCVB Code 5 Series Title: Body Works Program Title: Show #5 House Mix Master w/o Breaks;Muscles; three young people explore the three kinds of muscle tissue through experiments, experience and observation. Exercise and a regular diet build muscles. ;Credits: The Body Works; with Dr. Timothy Johnson; and Adam Stavisky, Rachael Lerman, Dana Norton; Produced and Directed by: William c. Brennan; Written by: Dr. Timothy Johnson,...
2) 2716.0169 Catch A Rainbow - Brothers & Sisters Pt. 1
Dub X-1337 V-238 Catch a Rainbow - Brothers and Sisters pt. 1;Catch a Rainbow introduction with Jody Scalise, Elaine, Bromka, Peter Kovner, Nancy Aronie, Doncharles Manning, Aili Singer; Two Brothers: a silent comedy routine of a cooperati...;Credits: produced and created by Linda Janower, directed by William Lowell, dramatized and written by Ingrid Furlong with additional writing by Chris Bennett, associate producer...
8) 2716.0170 Catch A Rainbow - Brothers & Sisters Pt. 2
X-1338 V-238 Catch a Rainbow - Brothers & Sisters Pt. 2;The cast acts out several stories, including an adaptation of Cinderella, where meets her prince in a shoe store; ‘Master and Servant’, set in a laundromat; ‘Serpent’s Bride’, t...;Credits: Jody Scalise, Elaine Bromka, Peter Kovner, Nancy Aronie, Doncharles Manning, Aili Singer; created and produced by: Linda Janower; directed by: William Lowell; “The Oddm...
9) 2716.0171 Catch A Rainbow - Fools
X1311 V-238 Catch A Rainbow - "Fools";The cast acts out stories about fools: ‘Three Sillies’, where a bride sets out to find three people sillier than her groom, and ‘The Jester Who Fooled The King’ about a court je...;Credits: Jody Scalise, Elaine Bromka, Peter Kovner, Nancy Aronie, Doncharles Manning, Aili Paal Singer, Hortensia Colorado; created and produced by: Linda Janower; directed by: ...
4) 2716.0172 Catch A Rainbow - Frogs
X-1402 V-238 Catch A Rainbow - "Frogs" PIN # 2052-163 Delivered to the station 11/9/81; from the Armed Forces Information Service;First episode with Hortensia Colorado. The cast acts out stories about frogs: ‘Morning Star’, where a frog helps a shepardess escape a condor, based on a Peruvian folktale; ‘Ros...;Credits: Jody Scalise, Elaine Bromka, Peter Kovner, Nancy Aronie, Doncharles Manning, Aili Paal Singer, Hortensia Colorado; created and produced by: Linda Janower; directed by A...
11) 2716.0695 Jabberwocky - Food #J2
Jabberwocky J102 Food Show #2 Rec. 10-11-79;Jabberwocky: Food; video of children enjoying various kinds of food in many settings, some of it a little vicious; introductory theme song and images; Mr.Buchanan is working on ...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopka, Peter Jonson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schlipp, Gail Frank, Dave Gosey, Carol Lawrence, Michelle Conners, Jerome Kagan, Marshall Haith, Dewey Ber...
226) 2716.0696 Jabberwocky - Things You Wear #J3
Jabberwocky; Things You Wear; #3; Rec. date 10-15-79; J-103 3-18/72;Jabberwocky: Things You Wear; still photographs of a child getting dressed; theme song; Frank and Trina talk about how clothing affects the way people perceive each other; a vid...;Credits: Cast: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky; Executive Producer: Fred Schilpp; Producer: Gail Frank; Director: Dave Gosey; Associate Producers: Carol Lawr...
128) 2716.0697 Jabberwocky - Hands #J4
Jabberwocky J104 "Hands" Show #4 Rec. 10-15-79;Jabberwocky: Hands; theme music and visuals; Carl and Frank demonstrate hand gestures that convene meaning; Mr. Buchanan talks with the studio children about the importance of h...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dave Gosey, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Carol Lawrence, Dewey Bergman, Jr., ...
14) 2716.0698 Jabberwocky - Friends #5
Jabberwocky J105 "Friends" Show #5 Rec. 11-79;Jabberwocky: Friends; children describe what a friend is; theme music and visuals; the studio children demonstrate what the characteristics of friends are; Mr. Buchanan and Trin...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dave Gosey, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Carol Lawrence, Dewey Bergman, Jr., ...
16) 2716.0700 Jabberwocky - Choosing Friends #J6
Jabberwocky J6 "Choosing Friends";Jabberwocky: Choosing Friends; theme music and visuals; Frank meets man on the street who seems to know Frank as someone else; Francisco Balsalmi, a soldier of fortune, claims h...;In the studio JoBeth Williams, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Tucker Smallwood, Paul Jones, Gail Frank, Dan Kolsrud, Joseph A. Bailey, Jill Katz, Shelagh Gordon, Bob Tingle David La...
21) 2716.0701 Jabberwocky - Games #J7
111) 2716.0702 Jabberwocky - Games #J7
Jabberwocky J7 "Games" -Note: Please record audio on both Channels. Thank you 6/27/00 Redubbed D.I. M.;Jabberwocky: Games; pixelation on the slate card; video of children playing games outside; theme music and visuals; Trina and Carl play a color game with Frank; the reasons for ...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dave Gosey, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Carol Lawrence, Dewey Bergman, Jr., ...
23) 2716.0703 Jabberwocky - Pets #J8
Jabberwocky J-108 "Pets" Show #8 Rec. 11-79;Jabberwocky: Pets; Introduction theme song and visual cartoon; Frank interrupts the start of the show to ask for a bone and bowl to suggest that the audience will understand tha...;Credits: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dick Puttkamer, Michele Connors, David Lawless, Jerome Kagan Marshall Haith, Dewey Bergm...
20) 2716.0704 Jabberwocky - Mistakes #J9
Jabberwocky J109 "Mistakes" Show #9 date: 11-79;Jabberwocky: Mistakes; the title slate is upside down, upsetting Carl; theme music and visuals; Mr. Buchanan introduces his mistake-making machine, and why mistakes are useful; ...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dave Gosey, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Jill Katz, Nadine Taylor, Dewey Berg...
7) 2716.0705 Jabberwocky - Being Alone #J10
Jabberwocky J-110 "Being Alone" Show #10 12-79;Jabberwocky: Being Alone; Carl says good night to everyone as they leave the studio, leaving him alone; theme song and cartoon; Carl demonstrates how he passes the time when he ...;Credits: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopka, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred, Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dan Kolsrud, Michele Connors, David Lawless, Jill Katz, Nadine Taylor, Josephy Bailey, T...
27) 2716.0707 Jabberwocky - Living / Dying #J11
Jabberwocky J11 "Living / Dying";Jabberwocky: Living & Dying; Carl and Frank open the show by discussing Frank's fear of talking about dying; theme music and visuals; they decide to talk instead about dirt, and...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dick Puttkamer, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], David Lawless, Jerome Kagan, Mar...
28) 2716.0708 Jabberwocky - Trips #J12
Jabberwocky; Trips; J12; J-112; Rec. date 12-79;Jabberwocky: Trips; Includes some commercials; Trina and Carl decide to go on a trip and leave Frank sitting next to the window; theme song; Frank decides to open a travel agenc...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dick Puttkamer, Michele Connors, David Lawless, Joseph Bailey, Jerome Kagan, Marshal...
30) 2716.0710 Jabberwocky - Grown-Ups #J13
Jabberwocky J13 "Grown-ups";Jabberwocky: Grown Ups; theme music and visuals; a video of a mother and son while a voiceover reports on how mothers can be with their children; a video of a father with his ch...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dave Gosey, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Jill Katz, Nadine Taylor, Dewey Berg...
216) 2716.0711 Jabberwocky - Flying #J14
28) 2716.0712 Jabberwocky - Flying #J14
Jabberwocky J14 "Flying";Jabberwocky: Flying; mimes demonstrate flying; theme music and visuals; Peter Johnson and Carl talk about principles of flight; Carl shares with Frank a film about how planes wo...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dick Puttkamer, David Lawless, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Jill Katz, Nadine...
14) 2716.0714 Jabberwocky - Being Afraid #J15
Jabberwocky J15 "Being Afraid";Jabberwocky: Being Afraid; a cartoon portrays a game of hide and seek with a night guard; theme music and visuals; Trina talks about what fear is and why it is important to work...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dick Puttkamer, David Lawless, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Jill Katz, Nadine...
32) 2716.0716 Jabberwocky - Being Sick #J16
Jabberwocky J16 "Being Sick";Jabberwocky: Being Sick; Trina and Frank talk about how horrible Frank feels; theme music and visuals; Mr. Buchanan joins the conversation about Frank's fears at being sick; bla...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dick Puttkamer, David Lawless, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Jill Katz, Nadine...
18) 2716.0718 Jabberwocky - Tall Tales #J17
Jabberwocky J17 "Tall Tales";Jabberwocky: Tall Tales; Trina, Carl, Frank and studio children make statements that are obviously not true about what they have done or what they like; theme music and visuals;...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dick Puttkamer, David Lawless, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Jill Katz, Nadine...
35) 2716.0719 Jabberwocky - Music #J18
54) 2716.0720 Jabberwocky - Music #J18
Jabberwocky J18 "Music";Jabberwocky: Music; Frank and Carl open the episode talking about why Carl is whistling; theme music and visuals; Frank claims to know what music is because he is a mud-bucket p...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dick Puttkamer, David Lawless, Michele Connors [Michelle Conners], Jill Katz, Nadine...
Next 36