14 work results

12) 0813.0295 Wilkins, Austin: Fire Prevention
News story dated 03-13-59. Original label says STOCK: C.B.S. Forest fire prevention?
36) 0813.0330 Mariner, Herbert [Cape Elizabeth Fire and Police Departments]
News story dated 05-17-60.
3) 0813.0412 [Boy Rescued from Boat in Lake by Portland Fire Dept.
News story dated 07-05-68.;Silent footage of two boats out on a lake while on shore observers wait; one boat tows the other toward shore; closer to shore a boy is hoisted out of the towed boat and into th...
4) 0813.0422 [Falmouth's 250th Birthday Celebration and Firemen's Muster]
News story dated 08-03-68.;A young boy cranks a fire truck's siren to launch a parade in honor of Falmouth's celebration of its founding 250 years ago; fire truck, hose and water demonstrations are featur...
5) 0813.0423 [Rockland Fire Department]
News story dated 08-03-68. View inside and Fire Chief riding in ladder truck.;A silent, slow motion tour of the fire department's special equipment is featured; some of the footage is under exposed;
6) 0813.0425 [Fire Fighters at Brunswick Naval Air Station]
News story dated 08-09-68. Fire fighters demonstrate how to put out fires.;Commander Funk describes the fire department's demonstration of foam used to extinguish a purposefully set blaze; a flashback is explained; light water is also noted, demonstrat...
7) 0813.0434 [Portland Fire Department Deals with Gas or Chemical Leak]
News story dated 08-14-68.;Silent footage of Portland fire fighters arriving at a downtown scene; workers are on the street while fire fighters assess the situation and the workers' conditions; a view of ...
24) 0813.0443 [Portland Fire Chief on Outbreak of False Alarms]
News story dated 08-27-68.
9) 0813.0481 [Trick or Treaters' Safety]
News story dated 10-25-68. Fire department talk about safety for Halloween trick or treaters.
10) 0813.0511 [Portland Fire Chief on Winter Heating]
News story dated 11-13-68.
15) 0813.0592 [Santa Arrives in South Portland by Fire Truck]
News story dated 12-00-68.
12) 0813.0653 [Apartment Building Fire]
Street view silent footage of apartment building fire; Firefighter spraying water on fire from ladder.
13) 0813.0680 [Northern Burner Supply Building Fire]
Silent footage of the entrance to the Northern Burner Supply building where a fire truck was parked, and hoses were brought into the building; shots of firefighters entering the...
14) 0813.0697 [Brunswick Fire]
Silent footage of the Brunswick Fire Department firefighter spraying water on a burning building, surrounded by heavy snowfall, with signage "Colonial [?]".
Next 36