2 work results

1) 1397.0001 Rapid River Races
Title in first frames: 'National White Water Championships held at Rapid River, Middle Dam, Maine, September 1940.' Can/reel notes: film no. 706.41; 'Raygram Corp., property USA...;Rapid River Races (Silent) (Color) Rapid River Races (Silent) 706.41 Rapid River Races;Title: ‘“National White Water Championships held at Rapid River, Middledam, Maine, September 1940.”’ People paddle kayaks/foldboats across Lower Richardson Lake. Racers wearing ...
9) 1736.0018 The Face of Fall, Cliff Golf--Joan Thurber Baldwin--home movies. Reel 18
Title: ‘AN OLD OAK PRODUCTION’. Title: ‘THE FACE OF FALL’. A school bus driving up a tree-lined road. A man with a rifle. He shoots a metal plate. A dead deer hanging from a tre...
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