57 work results

21) 0284.0026 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 26
Boating and swimming at Lake Placid, children playing with a puppy. Lake, scenes from the boat of boathouses and speedboats, picnic, diving and swimming. Rolls Royce. // Meyer D...
3) 0284.0040 [Meyer Davis--home movies] Reel 40
Davis children by the lake, dancing, mugging and rowing canoe. Swimming with children and adults. Adults and children model swimsuits. Davis children dressed like Indians, doing...;http://www.sdbonline.org/sites/archive/SDBMembership/Oppenheimer.html Jane Marion Oppenheimer, 1911-1996 Jane Marion Oppenheimner...achieved distinction as an embryologis...
6) 0660.0003 [Nice, North Africa] Reel 1
Title, 'Nice from the sea.' Water, hillside. Title, 'Nice, Promenade des Anglais.' People at tables. Title, 'Herald of the Carnival, Nice.' More such titles. Stable shots, no CU...;Title card with the still image of a man and woman standing near trees: 'Nice from the sea'. Panning shot of Nice shoreline, seen from the water. Shot of the beach. The Jetée-Pr...
2) 0660.0004 Nice, Algiers, Paris. Reel 2.
Title, 'Florence--Eastertime Procession of the Holy Light.' Parade. 'Easter Monday Procession Signa (near Florence).' // Date from edge code. // Men with banners. 'Paris in the ...;A woman feeding a monkey (rhesus macaque?) sitting on a metal roof. Shot of the monkey in a tree. Title, with a still image of a man and woman standing near trees: 'Florence -- ...
5) 0677.0001 [Howard Kane--home movies] A Trip to Machias Seal Islands
NHF cataloguer's notes: 'A Trip to Machias Seal Islands.' 'The Harbor, Cutler, Maine' hand lettered titles. Pan of pier covered with white sea birds. 'Seining for herring.' Herr...
25) 0818.0012 [Albert Conley--home movies] Reel 12
Date range from edge codes on film. // Notes from film tag: 'Sarasota (Fl.); circus; ballgame; end of pageant; celery farm; ranch [?].' // Monkeys in cage. Leopard in cage. Ring...
1) 0910.0001 [Henry P. Rines--home movies]
Amateur footage of Portland, Settlers Club, other Maine locales and international locations. // Film has severe perf damage throughout, brittle, water damage. // Shots of rock q...
31) 0996.0001 Maine and New Hampshire ca. 1929--Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies. Reel 1
Men moving hay onto a wagon. Moving hay into a barn. Intertitle: ‘IT WAS HOT WORK!’ Men standing in an empty wagon. Intertitle: ‘UNLOADING AT THE BARN CONRAD ON “HAT”’. A boy on...;Haying: Curtis Thayer, Walter Woodman Wright, Walter Woodman, Uncle Ell Thayer Brooks Wright, Conrad Wright, horses Hat & Minnie. "It was Hot Work" : Unloading hay, CCW on H...
2) 0996.0002 Maine and New Hampshire, ca. 1929--Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies. Reel 2
Two people raising an American flag up a flagpole. People cutting brush. Two children in the back of a car. A man (Uncle Charles) and a dog (Ted). Charles sharpening a scythe. C...;Flagpole. Chopping at the Buckfield turn, clearing the road, by Curtis & CCW. 1929 Ford station wagon. Uncle Charles & Ted the dog. Uncle Charles sharpening his Scythe a...;[They are preparing location for tennis court, according to Aagot Wright, wife of Walter Woodman Wright.] // Donor note: The elderly woman having the birthday is Mrs. Maxim, n...
7) 0996.0003 Maine and New Hampshire, ca. 1929--Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies. Reel 3
A group of people and a dog. A man places a sign for ‘Windy Ledge’, as two others watch. Placing stones around the sign. Shot of the sign. Close up of a boy with a bird on his h...;Visiting the Ingrams next door. Setting out the Windy Ledge sign, carved by Vivian Alera, Norway artist. Curtis, Charles, Mary, Brooks, Weston Uncle Ell, CHCW Pheonry? on Brooks...
11) 1025.0001 [Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies] Reel 1
Intertitle: ‘SUMMER ACTIVITIES AT PARIS, MAINE 1929’. People raking hay with pitchforks. Intertitle: ‘THE HAYING CREW’. Close up of a group of people. Intertitle: ‘THE YOUNGEST ...
6) 1025.0002 [Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies] Reel 2
Intertitle: ‘“UNCLE ELL” MOWING AT WINDY LEDGE’. A man sitting in an orchard. Uncle Ell driving a horse-drawn mower going through a field. Intertitle: ‘WINDY LEDGE WHITE MOUNTAI...
19) 1025.0012 [Elizabeth Woodman Wright--home movies] Reel 12
People sledding and people clearing the sledding run. [End of Reel]
2) 1026.0001 [Elizabeth Thompson Reed--home movies] Reel 1
[illegible] at 215 Bishop. Bill. Burd's 1st cat Anne + friends in snow. Grandfather Reed. Watch Hill, Eddy. Children. Nanna, Uncle Blair. Bill + Hotchkess. (over) [illegible] on...;Four women in chairs in a garden. Three older women outside a stone building. A young girl leaning against a pillar. Two girls holding cats. Puppies in a dog house. Dogs seen th...
24) 1204.0001 [Great Northern Paper Company films] Reel 1
Amateur footage of Great Northern Paper operations. // Opening title cards: 'All This for a Sheet of Paper.' 'Millinocket Mill. Fire Protection. Wood Pile. F.C. Bowler. 'Railroa...
7) 1229.0007 [Charles Gilbert--home movies] NHF Reel 007
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows. Film box notes/dates in parentheses. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 7: (New York and Hot Springs). (1929) (28:30) Skyscrapers with smoke ...
5) 1271.0020 [Bell--home movies] Reel 20
Label: 'Harrisonia, 1929. Reel reversed, take Rosa & H. and Bell from this.'
6) 1271.0022 [Bell--home movies] Reel 22
Label: 'Cruise F. China. Hong Kong - Peking.' [1929]
19) 1271.0023 [Bell--home movies] Reel 23
Label: 'India to Singapore. Cruise D.' [1929]
35) 1323.0004 [Henry P. Rines--home movies] Reel 4
Can notes: 'Cunard line [cruise] to St. Petersburg--Stella Polaris Russia. 1929.' // Large passenger ship at port, on deck. Crew secures railing footage taken from liner. Deck o...
12) 1375.0006 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 6
6. Sandbox and Memorial Day parade, Children's Day 1929, Sharon and colt, colts. ;NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 6: Child in yard, garden area, flowers in bloom. Child walks along dragging pull-toy. Child walks along. Exterior of home. Man sawing wood at exterio...
11) 1375.0007 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 7
7. 1929--arrival Wiscasset, beach, David, tennis, Jan in sand pile, mama on horse, water tower, boxes, Don, Mama, and Dad, very high tide, tide cove, clam bake, [golf links].;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 7: Train station, Wiscasset. Mother and child on beach. Rocky shoreline. Child marching with flag. (03:20) Doubles tennis game. Horse drawn wagon...
16) 1375.0008 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 8
8. Tom and Peggy, Pemaquid, real kipper, Marion wig, Sprucewold, May, Kath, Tom, quoits, on wagon, many departures, Kiwanis outing 1929, Indian Point. ;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 8: (15:00) People boarding 'steam launch.' Fort William Henry, New Harbor. Tennis by the ocean. (21:00) Winter Harbor Ferry. Man and child fishin...
24) 1375.0009 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 9
9. 1929--Kiwanis outing, Tom watering mama['s] garden, Hartegins, Kiwanis, Rufus winning Oct 12th, Tom on phone, Tom, Ned and Dick, Brown-Princeton game, Tom and Robert, Nov 9th...;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 9: (30:00) Tag team foot races. Diving in outdoor pool. Boat house on river. (35:00) Golfers posing. Trotting horses with driver. Trotting races....
11) 1375.0012 [Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 12
12. May Kiwanis outing 1930, Kiwanis, Memorial Day parade ending with flag at sandbox, June Sunday, Kiwanis picnic June 1930.;NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 12: (26:00) Men playing baseball in field. Men with golf clubs in front of club house. Men playing golf. (29:00) Men standing by camp fire near l...
4) 1688.0004 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movies] Reel 4
Notes from can: Discard. No. 2C. '27, '28, '31 & '40. Picnic backwards. 27 group in fur coats down from Win. white building. His girls H & N trying on hats at Win. at Bu...;Dark shot of a girl (Helen) and a toddler, (Nancy) reading. An older man, Helen and Nancy sitting together. Nancy playing. Intertitle: 'Helen was dressing for a party.' Helen in...
7) 1688.0006 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movies] Reel 6
Notes from can: 2B. Semi-good trips, etc. Mixed; Ben Block's horses. Win. '27; Maribel Vincent, World Champion before Sonja Henie, skates at Win. (M.L.'s play.); Picnic at Saqui...;A man training a horse. Intertitle: 'Red Rover, another Ben’s prize horses.' A man leading Red Rover. People skating, including Maribel Vincent. Close up of a woman with skating...
28) 1688.0010 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movies] Reel 10
Notes from can: 4A. House Evolution. Colorado. '27 & '28; Colorado Springs. '31; Bunny, Mary Louise, Allen; Cripple Creek trip; Canon City trip & cloud burst; Ute Pass road cut ...;Handwritten Intertitle: 'Huckins Place. Stable, Look-out tower and house'. Pan of Duxbury property (on purchase?) large house with porch all around, on road with water on other ...
13) 1688.0013 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movies] Reel 13
Notes from can: 7A. N. at 6. M. Vinson's. N. mates.; Win. '27, '31 & Dux. '31.; Helen, Win. porch, 14 yrs.; Helen has breakfast with Nancy, 1 3/4 yrs.; Helen rides with Ruth...;A girl (Helen) sitting by the window. Intertitle: 'Helen and Ruth Wadleigh.' Two girls on horseback. Intertitle: 'Ben Black’s Flamingo”, Blue Ribbon of the Turf.' A man training...
1) 1688.0014 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movies] Reel 14
Notes from can: 8A Wood Relations. 1927-1932; Spring '27. Parker & Leonard. Carpenters; Summer, '27 at Burr House, Dux.; Fall '27 or '28, Barbara Wood; Fall '27, Kay and Joe...;Intertitle: 'Parker and Leonard Wood'. Two men sitting and smoking. Three men pose for the camera. Intertitle: 'The Carpenters.' Two women and a man sitting on the steps. A woma...
26) 1688.0026 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movie transfer with narration]
VHS copy of 17 reels donated with film, stored in vault. // Videotape has narration. // VHS video notes: 1928 - Powder Point house renovations, Duxbury, MA. 1927 - Nancy 1 year ...
8) 1705.0008 [William Henry MacCallum--home movies] Reel 8
1929 edge code on film. // Can label: '1929 MacCallum. Rad(?) Hunt. Raucocos Rose Tree. I.' // Intertitle: 'Rose Tree Races. May 18, 1929.'
9) 1705.0009 [William Henry MacCallum--home movies] Reel 9
1928 & 1929 edge codes on film. // Can label: '1929 MacCallum. 1924 Reunion. Maplewood Chicago (?). #2.' // Intertitles: 'Off to Boston. Decoration Day 1929.' 'Fifth Reunion MIT...
10) 1705.0010 [William Henry MacCallum--home movies] Reel 10
1928 & 1929 edge codes on film. // Can label: '1929 MacCallum. Nova Scotia Trip July 13-29th. #4.' // Intertitles: 'Sailing from New York Aboard S.S. Fort St. George, July 1929....
18) 1705.0011 [William Henry MacCallum--home movies] Reel 11
1928 & 1929 edge codes on film. // Can label: '1929 MacCallum. July - Ford Plane. Cape May 8-9. Chambersburg. Labor Day. #5.' // Intertitles: 'Aero Club Meeting. Central Airport...
7) 1714.0005 [James F. Butler--home movies] Reel 5
Can label: 'Choate, Hockey, Destroyers.' // 1928, 1929, 1933 edge codes on film. // 1929, The Choate School: Pomfret Hockey Game, John Booth, Walter Kelly, Bud Sherwood, Zeke Sp...
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