7 work results

16) 1191.0041 [Legislators at Nokomis]
Legislators answer Nokomis High School students' questions on school subsidies.;Silent footage of students in a large classroom with legislators; a sign Help Save Our Schools; a legislator answers Nokomis High School students' questions on school subsidies ...
12) 1191.0043 [Log Drive Hearing]
Hearing on log drives with slide-show in legislative research room.;Silent footage of a hearing room, slide-show, and participants in a legislative research room; at 30 seconds a presenter can be heard talking about log jams in the river near hi...
3) 1191.0044 [Urban Renewal Projects]
Urban renewal projects proceed in Waterville and Bangor.;Silent footage of large vacant brick buildings undergoing demolition;
14) 1191.0045 [Sproul on Waterways]
Otis Sproul calls for river basin commission to manage waterways; riverbank reporting;;Reporter Gordon Manuel introduces his interview subject, the natural beauty and abundant resource of the state's waterways, while standing on the riverbank; the report then swit...
15) 1191.0051 [Standard Shoe Store Opening]
Standard Shoe Store opens at Union Mall.;Silent footage of the ribbon cutting at Standard Shoe store as it opens at Union Mall; shots of the store interior with customers in the mall as well as in the store.
16) 1191.0053 [Bangor Playgrounds Vandalized]
Vandalism to Bangor playgrounds.;George Manuel stands in a playground to report about recent vandalism of the city's parks and play lots; silent footage of a tour of park vandalism follows, showing destroyed wo...
17) 1191.0054 [Pulp & Paper Open House]
Pulp & Paper Open House speakers declare that the industry will make significant pollution control efforts.;Silent footage of a large dinner gathering; at 20 seconds, a speaker at the Pulp & Paper Open House says to an interviewer that the paper industry has polluted the rivers and ai...
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