87 work results

27) 2706.0203 "Mike Michaud Interview"
"Mike Michaud Interview" 17:51 11/8/2008
29) 2706.0189 "Bold Plan"
"Bold Plan" CRLPT Stevens Reed Curcio and Pothol[m] 10/1/2003
25) 2706.0186 "Petition"
"Petition" CRLPT Stevens Reed Curcio and Pothol[m] 10/21/2003
31) 2706.0185 "Improve Our Schools"
"Improve Our Schools" CRLPT Stevens Reed Curcio and Pothol[m] 10/2/2003
32) 2706.0184 "False"
"False" CRLPT Stevend Reed Curcio and Pothol[m] 10/21/2003
6) 2706.0181 "The Candidates fo"
"The Candidates fo" Student video 2006
33) 2706.0180 "Bill Cohen Student Commercials"
"Bill Cohen Student Commercials" :30 each 2003
33) 2706.0179 "Gov 216"Maine Politics""
"Gov 2016"Maine Politics"" Student ads 2002
33) 2706.0178 "Dick Campbell for Congress-Meese"
"Dick Campbell for Congress-Meese" Student Video 10/2001
10) 2706.0177 "Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine"
"Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine" Team Michael 2002
21) 2706.0176 "Gov 216 "Maine Politics"
"Gov 216 "Maine Politics"" Student ads fall 2003
50) 2706.0175 "2004 Black"
"2004 Black" 43:20:00 1/28/2004
13) 2706.0174 "People," "Seniors-People"
"People," "Seniors-People' Citizens for sensible healthcare Choices Stevens Reed Curcio and Co.; :3 10/15/2001
16) 2706.0171 "Yes on 1"
"Yes on 1" Student video; An Zeigler, Emille 10/20/2005
35) 2706.0170 "Aired spots"
"Aired spots" CRLPT 1 x :60; 7x :30; "1A 1B 1C;" "best 2003
16) 2706.0169 "Question 6-Publ"
"Question 6-Publ" Maine Citizens for Higher Education :30; "All over state" 10/19/2001
17) 2706.0162 "4 spots"
"4 Spots" Union Pacific- Bob Turner :30 each 7/2003
70) 2706.0153 "Our Maine Democratic Heritage"
"Our Maine Democratic Heritage" Maine Democratic Party 17:00 2000
18) 2706.0149 "Radio Compilation Reel"
"Radio Compilation Reel" Stevens Reed Curcio and Pothol[m] 1/23/2004
20) 2706.0146 "Alive and Well' "Verlee and"
"Alive and Well" " Varlee and" Eastern Maine Medical Center Stevens Reed Curcio and Pothol[m] 4/4/2003
21) 2706.0142 "Tough Competition"
"Tough Competition" Maine Pulp & Paper Association Stevens Reed Curcio and Compa[ny] 03/24/2000
22) 2706.0141 "Revised-More Good News"
"Revised-More Good News" Maine Pulp & Paper Association Stevens Reed Cursio and Pothol[m] 4/30/2001
23) 2706.0140 "Burning Money"
"Burning Money" CRLPT Stevens Reed Curcio and Pothol[m] 10/27/2003
47) 2706.0139 "Study"
"Study" Citizens United to Pr Sc Stevens Reed Curcio and Pothol[m] 10/7/2010
25) 2706.0139 "Study"
"Study" Citizens United to Pr Sc Stevens Reed Curcio and Pothol[m] 10/7/2010
46) 2706.0138 "LaJoie"
"LaJoie" Citizens United to Pr Sc Stevens Reed Curcio and Pothol[m] 9/10/2004
27) 2706.0137 "Too Many Flaws"
"Too Many Flaws" Stevens Reed Curcio and Pothol[m] 10/27/2003
28) 2706.0136 "The Flea That Bites the Dog"
"The Flea That Bites the Dog" Jonathan Carter in Maine Politics 15:30 12/2003
29) 2706.0135 "Horrible Idea"
"Horrible Idea" Citizens for Sensible Healthcare Choices Steven Reed Curcio and Compa[ny] 10/9/2001
45) 2706.0129 "Issue Reel 2004"
"Issue Reel 2004" Stevens Reed Curcio and Pothol 2004
31) 2706.0121 "Schneider"
"Schneider" Citizens for Sensible Healthcare Choices Stevens Reed Curcio and Compa[ny] 10/29/2001
44) 2706.0111 "British Bosnie Policy- Intern Tel"
"British Bosnie Policy-Intern Tel" Purdue University Public Affairs V 09/06/2004
55) 2706.0108 McCain 2000 Complilation Reel
"McCain 2000 Complilation Reel" Stevens Reed Curcio and Compa[ny] 01/04/2000
57) 2706.0101 "Dick Campbell for Congress-Meese"
"Dick Campbell for Congress-Meese" October, 2001; "student v. dev" 2001
35) 2706.0099 "Our Maine Democratic Heritage"
"Our Maine Democratic Heritage" Maine Democratic Party Directed by Michael J. Flori, exec 5/2000
36) 2706.0098 "Biggest Threat", "Totten"
""Biggest Threat", "Totten" Maine's Forest Heritage Coalition Stevens Reed Curcio and Compa[ny] 10/07/2000
Next 36