60 work results

24) 1515.0001 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 1
Delaware River. Footage of the river. Several shots of people in canoes, alone and in pairs. A group of rowers taking a break along the side of the river. Footage of a man i...
2) 1515.0002 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 2
Bash Bish Falls State Park in Mt. Washington, MA. Footage of a waterfall. A shot of two men in the surrounding rocks. Footage of a boy climbing up a fallen tree and over some...
99) 1515.0003 [Crillon Mountain footage] Reel 3
Footage of men loading their gear onto a train. Scenes of men on a boat. Shots of the mountain landscape from the water. Footage of men carrying a canoe across a rocky path b...
4) 1515.0004 [Crillon Mountain footage] Reel 4
Footage of three men hiking through the snow interspersed with shots of the surrounding mountains. Several men ski the slopes. A man sets a still camera and then rushes to joi...
5) 1515.0005 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 5
Footage of men and women diving off a higher and lower diving board into a pool of water. Several shots of people playing and swimming in the pool while others sit on the edge....
6) 1515.0006 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 6
Intertitle: “CAMP 2 “THE ELYSIAN FIELDS” ON THE MORAINE OF WEST FORAKER GLACIER.” Shots of snow covered mountain peaks. Men take in the view. One man takes a picture. Inter...
33) 1515.0007 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 7
Footage of people in small sailboats on Honnedaga Lake, NY. Shots of people on the dock along the lakefront. A shot of a sailboat. People on the docks. Two women exit a smal...
34) 1515.0008 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 8
Footage of a riverbank shot from a boat on the river including buildings, several local people washing and swimming in the river, boats passing by and shots of temples. A man s...
8) 1515.0009 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 9
A shot of a crowd of men and a few pack animals near an automobile. A shot of several men rolling a log out of the water with poles. A local man weaves a basket. Footage of l...
10) 1515.0010 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 10
Footage of a riverbank shot from the river including shots of buildings, temples, boats passing by, ferries unloading people on the shore, locals on the bank and in the river wo...
11) 1515.0011 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 11
Footage of a busy street including people walking along, pack animals pulling carts, cows standing in the street, people sitting along the side of the road, two men riding a cam...
12) 1515.0012 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 12
Men and women stand by as men in turbans unload luggage from a cart. Footage of a large, ornate building from several angles both inside and out. Footage of a street including...
13) 1515.0013 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 13
A shot of a village with men around two cars. Footage of men hiking intercut with a shot of a village. A few shots of a village on the side of a mountain and its inhabitants i...
14) 1515.0014 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 14
A few shots of men climbing up the side of a mountain. Footage of men using rope to get themselves and their gear across a raging river. Men hiking and climbing, including a s...
15) 1515.0015 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 15
A few shots of a valley with a man hiking. Footage of men using rope to get themselves and their gear across a raging river. A few shots of men pulling gear up a sheer rock fa...
16) 1515.0016 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 16
Footage of men hiking and climbing. Footage of climbers and porters resting, cooking and setting up a tent at a campsite. Footage of men hiking and climbing, including a shot ...
17) 1515.0017 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 17
Reel 17 contains footage of the American Alpine Club’s 1938 Expedition to K2 with extensive intertitles and a few maps throughout. Intertitle: “The American Alpine Club Expedit...
18) 1515.0018 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 18
A shot of a man. A shot of a man reading. Footage of a man and woman playing in a garden, including playing frisbee, relaxing by a tree with a friend, the woman trying to pull...
19) 1515.0019 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 19
Footage of a man and a woman skiing amidst snow covered trees. Footage of a man and two women having a picnic on the rocks by a lake. A few shots of the garden in front of a l...
20) 1515.0020 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 20
A shot of a man climbing a mountain. A shot of a man breaking down a structure made of sticks. A shot of a mountain. A shot of a man setting up a tent. A few shots of a woma...
24) 1515.0021 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 21
Footage of a large house and its grounds with a few shots of a man and woman posing in front of the house. A few shots of children playing outside on toy trucks and inside on a...
49) 1515.0022 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 22
A shot of a man, a boy and a dog playing on the rocks by the water. Footage of a boy sailing, including a man preparing the boat and woman and another man watching and taking p...
23) 1515.0023 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 23
A few shots taken from a plane of craters on the tops of mountains, including a few with lakes in them. A few shots of women doing laundry in stone basins. A shot of a fountai...
51) 1515.0024 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 24
Intertitle: “The Valley of Nepal 1950” A shot of a map of India and the region directly to the North, including Nepal. A shot of a local village. A few shots of the surroundi...
25) 1515.0025 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 25
Intertitle: “Bodnath and its Lama” A few shots of the Lama of Baudhanāth Stupa and the stupa itself. Intertitle: “Baláji and the Reincarnate Vishnu.” A few shots of a sculptu...
6) 1515.0030 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 30
Reel 30 consists of footage shot in Nepal with intertitles throughout. A shot of a map of Nepal and the surrounding area followed by a few shots of Mt. Everest. Footage of men...
180) 1515.0031 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 31
Footage of Houston family members, including Charles S. Houston, exiting a house and posing for the camera, including a young girl trying to control a large dog and two men play...
28) 1515.0032 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 32
A few shots of people climbing K2. A few shots of men digging ditches in the snow at a campsite. A shot of a porter crossing a rope bridge. A shot of a mountain. Porters res...
29) 1515.0033 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 33
Footage of a campsite, including a man packing a backpack. Footage of men hiking through the snow, including a shot of a climber adjusting the metal spikes on his boot and a ma...
18) 1515.0034 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 34
Footage of snow covered mountains shot from within an aircraft. A shot of a man wearing extreme weather gear exiting a tent and walking through the snow. A shot of a man carry...
124) 1515.0035 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 35
Footage of several men rowing a boat. Footage of a large procession down a hill. The footage for both of the previous scenes is reversed, i.e. people are clearly moving backwa...
4) 1515.0036 K2 The Savage Mountain
K2 The Savage Mountain is a film about a British expedition to K2 led by Chris Bonnington in 1978 which also includes a history of previous expeditions to date. Chris Bonningto...
33) 1515.0037 [Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 37
Two shots of a bookshelf filled with books on mountain climbing. A hand takes down the book Five Miles High and opens it to a picture of K2. A few shots of maps. A few shots ...
3) 1515.0038 K2 The Savage Mountain (Part 1)
K2 The Savage Mountain is a film produced by the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) about the Third American Karakoram Expedition to K2 in 1953, sponsored by the American Alpin...
26) 1515.0039 K2 The Savage Mountain (Part 2)
K2 The Savage Mountain is a film produced by the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) about the Third American Karakoram Expedition to K2 in 1953, sponsored by the American Alpin...
36) 1515.0040 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 40
Two shots of a wooden structure on a bridge. A shot of children writing on paper outside. Footage of a pond with stones set in it forming a pathway across and people crossing ...
Next 36