11 work results

1) 1584.0019 [Estella Doughty--home movies] Reel 19
Box notes: 'Moose';[Most of the reel is very dark] Two women walking in the street in town. A woman (Dee) riding a horse in a field. Dark, out of focus, and long shots of a moose in a field. C...
2) 1584.0020 [Estella Doughty--home movies] Reel 20
Dark, grainy shot of a woman getting into a car and driving away. A horse in a paddock. A horse rolling around in hay. Rabbits in an enclosure. A family gets out of a statio...;Notes from viewing with family (mostly Julia Raven, with some input from Mark and Dee): June’s rabbits – she kept them as pets Farm house that I (Julia) lived in Mark on a bike
5) 1911.0001 Exploring the Heights
This footage was compiled as part of a live presentation with accompanying narration given by Charles S. Houston in 2002. A few still images of mountains. A shot of a newspape...
16) 2313.0048 [Alan Bemis—home movies] Reel 48
"Alan Bemis Commentary on Motormaulers." Alan Bemis comments on all of the Motormauler films as they are shown on screen. See reels 2313.0011, 2313.0012,2313.0013, 2313.0014, ...
19) 2793.0002 [Laura Cannon--home movies] Reel 2
Leader: 1988 L,D,B Gno;Out of focus shot of a girl in a green sweater coming down the hallway (it gets more in focus as she gets to the living room). She walks down the hallway toward the camera and ...
2) 2793.0005 [Laura Cannon--home movies] Reel 5
Box: Cuts Horseneck Leader: LC [Black] Clear;Blurry zoom and pan over a landscape (it gets into focus once the camera is zoomed out). Pan over trees to mountains in the distance. [End of reel]
7) 2807.0001 British Virgin Islands, 1987 [Dan Osgood--home movies] Reel 1
Box: "Lab order: 259023; Customer: video prod; Subject: Osgood Vacation; Type: 7291; Roll Nos. 1-2-3-4-5; FTG: 439" Boxes taped to inside of lid: "Osgood Vacation '87";Long blank section in the middle.
29) 2933.0004 Miss Taunton Pageant
Miss Taunton Pageant October 1987 Taunton High School - Taunton, Mass.
9) 2933.0025 Fashian Show 1987 - New Bedford, Mass.
Fashian Show 1987 - New Bedford, Mass.
1) 2991.0004 Hiram Fire Department 50th Anniversary Program and Parade–1987
2018-005 Hiram Fire Department 50th Anniversary Program and Parade – 1987 Not for Sale Hiram Historical Society
11) 2991.0007 Hiram Historical Society Annual Meeting August 29, 1987
2018-008 Hiram Historical Society Annual Meeting August 29, 1987 H. H. S. Annual Pro-gram and Open House August, 1987. Ray-mond Cotton, Walter Twitchell, & Richard Hamond, S...
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