5 work results

1) 1807.001 [Whitneyville, ME 1909 and Folks, 1992]
Tape consists of video of stills and original amateur video. Note from label: 'Whitneyville, ME, 1909, school, church, mill dam' [stills] and 'Folks, 1992, Blanch Palmer Ret[ire...
31) 1807.001 [Whitneyville, ME, 1909 and Folks, 1992]
Tape consists of video of stills and original amateur video. Note from label: 'Whitneyville, ME, 1909, school, church, mill dam' [stills] and 'Folks, 1992, Blanch Palmer Ret[ire...
10) 1807.002 [Bears, male and female at camp]
Tape consists of original amateur video. Note from label: 'Bear, male and female at camp, shot film'
4) 1807.003 [Whitneyville, ME]
Tape consists of video of stills with narration. Note from label: 'Whitneyville, Maine, 1845 - , Building of RR, mills, rivers (Machias), old photos)
5) 1807.004 [St. Regis Paper Co., 1948-1957]
Tape consists of video of stills with narration. Note from label: 'St. Regis Paper Col, 1948-1957, mills, logging, river driving, camps, Bucksport Mill, pulp wood, etc.'
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