8 work results

1) 0993.0001 Colby College: A Catalog Supplement Film
Promotional footage for Colby College: Colby College: A Catalog Supplement Film (7 min.). Original footage is 320 ft. of 16 mm. film made for prospective students. NHF catloguer...
7) 1058.PC1 Colby College 1936-1937
Promotional footage. Colby College 1936-1937
8) 1058.PC2 Old Campus Film of Professors/Fraternities
Promotional footage. 'Old Campus Film of Professors/Fraternities'
9) 1058.PC3 Mayflower Hill Move: Volunteers Cleaning...
Promotional footage. 'Mayflower Hill Move: Volunteers Cleaning...'
13) 1058.PC7 Dana Hall Dedication Ceremonies
Promotional footage. 'Dana Hall Dedication Ceremonies'
15) 1058.PC9 The Small College
Promotional footage. 'The Small College'
17) 1058.PC10 Scenes from Colby Events
Promotional footage. 'Scenes from Colby Events'
18) 1078.PC1 [The Small College--unedited footage]
Promotional footage. 'The Small College'--unedited footage
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