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4) 2716.1317 Night Shift - Kick Off Show #1
Night Shift X5113 Kick off Show No. 1 Rec. 10-23-92 Air. 10-24-92;Cutter Garcia and Magen Banwart tap on the glass/camera to announce the show. Title: “Nightshift”. André Geck of the Berklee College of Music performs ‘Hot Shout’. Magen intervi...;Credits: Nightshift; with Cutter Garcia, Magen Banwart; Producers: Gloria Harrison, Pamela Picard; Directed by Jam Hakim; Assistant Director: B. Geoffrey Lans; Technical Directo...
3) 2716.1330 Night Shift - Jazz and Comedy Night #18
Night Shift X4069 Jazz and Comedy Night No. 18 Rec. 3/20/92 Air. 3/27/92;Title: “Nightshift 20th Anniversary Season”. Pamela Butchart and Tom Baskett of the Berklee College of Music perform. Heather Cabot introduces the episode. Screening of “The Udd...;Credits: Nightshift: with Heather Cabot; Produced by Anne Helmstadter; “The Udderbudies” by Arthur Borman U.C.L.A.; Directed by Frank Firnschild; Technical Director: Susan Krieg...
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