176 work results

5) 0659 Kenneth Rosen, Poet Tape #1
Portland poet and University of Southern Maine English professor Ken Rosen reads his poetry. Setting is room with small sculpture on platform, painting of trees, edge of table w...
14) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging #6
One-day conference held at Westbrook College regarding the use of the arts to raise self-esteem in the aged including speakers, demonstrations and workshops. Sixth of six tapes.
5) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging #3
One-day conference held at Westbrook College including speakers, demonstrations and workshops related to the use of arts to increase self-esteem in the aged. Third of six 3/4' t...
33) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging #5
One-day conference held at Westbrook College regarding the use of the arts to raise self-esteem in the aged including speakers, workshops and demonstrations. Fifth of six tapes....
5) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging #1
One-day conference held at Westbrook College including speakers, demonstrations and workshops regarding the use of the arts to increase self-esteem in the aged. First of six tapes.
36) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging #2
One-day conference held at Westbrook College including speakers, demonstrations and workshops regarding the use of the arts to increase self-esteem in the aged. Second of six 3/...
7) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging #4
One-day conference held at Westbrook College with speakers, workshops and demonstrations related to the use of arts to increase self-esteem in the aged. Fourth of six 3/4' tapes.
21) 0736 Spirits of the Polar Night
Onsite reference only. // Documentary on Aurora Borealis including scientists, Alaskans, Eskimo art, the borealis.
14) 0853.0036 [Maine Performing Arts]
// Sound out of synch. // Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.;An unidentified woman talks in detail about the upcoming performing arts events in Portland, Waterville, and at the University of Maine in Orono featuring Maine artists who are ...
189) 1000.0017 Test Roll
A propped up sheet of lined paper that reads: ‘STABILIZATION’. A seashell on a sheet of paper: ‘At Edges of frame, of photo.’ A blurry shot of a painting of rocks. (‘Verticle St...;Jane Morrison 1. Statue 2. building tower 3. bleached out stuff Test roll #1 Reel 17 JLB
76) 1000.0020 In the Spirit of Haystack
'A film by Jane Morrison.' Made with funds from the Maine State Commission on the Arts during the filmmakers artist in residency at WCBB 1979 (per credits). Portrait of Haystack...;A man standing in front of the ocean puts a sheet of clay over his face and imprints a design with his fingers. Title card: ‘IN THE SPIRIT OF HAYSTACK, A film by Jane Morrison, ...
6) 1000.0021 Muscongus Pond: A Potters's Place
Potter Connie Romero at work. She talks about relationship between her work and her cabin on the pond. Closeups of potters wheel, hands, pots being created. Fall at pond. Romero...;Shot of a rocky island in a pond. Title: ‘MUSCONGUS POND a potter’s place’. A porch by the pond. Narration over footage of a woman, Connie Romero, at an outdoor potter’s wheel. ...
11) 1000.0022 Children of the Northlights: A portrait of Ingri and Edgar d'Aulaire
Portrait of children's book creators. Authors describe spending five years on Greek myths book. Travel with their children. One of their first books, Ola, about a Norwegian boy,...;Illustrations of trolls and other images. Title Card: ‘CHILDREN OF THE NORTHLIGHTS’. A child reading a picture book. Title: ‘a portrait of INGRI and EDGAR D’AULAIRE’. Ingri and ...
15) 1140.0300 [Fruit Street School Arts and Crafts]
Children engaged in arts and crafts activities at Fruit Street School in Bangor. Part of weekly Friday afternoon series.
16) 1140.0309 [Art Exhibit]
Label on film: 'Art Exhibit.' // People browse artworks on display. Possibly at University of Maine.
8) 1140.0482 [Art Class]
Interior of elementary school art classroom. Art projects on display.
19) 1248.002 [L. Sisson]
Laurence Sisson painting
19) 1315.0003 [Ralph White--home movies] Reel 003
Amateur footage of family and friends' activities. Donor's intertitles in quotes followed by donor's viewing notes. Reel numbers assigned by NHF. Reel 3: 'Summer 1973. Kenny Mel...
24) 1384.0001 Beginning With Maine
Promotional film 'dealing with Maine, its people, geography and environment, and the personal values which emerge from these elements working together.' Running time: 16:35 min....
21) 1567.0016 [Wood Carver John Lankhorst]
Moderate dropout throughout, worsens towards end of tape. // Interview with woodcarver and lobsterman John Lankhorst. Carves wooden sculptures with a knife. Discusses his work, ...
22) 1567.0024 [Sculptor Roger Majorowicz]
Reynolds visits with sculptor Roger Majorowicz in Kings Mills. Majorwics explains his metal sculptures and gives a tour of sculptures outdoors. Includes a Don Quixote sculpture....
29) 1567.0048A [Needlepoint Artist Sally Nicoletti]
On tape with 1567.0048B. // Moderate dropout. // Interview with needlepoint artist Sally Nicoletti, author of book 'Weaving Designs for Needlepoint.' Nicoletti demonstrates the ...
24) 1656.0024 Henry Strater: American Artist
Commercial production. Description from 1988 film catalog: Portrait of the life and works of Henry Strater, prolific realist painter, who has found in Maine the subjects he like...
1) 2138.0003 King Kong in a Blanket
Release print for King Kong in a Blanket. // Scratches throughout, some splices, minor perf damage at head. // No visible soundtrack, though instructions on can read: 'Project a...
2) 2138.0004 King Kong in a Blanket
A-wind release print for King Kong in a Blanket. // Slight scratches on emulsion side throughout, otherwise perfect.
5) 2138.0005 King Kong in a Blanket
A-wind release print for King Kong in a Blanket. // Slight scratches on emulsion side at head, otherwise perfect. This is the best print of this title in the collection.
29) 2716.0726 Jabberwocky - Faces #J23
Jabberwocky; Show #23; Faces; J-123; Rec. date Jan'80; ;Jabberwocky: Faces; video of headshots around the world; theme song; Carl asks the children to name feelings and then opens the Surprise Box. Out pops actors expressing the feel...;In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopka, Peter Jonson, Bob Prosky, Fred Schlipp, Gail Frank, Dave Gosey, Carol Lawrence, Michelle Conners, Jerome Kagan, Marshall Haith, Dewey Ber...
12) 2716.0764 Jabberwocky - Imagination #J42
J - 142 Series Title: Jabberwocky Program Title: "Imagination" No. Show #42 Rec Date 4-80;Imagination: Draw a snorful; dymaxion map of the world; how to build papier-mâché creatures with materials found at home; how to build a story from the start to finish when eac...;Credits: Cast: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky; Executive Producer: Fred Schilpp; Producer: Gail Frank; Director: Dave Gosey; Associate Producer: Michele Con...
30) 2716.0766 Jabberwocky - Make Believe #J43
Jabberwocky J143 Show #43 Make Believe Rec. 4-80;Slate: “Prod Jabberwocky VT# JS 002 Show # 02 Air: TBA Remarks: Make Believe”. Carl and Trina discus food. Carl “turns” Trina into a carrot. Title sequence: “Jabberwocky”. Trina...;Credits: Cast: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky; Executive Producer: Fred Schilpp; Producer: Gail Frank; Director: Dave Gosey; Associate Producer: Michele Con...
35) 2716.1092 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Sperm Whale #1
Captain Bob CB1 Sperm Whale No. 1 Rec. 5/5/85;Slate: “Capt Bob VT# 0981 Show# 1 Air: T.B.A. Rec: 9/21/74 Dir: Gosey”. Title: “The Capt Bob Show”. The first episode of the series. Captain Bob teaches about sperm whales, whal...;Credits: The Capt Bob Show; Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
14) 2716.1093 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Ask Captain Bob #2; #39
Dub Captain Bob CB39 Ask Captain Bob #2 No. 39 Rec. 12/22/84;Title: “The Nature World of Capt Bob”. Captain Bob answers questions from the audience. He teaches about perspective and demonstrates how to draw a covered bridge. He showcases ...;Credits: The Nature World of Capt Bob; Created by Bob Cottle; Produced at WCVB TV Boston;
33) 2716.1094 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Panda #2
CB 2 Captain Bob The Panda No. 2 Rec. Date: 5/19/85 Air Date TBA ok;Title: “The Capt Bob Show”. Captain Bob teaches about pandas and demonstrates how to draw one. Includes a 30 second promo at the end of the episode. ;Credits: Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
2) 2716.1095 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - A Christmas Story
Dub Captain Bob CB XM A Christmas Story Rec. 12/22/84;Slate: “Prod “Christmas Story” VT# 1348 Air: T.B.A Rec: 12/2/76 Dir: Frisbee”. Title: “A Christmas Story with Capt Bob Cottle”. Captain Bob tells a Christmas story about Jasper ...;Credits: A Christmas Story; with Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frisbie; “Not A Whirlybird” by Capt Bob; Musical Direction: Maggi Scott; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston;
3) 2716.1096 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Game Birds #3
Captain Bob - Game Birds No. 3 Rec. 7/27/85;Slate: Captain Bob Show VT# 0369 Show# 3 Air: TBA Rec: 9/22/74 Dir: Gosey Remarks: Game Byrds”. Title: “The Capt Bob Show”. Captain Bob teaches about game birds and demonstrates...;Credits: Credits: Created by Bob Cottle; Directed by Dave Gosey; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston
36) 2716.1097 Nature World of Captain Bob, The - Endangered Species #3
Captain Bob CB 115 Endangered Species (#3) No. 115 Rec. 11/2/85;Slate: “Capt. Bob VT# 134 Show# 115 Air: TBA Rec: 12/23/76 Dir: Frisbie Teaser”. Title: ‘Drawing From Nature”. Captain Bob teaches about endangered species and bald eagles. He d...;Credits: Drawing From Nature with Capt Bob Cottle; Directed by Alex Frisbie; Produced at WCVB-TV Boston;[Same episode as acc. 2716.1098.]
Next 36