12 work results

28) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging, #2
Speaker on implementing an arts and aging program. Ends in mid-sentence.
1) 0659 Kenneth Rosen, Poet Tape #1
Portland poet and University of Southern Maine English professor Ken Rosen reads his poetry. Setting is room with small sculpture on platform, painting of trees, edge of table w...
3) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging #6
One-day conference held at Westbrook College regarding the use of the arts to raise self-esteem in the aged including speakers, demonstrations and workshops. Sixth of six tapes.
18) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging #3
One-day conference held at Westbrook College including speakers, demonstrations and workshops related to the use of arts to increase self-esteem in the aged. Third of six 3/4' t...
5) 0659 [Allie Ryan #6]
Belfast and Camden steamship signs. Interviewers question Allie Ryan about ship's histories. Sea captain's chest and nautical instruments. Nautical paintings: Fall River Line st...
1) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging, #3
Woman concludes her presentation from Symposium on Arts and Aging, tape 2. Question and answer session follows. Grace Ross sings and dances. (See Huey film on Grace de Carlton R...
33) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging #5
One-day conference held at Westbrook College regarding the use of the arts to raise self-esteem in the aged including speakers, workshops and demonstrations. Fifth of six tapes....
36) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging #1
One-day conference held at Westbrook College including speakers, demonstrations and workshops regarding the use of the arts to increase self-esteem in the aged. First of six tapes.
10) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging #2
One-day conference held at Westbrook College including speakers, demonstrations and workshops regarding the use of the arts to increase self-esteem in the aged. Second of six 3/...
33) 0659 Symposium on Arts and Aging #4
One-day conference held at Westbrook College with speakers, workshops and demonstrations related to the use of arts to increase self-esteem in the aged. Fourth of six 3/4' tapes.
Next 36