272 work results

26) 0301 cat. 1000-02-WABI-55 Exeter Raceway
Typical day at the Exeter Raceway including shots of several automobile races and crowd. Unedited.
1) 0306 cat. 0004-02-WABI-57 Governor Edmund S. Muskie Inauguration
Augusta: Edmund Muskie's inaugural speech as governor of Maine includes Maine's natural resources, the farm economies, fish and game, forests and clean water, fair labor laws, a...;Augusta: Edmund Muskie's inaugural speech, delivered before a full legislative house, as governor of Maine; he includes a list of the initiatives he intends to present to the le...
9) 0307 cat. 0005-05-WABI John F. Kennedy in Bangor
Bangor: JFK's plane lands at Bangor airport (Dow Field) and he deplanes. Shots of JFK riding with three other men in a convertible in Bangor streets. Crowd cheers.
8) 0309 cat.0007-08-WABI-58 Freeses Department Store, Bangor
Bangor : Long static night shots of Freeses Department Store lit up for Christmas. Also, some shots of the crowds on the streets and a look through the front windows of the stor...
2) 0309 cat. 0008-01-WABI-58 Moose
Several shots of a moose from LS, MS and CU. Moose has antlers. Near fence, people look at it. Cars in background. Ref. 300.
7) 0310 cat.1002-18-WABI-59 Local Weather
Bangor: Heavy snowfall has stopped traffic.
34) 0312 cat. 1003-03-WABI-59 Hermon Accident
Hermon: Accident scene including car with front end smashed in.
1) 0312 cat. 1003-06-WABI-59 Hi-Value Groundbreaking
Groundbreaking of used car dealership including hand shaking, and shovelfuls of earth. Appears to be sponsored by International Harvester.
5) 0312 cat. 1003-10-WABI-59 Trailer Caravan
Bangor: Trailers pulled by cars proceeds through downtown Bangor in front of old Sears building and turning onto Central Street.
20) 0313 cat. 0009-06-WABI Pepper Farm Fire
Pepper Farm fire. Shots of crowds, buildings on fire, fire fighters watching.
19) 0314 cat.1004-01-WABI-59 Hunter's Breakfast
Old Town: Rotary Club outdoor breakfast event including people standing in food line, CU food, men serving, big pots on brick fires, people standing next to fire, women dancing,...
28) 0315 cat.0010-05-WABI Car Accident
Car accident. Shots include several angles of damaged car, and road and traffic from point of view of driver.
14) 0316 cat.0010-09-WABI-59 Storm Scenes
Bangor: Heavy snowfall and its impact. Scenes include vehicles having difficulty from slippery road conditions, snowdrifts, and a 'Merry Christmas' sign.
14) 0316 cat.0010-11-WABI-60 Libby Motor Renault
Commercial for Libby Motors for the new Renault. No visible image. Announcer states advantages of buying a Renault.
15) 0318 cat.0013-01-WABI-57 Dr. C. Emery Search
WABI interviews of police. Shots of interviews, spectators, traffic.
32) 0318 cat.0013-02-WABI Car Accident
Car accident. Shots of car and crowd.
14) 0319 cat.0014-03-WABI-59 Hurricane Donna
People preparing for Hurricane Donna and coping with aftermath. People preparing by tying things down, later cutting fallen branches. Shots of waves crashing on shore, trees fal...
35) 0322 cat.0016-05-WABI-60 Frost Farm Fire
Frost Farm on fire. Farm burning, fire fighters with hose, car on fire.
26) 0322 cat.0016-06-WABI-60 Farm and Home Week at UM
Students and faculty at Farm and Home Week presentation. Students walking in front of Student Union, students and faculty listening to speaker.
29) 0322 cat.0016-09-WABI-60 Interstate Highway Augusta
Augusta: Opening of Interstate Highway connecting to I-95 in Augusta. Ribbon-cutting, crowd, marching band, cars entering highway.
25) 0322 cat.1007-09-WABI-60 Farm and Home Week at Univ. of Maine
Live broadcast including UM sign, a WABI interview, people seated and listening, baby animal playing.
18) 0322 cat.1007-11-WABI-60 Flood Pictures at Hudson
Flooded river including cars trying to cross road, water rushing over road past trees and houses.
18) 0323 cat. 0017-13-WABI-60 Accident at State Street
Bangor : Minor accident. Shots of cars and damage.
20) 0324 cat. 0016-10-WABI-60 Republican State Convention
Bangor: Republican State Convention at Bangor Auditorium. Reed giving speech, onstage with his wife, with family in car. Also crowds, representatives marching with signs, audito...
24) 0324 cat. 0017-04-WABI-60 Highway Safety at Augusta
Highway safety meeting at Capitol in Augusta. Closeup of dome, shots of people at meeting, Governor Reed.
26) 0324 cat. 0017-05-WABI-60 Chevron Meeting
Chevron dealer receives plaque in recognition of merit. Three men are presenters.
58) 0324 cat. 0017-07-WABI-60 Accident
Car and bus collision at Hudson intersection. Shots of damaged vehicles, accident scene.
32) 0324 cat. 1008-05-WABI-60 Highway Safety Message
Memorial Day message including Iwo Jima statue, family packing for picnic and driving in convertible.
21) 0326 cat. 1007-05-WABI-60 Snow Scenes
Bangor: Snowstorm with cars buried or trying to move, people walking down sidewalk.
31) 0328 cat. 0018-22-WABI-61 Jim Adams Volkswagen
Shots of the building, sign, cars, a mechanic.
33) 0328 cat. 0019-03-WABI-60 Knight Auto
A woman gives a man a set of keys and shakes his hand. He gets into a car and starts it up.
3) 0328 cat. 0019-05-WABI-60 The Mart Santa
Santa arrives at the Mart in a convertible, and waves to kids and cameras. He enters the Mart, makes his way through the crowds, seats himself, and takes kids on his lap. Also s...
25) 0332 cat. 0020-07-WABI-60 Libby Motors (Renault)
Libby Motors Renault spot. Shots of Renault driving and of two men opening the trunk.
29) 0334 cat. 0024-06-WABI-60 Community Oil
Chevron commercial featuring their products such as Comoco Antifreeze and RPM Motor Oil. Shots of attendant pumping gas for customer at Chevron station and station sign.
33) 0334 cat. 0024-10-WABI-61 Hugh Davis Barn Fire
Fire burning at Hugh Davis barn.
4) 0334 cat. 1009-09-WABI-60 Community Oil
Chevron ad including products such as Comoco Anti-Freeze and RPM Motor Oil. Man pulling his vehicle into Chevron station, being helped by attendant and serviced with products, C...
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