4 work results

6) 0836.0011 [Cutter Blade Rotation]
Box captions: 'Dec 15 1965. Cutter Room Burgess--R Marquis, Bob Stracton--showing rotation of cutter blade. 64 t.p.s. Speeds of 350. Speeds of 440. Speeds of 150. See ex notes o...
5) 0836.0010 [Wildlife Birds]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Wild Life Birds (surplus film 1963).' // Box captions: 'Wildlife--Birds--surplus film taken on river Sept 1963--original film. B.' // Scenery, marshes...
9) 0836.0009 [unidentified woods film--outtakes]
Box captions: 'Aug 7th, 1962. 'A.' Copy. Br. Co. hen[?] woods film. Parts taken from film and new material added (not used). This dupe copy is same as in 400' can. List of scene...
7) 0836.0008 [unidentified--home movies]
Box captions: 'Exactly 98'36 ft. 16 f.p.s. Mirage in E. Colorado--June 1960. Fircrackers on 4th of July. House at Paul Hill. Downey playing with Ma's foot. The view from Acton H...
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