7 work results

34) 0836.0101 [Berlin Foundry, 1954]
Donor's title: 'Berlin Foundry, 1954.' // Can note: Berlin Foundry surplus film Oct '63. // Transferred at 15 fps. // 1961 date code on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 69.'
3) 0836.0100 [Portable Chopper]
Donor's title: 'Portable Chopper, 1954 (original).' // Can note: Original film. Portable Chopper. Made Jan 15, 1954. Woods End Dept. for Carthage Mach. Co. One copy made for Car...
26) 0836.0063 [The Forest and the Woodsman--outtakes]
Donor's notes: 'The Forest and the Woodsman (footage).' Work copy of complete film made up for N.Y. office (spring 1950) but never used. Parts of some original film used for Woo...
27) 0836.0061 [unidentified]
Item unidentified. // 1956 edge code on film, but print-through 1957 edge code. // A-wind. // Kodachrome C film stock. // Formerly: 'Reel 82.'
21) 0836.0007 [Moose Hunting Trip]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'Moose Hunting Trip, Oct 1954.' // Box captions: 'Not too interesting. Oct 1954. Hunting movie trip. Part not used by Bill De Roin.' // Footage of Brow...
3) 0836.0006 [It's Not the Axe, It's Joe--rough cut]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'First version (no title) of Old Town, Maine, showing of 'It's Not the Axe, It's Joe.'' // Box captions: 'First version (no titles) we took to Old Town...
20) 0836.0005 [The Forest and The Woodsman--outtakes]
Donor's titles in quotes: 'The Forest and the Woodsman (footage).' // Box captions: 'Oct 1953. Traveling truck etc. Long log at Dumner[?] yard. ...for introduction material for ...
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