25 work results

10) 1383.0003 [Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 003
Box/can notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. Reel 3: Fort Popham--Marthe and Nellie. French trawler launching. Hyde home. Ricky as a baby. Dad Page. Charlotte at Des...
2) 1515.0002 [Oscar R. Houston—home movies] Reel 2
Bash Bish Falls State Park in Mt. Washington, MA. Footage of a waterfall. A shot of two men in the surrounding rocks. Footage of a boy climbing up a fallen tree and over some...
3) 1612.0026 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 26
Footage of a parade of boy scouts, including a few groups of marching soldiers and marching bands. Footage of workers at the Civilian Conservation Corps camp in Bridgton, ME, c...;Notes on can: “Accent on Youth” “Camporee at Norway - ris [sic] 1940 CCC Camp Boys Climb Schools Education Week”
23) 1612.0028 [Chute Homestead—home movies] Reel 28
Footage of a woman exploring houses and other structures in a wooded area, including the woman taking pictures of a house damaged by fire and a boy scout holding flowers. A few...;Notes on can: “Naples - early shots - ice cutting wall - etc. 16” “Moose Pond - Parade Bridgton - Rope Tow - Plane no ice cutting”
1) 1682.0001 Home in Lansdowne, PA, and New York visit--Robert Hoadley Whipple--home movies. Reel 1
Black-and-white home movie including scenes of the Whipple family at home in Lansdowne, PA, their dog, Jack, and a trip to New York.;On can: "House, Jack, New York";Whipple home on Congress Avenue, Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. Views of car parked on street and of the house and yard from different angles. The family dog, Jack, is seen on the s...
6) 1868 Souvenir of North Conway
Film appears to be short excerpts from a March of Time newsreel and a Fox newsreel, with footage of winter scenes and winter sports in North Conway, NH. Titles are as follows: '...
15) 2114.0016 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 16, Accession 2114
Footage of men fly fishing, including netting fish, showing off their catch and walking through the woods. A few shots of people looking out over a lake from a house on the sho...
21) 2114.0025 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 25, Accession 2114
Reel 25 is a film sponsored by the Maine Development Commission about the various recreation activities available to vacationers in Maine with intertitles throughout. The film ...
12) 2114.0034 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 34, Accession 2114
Footage of twins of all ages, including Governor Horace A. Hildreth and his twin brother, interacting and posing for cameramen. All twins are wearing yellow ribbons. The foota...
36) 2114.0035 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 35, Accession 2114
Footage of a small town, including street corners and various buildings. A few shots of a lake with mountains in the distance. A few shots of deserted roads with mountains in ...
11) 2114.0051 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 51, Accession 2114
Two shots of the sun through the clouds. Footage of people at a hotel along the beach, including a group of older women on the beach. A few shots of streets. Footage of priva...
9) 2114.0063 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 63, Accession 2114
Intertitles: “Maine The Land Of Remembered Vacations” “Official State Picture, Maine Development Commission, State House, Augusta, Maine.” Reel 63 is a promotional film about f...
7) 2114.0067 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 67, Accession 2114
Intertitles: “Maine, The Land of Remembered Vacations” “Official State Picture, Maine Development Commission State House, Augusta, Maine” Reel 67 is a promotional film about fl...
14) 2114.0068 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 68, Accession 2114
Intertitles: “Maine, The Land of Remembered Vacations” “Official State Picture, Maine Development Commission, State House, Augusta, Maine” Reel 68 is a promotional film about f...
11) 2114.0070 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 70, Accession 2114
Intertitles: “Maine The Land Of Remembered Vacations” “Official State Picture Maine Development Commission State House, Augusta, Maine” Reel 70 is a promotional film about hunt...
12) 2114.0071 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 71, Accession 2114
Intertitles: “Maine, the Land of Remembered Vacations” “Official State Picture Maine Development Commission State House Augusta, Maine.” ““And first I will tell you that the ver...
7) 2114.0074 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 74, Accession 2114
Intertitles: “Maine, The Land of Remembered Vacations” “Official State Picture, Maine Development Commission, State House, Augusta, Maine.” Reel 74 is a promotional film about ...
9) 2114.0078 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 78, Accession 2114
Intertitles: “Maine The Land of Remembered Vacations” “Official State Picture, Maine Development Commission, State House, Augusta, Maine” Reel 78 is a promotional film about Ma...
9) 2114.0080 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 80, Accession 2114
Title; ‘Maine the Land of Remembered Vacations’, ‘Official State Picture Maine Development commission State House Augusta, Maine’, ‘One of the loveliest spots in Maine is Middle...;Donor Notes: “Fold-Boats/ Middle Dam”
4) 2463.0004 A family outing and Christmas, 1937; scenes from 1939--Cyrus Pinkham--home movies. Reel 4
Compiled reel of home movies including an August 1937 trip by the Pinkhams and Stewarts to New York's Belmont Lake State Park; Christmas 1937; and various family scenes from thr...;Title: "A Family Outing/Aug. 1937" Title: "Cast/THE PINKHAMS/and/THE STEWARTS" Family packs up the car with picnic baskets and blankets, arrives to meet Peggy, then Charles, p...
11) 2491.0008 [Clayton P. Hodgkin--home movies] Reel 8, Accession 2491
The view of Mount Washington from the Hodgkin household, including at sunset. Keith Hodgkin wearing a beanie hat with two propellers. A bulldozer clearing trees on the Hodgkin...
5) 2491.0009 [Clayton P. Hodgkin--home movies] Reel 9, Accession 2491
Brian and Douglas Hodgkin riding bicycles and Keith Hodgkin riding a tricycle. A boy running with a puppy. A boy dragging a toy. People standing near a house. The Hodgkin fa...
23) 2525.0005 [Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 5, Accession 2525
Can note: “No 26 – News 1941” Reel note: “Events About Town ’44 + ‘45” Boys ski. Tall grass pokes up through snow. Appears to be a back yard or field near homes. Several boy...
24) 2525.0006 [Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 6, Accession 2525
Reel notes: “Events About Town -46 -47 48 ’49” Can note: “27” Wedding footage. Flower girl and then the rest of the bridesmaids coming down the aisle. Various shots of the w...
30) 2526.0002 [Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 2, Accession 2526
Can notes: “’Family Affairs’; Bill + Pete in Scout Uniforms; Marion + Peter Fly To New York; Edith Taylor Gets Married; Kids Halloween Party in Basement; Marion has a Birthday; ...
Next 36