189 work results

41) 0036.0001 A Very Delicate Balance
A documentary film on the environment and its air quality. Sponsor, Maine Department of Environmental Protection. Shows people and scenics.
42) 0037.0001 A Very Delicate Balance
For D.E.P.; logo and pollution footage.
43) 0037.PC2 A Very Delicate Balance
No description available
14) 0046.0001 A Very Delicate Balance
For D.E.P., bad air.
13) 0046.PC2 A Very Delicate Balance
For D.E.P.
55) 0047.0001 A Very Delicate Balance
For E.P.A. LC list 1991, Air quality management--Maine. not in LC collection.
11) 0093.PC1 A Very Delicate Balance
No description available
16) 0121.PC5-.PC6 A Very Delicate Balance
No description available
13) 0130.PC3 A Very Delicate Balance
for E.P.A.
16) 0227.0006 River Run
Forest management, the Machias River watershed and the log drive. // Logs travel down Machias River to Whitneyville where a large saw-mill owned by Lester Crane was operating.
5) 0241.0001 Our White Pine Heritage
Very splicey and moderate perf damage at head. // History of white pines and how they are used in construction, papermaking, etc.
17) 0306 cat. 0004-02-WABI-57 Governor Edmund S. Muskie Inauguration
Augusta: Edmund Muskie's inaugural speech as governor of Maine includes Maine's natural resources, the farm economies, fish and game, forests and clean water, fair labor laws, a...;Augusta: Edmund Muskie's inaugural speech, delivered before a full legislative house, as governor of Maine; he includes a list of the initiatives he intends to present to the le...
29) 0316 cat.0011-01-WABI-60 Forestry Service Olamon
State Forest Nursery: Young trees are moved to other planting ground. Scenes include removal, bundling and transportation of trees. Also Smoky the Bear talking, a stump costume,...
25) 0337 cat. 0023-04-WABI-61 101 B Crash
Recovery of crashed 101 Bomber. Shots of search party, crash site, forest, wreckage.
5) 0353 cat. 1020-20-WABI-62 Fire Tower on Bald Mountain
Shots of fire tower including man climbing up it and looking at view through binoculars, pans of the countryside, Maine Forest Service Fire Control man talking on his car radio,...
16) 0364 cat. 0051-08-WABI-62 Fire Tower on Bald Mountain
Man climbs steps of Fire Tower on Bald Mountain and looks at view. Shots include MS profile of him looking through binoculars, pans of landscape, MS and CU of Maine Forest Servi...
20) 0449 cat. 1054-04-WABI-67 Orono Cleanup Drive
Orono: Men clean up dead branches and garbage, which bucket loader hauls away.
34) 0450 cat. 1057-22-WABI-67 Maine Central Railroad Hauls Off Junk Cars
Train leaves Maine to take junked cars to Massachussetts.
2) 0452 cat. 1060-02-WABI-67 Forestry Building Construction Report #1
Construction of foundation. Shots of parts of work site, workers. Overhead shots from near-by building.
15) 0453 cat. 1061-21-WABI-67 End Rack Pulp Wood Cars at Bangor & Aroostook Railroad
WABI Reporter (Gordon?) with Mr. Swill of the B & A talking about the new pulp wood cars: their loading, cost ($17,000/each), uses, and railroad's future. Discuss route of the B...
14) 0453 cat. 1062-08-WABI-67 Public Works Department Tree Care
Man in tree cutting limbs. Man cutting limb on ground. Bangor City truck. Man cutting limb. Man untying rope. Dutch Elm disease sign on tree. Man cutting limb. Sign on tree agai...
27) 0659 Salt Marshes (Program 5)
No description available
21) 0659 Whales (Program 3)
No description available
29) 0659 Gulls and Terns (Program 4)
No description available
21) 0659 Eagles (Program 6)
13 April 1978
131) 0659 Winter Bird Feeding (Program 1)
No description available
6) 0659 Learning About Winter (Program 2)
No description available
20) 0667.0001 Put 'er There: A Directional Felling Program
Safety techniques for loggers including notching and felling rules.
29) 0668 [Compilation Maine State Museum Logging Films]
2 tapes: compilation of logging films. Cassette label says locations include Greenville and Allagash. Label lists names Nick Cunliffe, Allagash 1920s (1937), Pete Sawyer, and E....
24) 0695.0001 Winter Sports in the White Mountain National Forest
Recreational sports including skiing, sledding and snowshoeing in New Hampshire. Opens with map of New England including Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, ...
1) 0791.0001 Preservation of the Maine Environment
Narrated by Gary Merrill, shows the Environmental Protection Agency cleaning up Maine rivers and streams. Discusses the importance of screening new industries coming into Maine.
5) 0791.PC6 Our Magic Land
Relationship between soil and other resources of forests, wildlife and water. Story told to a group of young people.
23) 0791.PC9 Eternal Forest
No description available
32) 0791.PC10 Fence in the Water
21) 0813.0436 S.D. Warren Company
News story dated 08-14-68. Paper company's disposal of pulp waste.;Silent footage of open landscape; two men, one in a hard hat and dark suit, the other in a white shirt and khaki pants walk together through a field; shots of the churning facto...
16) 0813.0483 [View of Forest from Plane]
News story dated 10-26-68.
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