3 work results

1) 1509.0004 'An Ellsworth American: Tape of Angus King interviewing James Russell Wiggins. Aired on Maine Public Broadcasting Network July 28, 1992'; NHF Tape 004
Videotape copy of program directly related to James Russell Wiggins, his publishing career, and/or his family. NHF Tape 4.;Angus King interviewed James Russell Wiggins at Wiggins' Brooklin home and office in 1991 for Maine Public Television. The interview is divided into four parts with brief introd...
2) 1509.0016 NHF Tape 016
Videotape copy of program indirectly related to James Russell Wiggins' career or of general regional/historical interest. Title as follows (tape numbers are NHF-assigned). NHF T...
3) 1509.0017 NHF Tape 017
Videotape copy of program indirectly related to James Russell Wiggins' career or of general regional/historical interest. Title as follows (tape numbers are NHF-assigned). NHF T...
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