307 work results

1) 0881 On the Road
Includes NHF archival footage of horses in the woods. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.
10) 0889.0001 Welcome to the Maine Grange
Dated May 1, 1992. 'Greetings from the Grange.' Maine grange history, with exteriors of numerous grange buildings, also interiors and performance of grange games, comic readings...
59) 2290.0039 [Middlesex Court]
Label: 'Middlesex Court 3/31/92. 72691-973.'
4) 2639.0012 Return of the Tall Ships 1
9-10am Aircheck
5) 2639.0013 Return of the Tall Ships 2
10-11am Aircheck
6) 2639.0014 Return of the Tall Ships 3
11-noon Aircheck
7) 2639.0015 Return of the Tall Ships 4
4) 2639.0016 Return of the Tall Ships 5
9) 2639.0017 Return of the Tall Ships
“Return of the Tall Ships, 11 July 1992” 2-3pm
10) 2639.0018 Return of the Tall Ships
6:30-8pm Aircheck
11) 2639.0019 Return of the Tall Ships
“Return of the Tall Ships, 11 July 1992”
12) 2639.0020 Sail Boston 1992
Sail Boston 1992 - Truck Mix (Clean), 2:30-3:30pm
12) 2716.0005 [Cityline: Rodney King Verdict Aftermath]
Special Live edition of "Cityline" to discuss the not guilty verdict for the police officers in the beating of Rodney King. Roundtable guests include Ozell Hudson (executive di...
14) 2716.0024 Aqui - Human Rights #101
Slate: “VTR: X972 Rec: 1/18/92 Air: 1/26/92 Dir: Kidd”. Title: “Aquí”. Jose Masso and Mayra Rodriguez Howard host an episode discussing human rights and the 1991 Reebok Human Ri...;Credits: Produced by Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Jam Hakim, J. Isaac Laughinghouse; Technical Directors:...
15) 2716.0025 Aqui Infant and Women's Health
Aqui X4961 Health + Fitness No. 102 Rec. 1/25/92 Air. 2/2/92;Aqui; Family Works: Health & Fitness; Mayra Rodriquez Howard introduces the special program on infant health, and guest Carmen Rivera; Rivera discusses the programs that support...;In the studio Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Frank Firnschild, J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, George Nahas, Gre...
32) 2716.0026 [Aqui - AIDS & Tito Puente #103]
AIDS Action Committee; Mambo King performances and interview Black screen and count down between segments; black screen for 13:15 at the end of the tape. ;Aqui - AIDS; Tito Puente; #103; X5038; 4476; Rec date; 2-1-92; Air date: 2-9-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Frank Firnschild, J. Isaac Laughinghouse; Technical D...
17) 2716.0027 [Aqui - Drug Conference #104]
X5516; WCVB code 45; Aqui; Drug Conference; Rain forest; No. 104; Red. date: 2-18-92; Air Date: 2-16-92;#104 Drug Conference to educate North Americans about the many uses of coca plants; Interview with Cuban artist Marcos Carvajal and his expression of Latin American art; Tropica...;Credits: Produced By: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed By: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Director: Frank Firnschild, J. Isaac Laughinghouse; Technical Di...
18) 2716.0028 [Aqui - The Winter Blues #105]
Master/ Dub; 3716; X3745; Aqui; Winter Blues; No. 105; Rec. Date 2-15-92; Air Date: 2-23-92;Aqui; The Winter Blues; some Spanish audio with English subtitles; on-the-street interviews about what people do in order to escape the winter weather; travel professionals talk...;In the studio Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Frank Firnschild, J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, George Nahas, Gre...
17) 2716.0029 Aqui - [El] Salvador / Bilingual Education
Donaldo Macedo is interviewed about bilingual education; Cuban artist Marcos Carvajal is interviewed and his work is discussed; El Salvador's civil conflict is discussed in ligh...;X4577; WCVB code 3; Aqui; El Salvador/Bilingual Education; Rec date: 2-22-92; Air date: 3-1-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Jim Lowell; Technical Directo...
34) 2716.0030 [Aqui - Voter Registation #107]
Dub; 3777; X1150; Aqui; Voter Registration; No. 107; Rec. Date: 2-29-92; Air date: 3-8-92;Voter registration of Hispanics is an election concern for both local and national leadership; "Atrevete" is one group trying to help with registration efforts; Eight-year-old J...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Jim Lowell; Switcher: Karen L...
21) 2716.0031 [Aqui - Boston Ballet & E.J. Olmos #108]
Aqui - Boston Ballet; E.J. Olmos #108; Rec. date: 3-14-92; Air date: 3-15-92; X1144;Boston Ballet's history and interest to Latina ballerinas; Edward James Olmos is interviewed about his film "American Me" and experiences as a Mexican-American; the Cultural Bul...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Frank Firnschild, Jim Lowell; “American Me” Courtesy ...
18) 2716.0032 [Aqui - El Salvador & United Women #109]
Photograph exhibit "El Salvador: In the Eye of the Beholder"; Interview with Mariwilde Padilla on education programs for Latina women without high school diplomas; new managed c...;Aqui - El Salvador; United Women; #109; X1130; Rec. date: 3-7-92; Air date: 3-22-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Jim Lowell, Jam Hakim; Technical Directors: Bayard Pe...
23) 2716.0033 [Aqui - Cardinal #110]
Master; Aqui - #110; Cardinal; Red Cross; Mambo; Red. Date: 3-21-92; Air Date: 3-29-92; X1208; WCVB code 34;Slate: “AQUI Rec 3/2/92 Air 3/29/92 Show 110 VTR X1208 Dir: Kidd”. Title: “Aquí”. Mayra Rodriguez Howard hosts. The Centro del Cardenal celebrates 35 years at with a dinner at t...;Credits: Produced by Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Director: Frank Firnschild, Jim Lowell; Technical Directors: Bayar...
24) 2716.0034 [Aqui - Firehouse Arts Center & Tax Credits #111]
X4402;Aqui; Mayra Rodriquez Howard interviews Esther Kaplan about the Jamaica Plain Multicultural Firehouse Arts Center activities for youngsters; Rosalba Solis leads dance programs ...;In the studio Maria Luisa Monserrate, Donna Hennessey, Dick Puttkamer, Jam Hakim, Brian Pellicano, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, Joe Soucar, Gretchen Soehner, Al Giglio, S...
35) 2716.0035 [Aqui - Homeless Shelters #112]
Aqui - Homeless #112; X5913; Rec. Date: 8-4-92; Air date: 4-12-92;St. Andrews Homeless Shelters; Chelsea's Hispanic Center focuses on helping to find jobs for residents; attention on Nicaragua; almost 10 minutes of black screen.;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Phil Rubin; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Frank Firnschild; Technical Director...
26) 2716.0036 [Aqui - Spring Flowers; Police; UNICEF #113]
Aqui - #113 Spring Flowers; Police; UNICEF; X4621; WCVB code 4; Red date: 4-18-92; Air date: 4-26-92;Aqui: spring flowers, Latino Peace Officers Association, and UNICEF; Spanish audio with English subtitles Jose Masso and Mayra Rodriquez Howard host a segment about the New Engl...;In the studio John R. Green, Maria Luisa Monserrate, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Mary Driscoll, Joe Soucar, Gretchen Soehner, M...
27) 2716.0037 [Aqui - Hispanic Jews & Theatre #114]
Aqui - #114 Hispanic Jews; Theatre; X3778; WCVB code 14; Rec date: 4-25-92; Air date: 5-3-92;Aqui; Chelsea Theater; Spanish audio with English subtitles; Mayra Rodriquez-Howard introduces the Dreams and Plans program; Robert Meek talks about why the program is important...;In the studio John R. Green, Maria Luisa Monserrate, Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd, Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, Dave Gardiner, Gretchen Soehner...
1) 2716.0038 Aqui - Mothers Day #115
Mothers Day look at nature and scenes of motherhood around the city; Children are interviewed about their feelings toward their mothers; Berklee College of Music is the subject ...;Aqui - Mothers Day #115; X5910; Rec. date: 5-2-92; Air date: 5-10-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Jim Lowell, Jam Hakim; Technical Directors: Bayard Pe...
22) 2716.0039 [Aqui - Columbus Quincentenary #116]
Expo ’92 held in Seville, Spain (500th anniversary of Columbus crossing the Atlantic); Tall Ships celebration in Boston; Native art exhibit at Tufts, Tisch Center. ;Aqui - Columbus Quincentenary; X5914; No 116; Rec date: 5-19-92; Air date: 5-17-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim; Technical Directors: Baya...
30) 2716.0040 Aqui - Texas Rangers #117
Texas Rangers #117;Texas Rangers baseball players, coaches and trainers who are Hispanic are interviewed about their interests and contributions to U. S. social culture. (additional air date: 8/23...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim; Technical Directors: Bayar...
10) 2716.0041 [Aqui - Caribbean Nights #118]
Aqui - #118 Caribbean Nights; X5470; WCVB code 46; Rec date: 5-30-92; Air date: 6-7-92;;#118 Caribbean Nights; A visit to the Firehouse Multicultural Center and an interview with the band Cosmos Factory; Ad Op Program; Recipes for summer-time foods like ice-based d...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim; Technical Directors: Baya...
15) 2716.0042 Aqui - Pre-Natal Care #119
X5911; WCVB code 41; Aqui; Pre-Natal Care No 119; Rec Date 6-6-92; Aire Date: 6-14-92.;Pre-Natal Care; "Project Life" in Mission Hill attends to new mothers through the first year of the baby's life for both mother and father; Jamacia Plain's Brookside Community C...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim; Stage Managers: Al Giglio...
33) 2716.0043 [Aqui - Summer Camp #120]
Aqui #120;Elizabeth Ortiz is interviewed about programs to help young people in many cultures discuss family issues like violence prevention and establish peer support; summer camps like ...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim; Stage Managers: Al Giglio...
34) 2716.0044 [Aqui - Fashion Show #121]
Aqui - Fashion Show #121; X1962; Rec Date: 6-20-92; Air Date: 6-28-92;Aqui: Fashion; Spanish audio with English subtitles; Jose Masso and Mayra Rodrigues Howard host a summer fashion show and report on the music of Manny Oquendo's Conjunto Libre; ...;In the studio Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green, Donna Hennessey, Brian Pellicano, Jam Hakim, Al Giglio, Scott Philbrick, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger, Dave Gardiner, ...
25) 2716.0045 [Aqui - Hispanic Vote & Bonita Bandera #118]
Aqui - #122 Hispanic Vote; Bonita Bendera; X5510; WCVB code 44; Rec. Date: 6-27-92; Air Date: 7-5-92;The importance of voting and the need to register is discussed by guests Jaime Rodriguez and Nelson Merced; The Puerto Rican Festival at the Jorge Hernandez Cultural Center and ...;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey-Smith, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Frank Firnschild; Stage Manage...
31) 2716.0046 Aqui - Robertson #124
Jamaica Pond in Jamaica Plain is featured as a stay-cation alternative for city dwellers; [sound from an advertisement(?) during the black screen between segments]; Piedad Rober...;Aqui - Robertson #124; X4969; WCVB code 39; Rec Date: 7-18-92; Air date: 7-26-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey-Smith, Dick Puttkamer; Assistant Directors: Frank Firnschild, Jam Hakim; Stage Managers...
Next 36