22 work results

1) 2167.0001 Pack artillery--King Family--home movies. Reel 1
On can: "Jumping OSC #4 Pack Artillery M.H.C. Etc.";Men and mules carrying munitions: howitzers, field artillery. b&w man with mule, mule has two wheels on its back. Mule carries munition piece on its back. Soldiers with animal...;Compiled black-and-white home movies of mule pack artillery exercises, equestrian events, and other scenes of horses and riders.
14) 2167.0005 Bailey Island Tuna Club--King Family--home movies. Reel 5
Label on can: 'Ft. Robinson Jumping.' // Film has severe twist throughout, numerous bad splices need repair. [Note 22 Jan 2012, this can label is not correct];b&w, Bailey Island, Maine. Girl on rock, woman with small child behind. Ocean waves break on rocks. Older man, young mother, two children (girl and boy). Grandmother in flowered...
3) 2167.0006 Fort Sill horses--King Family--home movies. Reel 6
On can: "Ft. Sill Scenes. 1940 Spring Hunter Trials. Color.";b&w, men lifting an artillery shell with a winch. Cannon points into sky. They fire the shell. Cannon framed very low, lots of sky. Various views of cannon firing. Explosions...;Compiled black-and-white home movies from Fort Sill, Oklahoma, including scenes of military exercises, horse trials, hunting, and other sporting and social events.
7) 2167.0007 Wedding--King Family--home movies. Reel 7
On can: "Wedding (Quintard).";Flower girl with basket, Bride holds onto head piece. Color, bride and groom with bridal party outside brick church. Bride and groom on top open truck with Just Married on it. ...;Compiled black-and-white and color home movies of two military weddings.
5) 2167.0008 Patsy as baby--King family--home movies. Reel 8
On can: "1940 Patsy 6 Months to 1 Year.";Title: “7 months” b&w baby with people in doors, light and shadow. Mother holds baby, walks with grandparents out the door, down steps to car. Grandparents wave and drive aw...;Compiled black-and-white and color home movies of Patsy King's first year, with intertitles.
1) 2167.0009 Patsy 12 to 18 months--King Family--home movies. Reel 9
On can: "1940-41 Patsy 1 Year to 1 1/2.";Title: "Christmas 1940" color. Decorating tree with tinsel and ornament on top. Presents underneath Dog. Patsy crawls across room. Patsy gets stocking, pulls out toys. Pat...;Color home movies of Patsy King's second year, beginning with Christmas 1940, compiled with black-and-white intertitles.
10) 2167.0010 Christmas, Birthdays--King Family--home movies. Reel 10
1941 edge code on film. // Label on can: 'Billy 1941 - Patsy's 2nd Birthday. Xmas 41.';b&w, woman and baby in bed. Baby is crying and very small. Baby in bath still crying. Baby looking at camera seriously, no longer crying ECU. Sequence of head shots of baby. Ba...
11) 2167.0011 Washington, DC, and Rehoboth-King Family--home movies. Reel 11
1941, 1944 edge codes on film. // Label on can: 'Winter '41-'42 Wash D.C. Harry here from Dix (April). Billy's 1st Birthday - June, July A.N.C.C. Ft. Myer - Surles Party. Summer...;b&w, older woman in fur collar, hat, glasses, holds Patsy in bonnet and winter coat. They are at a zoo. Polar bear behind bars. Patsy runs. Two black bears. Baby in doll be...
11) 2167.0012 Bailey Island--King Family--home movies. Reel 12
On can: "Bailey's 1942. Patsy + Billy. Nana, Paw Paw. Lots of Surf + Pinnacle Rock.";Color, Patsy swimming in ocean. Stone bridge in background. Children jump and run on dunes. Parents in summer clothes walk on sand. Birch trees with children in them. Desert...;Compiled color home movies of the King family traveling and at play, with many scenes at the beach.
8) 2167.0013 Washington, DC--King Family--home movies. Reel 13
1943, 1944 edge codes on film. // Label on can: 'Jim + Elinore May '44. Wading Pool. 712 Dale Drive. Walter Reed. Park [illegible]. VA Hunt Birthday '45. Bill's Party. HK Home F...;b&w, bald man in rocking chair, girl on his lap. Small boy joins them, he continues to rock. Mother in hat picks up small boy. Older woman shakes hands with man in uniform. Ch...
19) 2167.0015 Summer, duckling--King Family--home movies. Reel 15
On can: "ANCC Jim - Elinor - 45?";Color, two men, shirtless, one drinks beer, pan to woman smoking and drinking from a cup, another woman in swimsuit and sunglasses. Men walk with beer bottles and cigarettes. C...;Compiled black-and-white and color home movies of King family and friends at leisure, including scenes shot at the Army Navy Country Club.
16) 2167.0016 Winter and rollerskates--King Family--home movies. Reel 16
Date range from edge codes on film. // Label on can: '1946. Winter at 4433. Scenes in Little Park by HK. Easter - Kids on Skates. Pony Ride. May Day at School.';b&w child in snowsuit with broom in snow. Child walks down steps of brick house. Man and girl in coat walk dog along snowy sidewalk. Children on flexible flyer sleds come towar...
10) 2167.0017 Watermelon, Christmas--King Family--home movies. Reel 17
1946 edge code on film. // Label on can: 'Summer '46. Bob Brand and HK at ANCC. Second Pony Ride. LPK Boarding Plane for SD. Xmas 1946.';Color: Boy on playground equipment, upside down. Girl with pink boy and pink playsuit on swing (dark). Boy in blue playsuit next to her, child standing on swing, far right. Gi...
34) 2167.0018 Lake, snow--King Family--home movies. Reel 18
1947 edge codes on film. // Label on can: 'Karen - June 47. ANCC Summer 47. Trip to Luray, VA. Douthat State Park September 47. Savannah Trip (NYL) Frankie and Kirby Payne. Cana...;Color, baby on blanket in grass, fruit designs on blanket. Dog joins baby, then walks off. Mother in yellow flowered dress holds the baby (baby is Karen? Grandmother holds bab...
9) 2167.0019 Bailey Island--King Family--home movies. Reel 19
1948 edge code on film. // Label on can: '48 and 49 Bailey Island.';color Ocean. Steamship approaches. Man rowing, dock with toddler, mother and child in stern of rowboat, lunch basket. On sailboat, children in life jackets. Children on rocks...
28) 2167.0020 Fort Sill, hunts--King Family--home movies. Reel 20
On can: "Gerry and Farview. Hunts. Hunt Bkfsts. Deer (Wogan-Adams Col. McCallum). Firing Dem. Sam Jumping. Fort Sill.";color pan of landscape with hills. Woman in plaid dress holds flowers. POV from car windshield, cars parked on either side of road. Woman picks flowers in yard. Interior, fi...
21) 2167.0021 Roller skating--King Family--home movies. Reel 21
1947 edge code on film. // Label on box: 'Spring 48. Maryland Hunt Cup. New Bike. [illegible name] on Skates. Bill's Party 1948.';Color, Man in suit with vest and hat, CU. Woman on roller skates catches pole and swings around laughing. Children skate. Woman goes fast. Bald man on folding chair on sidewa...
20) 2167.0022 May Day--King Family--home movies. Reel 22
1947 edge code on film. // Label on box: 'May Day 1948.';color School playground, children with American flags, processions and activities at a distance including “circus” and girls with parasols. Dancing around Maypole with streame...
4) 2167.0026 Birthdays and Christmas--King Family--home movies. Reel 26
VINEGAR SYNDROME // Dates from edge codes on film. // Label on can: 'Dec 42 - March 43. Jim + Elinore Dec 42. Patsy's 3rd Birthday. Christmas 42. Billys 2d Birthday Spring 43. B...;b&w Soldier walks outside house with family members, poses with mother? Wife comes out of house. Soldier in overcoat puts out hand to shake (it's not shaken). He is preparing t...
27) 2167.0027 Baby from hospital to home--King Family--home movies. Reel 27
VINEGAR SYNDROME // Dates from edge codes on film. // Label on can: 'Patsy to 6 Months. Dec 39 - Jun 40.';First half only transferred due to advanced vinegar syndrome. Art titles of lettering with satin blanket edges top and bottom: "Patricia King" title on blanket. "Chapter ...;Compiled black-and-white and color home movies of baby Patricia King's first months at home with her family.
28) 2167.0028 Children play--King Family--home movies. Reel 28
VINEGAR SYNDROME // Dates from edge codes on film. // Label on can: 'Patsy to 6 Months. Dec 39 - Jun 40.' Note 22 Jan 2012, this label is not correct for Reel 28. ;Color, children outside dressed in party clothes. Five children, two boys, three girls. Girls wear hair ribbons. Parents smiling. Children on house steps. Children on sidewalk ...
29) 2167.0029 West Point--King Family--home movies. Reel 29
Date from edge code on film. // Label on can: 'West Point.' // Reel begins with Castle Films News Parade reel about United States Military Academy. Second portion of reel is ama...;Castle Films News Parade, "West Point Symbol of Our Army," 1943. Silent version with intertitles. Followed by amateur color film, marching soldiers at West Point. View of...
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