13 work results

1) 1902.0013 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 13, Accession 1902
Can note: "Surf, Cranberry, Dart, Jericho Bay, Black Duck" Extended coverage of waves crashing against rocky Maine shoreline which looks similar to that on Mt. Desert. POV fr...
14) 1902.0014 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 14, Accession 1902
Can note: "Westfield River, 1915"
3) 1902.0015 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 15, Accession 1902
"Kayak in [?], Cohasset, and in Surf, Blue Hill, Mt. Desert" Date on can: June 20 & Aug. 26, 1915
17) 1902.0016 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 16, Accession 1902
"Family, Milton" Notes: "October 1915, Family members" Views of a car parked at the edge of a road, and another car with its convertible top down driving down a dirt driveway...
5) 1902.0017 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 17, Accession 1902
"Katharine" Dates on can: Sept. & Dec. 1915 and 1919
6) 1902.0018 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 18, Accession 1902
Notes: Dates on can: "June & Sept. 1915" POV from boat as it comes into a landing, including a boathouse. Hadley Harbor, Naushon Island, with view of a Herreshoff 121/2 un...
13) 1902.0032 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 32, Accession 1902
Negatives (rolls and scraps)
10) 1902.0039 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 39, Accession 1902
"Surf on Great Hd. Mt. Desert Maine Aug. 6, 1915"
19) 1902.0040 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 40, Accession 1902
"Surf Mt. Desert Maine July 1915 off Anchorage & Ingraham Pt."
20) 1902.0041 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 41, Accession 1902
"Surf Mt. Desert Maine Blue Head Aug. 5, Otter Cliffs Aug 28, 1915."
17) 3135.0001-.0050 [Alexander Forbes--glass slides] Slides 1-50
50 glass slides, primarily shot by Alexander Forbes from 1913 to 1941. Includes shots of Milton, Massachusetts, the Azores, Mallorca, Italy, and England.
Next 36