3 work results

6) 0660.0009 Palestine
Title, 'Life in a tent. Swaddling baby. Making coffee. Spinning. Making bread.' Silhouettes. Exterior. 'Village scenes. Lilies of the Field? Shepherd boys. Views of people outsi...;Title card: 'LIFE IN A TENT – Swaddling Baby Making Coffee Spinning Making Bread.' A family gathered under a tent. A woman swaddles a baby and rocks the baby in a hammock. A man...
6) 2716.0267 Discover New England - September Edition
Discover N.E. September Edition; X5797; WCVB code 31; Rec. date 9-7-91;Mystic Seaport features ship building; a steamer Sabino ride ferry ride is part of the river tour; a tour down east of light houses includes West Quoddy Head, near Lubec, Maine,...;Credits: Reporters: Peter Mehegan, Mary Richardson; Producer: Ted Reinstein; Executive Producer / N.E. Program Network: Peggy Allen; Field Producers: Pat Bates, Art Donahue, Ted...
21) 2955.0001 Anyplace Wild
Box 1: ANYP Season 1, 1” – PBS Masters Box 2: ANYP Season 1, 1” Masters Box 3: ANYP (APW) ODDS & ENDS as of 2004, various betas-promo, etc., (8) 1” masters – Season 1, (5) b...;8 boxes of various 1" reels, BetacamSP tapes, Digibetas and other assorted formats. All versions of the TV show "Anyplace Wild", which first aired on PBS around 1997. Boxes 1-3...
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