116 work results

27) 2716.1088 Miller's Court - Doing Time
Miller's Court X2271;Miller's Court: Prisoner Rights; Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, Richard Emery and Thomas Norton, Jr., who present the legal arguments to the jury; they will consider the ...
30) 2716.1086 Miller's Court - Eye of the Beholder #100
Miller's Court X3954 Master; (Art Vs Pornography) "Eye of the Beholder";Miller's Court: Eye of the Beholder; Art vs. Pornography; a neighborhood reacts to a homeowner's exterior artwork and sues the homeowners; black screen breaks; attorneys Harry M...;Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Adler, Emmons S. Levine, John Boyle, Bryan Lans, George Ellard, Joe Mozdiez,...
3) 2716.1085 Miller's Court - Breaking All the Rules #95
Miller's Court X3945 Master; Breaking all the Rules;Reel and can say Master; paperwork says Dupe; Miller Court: Breaking All the Rules; the scene opens with an angry father and his daughter, bursting into the home of another fami...;Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Bruce Goldman, Scott Philbrick, George Ellard, Joe ...
4) 2716.1084 Miller's Court - Truth or Consequences #93
Miller's Court X3940 "Truth or Consequences" Show #93;Slate: “Miller’s Court Truth or Consequences Show 93 Prod. Cheng Dir Comiskey”. Title: “Miller’s Court Truth or Consequences”. Arthur Miller presents a fictional case of a man s...;Credits: Miller’s Court with Arthur Miller Harvard Law School; Produced by: Elizabeth Cheng; Directed by: Bob Comiskey; Associate Producer: Curtis Poole; Assistants to the Produ...
5) 2716.1083 Miller's Court - Right of Way #90
Master Miller's Court X3934 (Free Speech - Neo Nazis) "Right of Way" No. 90;Free Speech/ Neo-Nazis; Miller's Court: Right of Way; the city council meeting is interrupted by a marching group who asks for the right to parade during the July 4th celebratio...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, John Boyle, Jam Hakim, Chris O'Hare, Joe...
6) 2716.1082 Miller's Court - All That Glitters #88
Miller's Court X3819 (Mail Fraud) "All That Glitters" Local Master;Miller's Court: All that glitters; a child writes to Santa, and gets a reply that includes sparklers; the child's mother takes the Santa-writer to court because the child paid $...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Frank Gallozzi, Jam Hakim, George Ellard...
7) 2716.1081 Miller's Court - You are what you see #87
Master Miller's Court X3817 Nat. Master - "You Are What You See" No. 87;2716.1081 Miller's Court: You are what you see; there is a scene of children watching a music video rather than doing their homework; then a mother complains to the cable operat...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Frank Gallozzi, Jam Hakim, George Ellard...
8) 2716.1080 Miller's Court - Man with a Past #85
Master Miller's Court X3810 Local Master (Past Catches Up) "Man with a Past" No. 85;Miller's Court: Man with a Past; Though for many years a model citizen, must he now pay for crimes long ago committed? Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, Richard Schultz and ...;In the studio Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Emmons S. Levine, B. Geoffrey Lans, George Ellard, Joe ...
9) 2716.1079 Miller's Court - Last Rights #82
Master Miller's Court X3796 Local Version (Aiding a Suicide) "Last Rights" No. 82;Miller's Court: Last Rights; Can the family member who stands by while a parent takes a lethal overdose be convicted of second-degree murder, though that family member supplied ...;In the studio Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Frank Gallozzi, Jam Hakim, George Ellard, Joe Mozdiez, ...
10) 2716.1078 Miller's Court - Where There's Smoke #80
Miller's Court X3797 Master (Smoking vs non-Smoking) "Where There's Smoke" no. 80;Smoking vs Non-smoking; Miller's Court; Where There's Smoke; viewers are invited to vote on the verdict; in an open-office setting there is a cigarette smoker near the non-smoki...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Frank Gallozzi, Jam Hakim, George Ellar...
11) 2716.1077 Miller's Court - Where There's Smoke #80
Miller's Court X399 Local Version (Smoking in the Workplace) Where There is Smoke No. 80;Smoking in the Workplace; Miller's Court; Where There's Smoke; viewers are invited to vote on the verdict; in an open-office setting there is a cigarette smoker near the non-smo...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Frank Gallozzi, Jam Hakim, George Ellar...
12) 2716.1076 Miller's Court - Love Trap #76
Master Miller's Court X3478 (Drugs / Entrapment II) "Love Trap" No. 76;Miller's Court: Love Trap; Is entrapment a legal means of discovery? Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, Edward Hammock and Jack Litman, who present the legal arguments to the...;In the studio Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Frank Gallozzi, Jam Hakim, George Ellard, Joe Mozdie...
13) 2716.1075 Miller's Court - By Design #74
Master Miller's Court X3474 (Idea Theft) "By Design" No. 74;Miller's Court: By Design; Is a well-known designer required to share profits from a design if another fledgling designer successfully claims copyright infringement? Arthur Mill...;In the studio Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Frank Gallozzi, Jam Hakim, George Ellard, Joe Mozdie...
14) 2716.1074 Miller's Court - Pressure Point #71
Miller's Court Master X3469 (Heart Attack) "Pressure Point" No. 71;Miller's Court: Pressure Point; a company man has a heart attack on the job during a heated argument with his boss; his family sues; black screen breaks; attorneys Paul Lovett a...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Jay Gravina Jam Hakim, George Ellard,...
15) 2716.1073 Miller's Court - Not in this Neighborhood #70
Master Miller's Court X3470 (Discrimination) "Not in this Neighborhood" No. 72;Miller's Court: Not in this Neighborhood; Is the realtor liable for discrimination when homeowners won't sell based on racial preference? Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, F...;In the studio Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Frank Gallozzi, Jam Hakim, George Ellard, Joe Mozdie...
25) 2716.1072 Miller's Court - Crossing the Line #69
Master Miller's Court X3464 (Free Speech / Abortion Clinic) "Crossing the Line" No. 67;Miller's Court: Crossing the Line; Should aggressive picketing in front of abortion rights clinics be stopped? Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, Flo Kennedy and Alan Dershow...;In the studio Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Jay Gravina, Emmons S. Levine, Bruce Goldman, Emeric Feldmar, Joe M...
17) 2716.1071 Miller's Court - Reason to Search #68
Master Miller's Court X3462 (Locker Search) "Reason to Search" No. 63;Miller's Court: Reason to Search; The search of student lockers for missing money turns up marijuana; is this a valid search? Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, Richard Emery...;In the studio Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen M. Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Emmons S. Levine, L. Isaa Laughinghouse, Scott Philb...
18) 2716.1070 Miller's Court - And To All A Good Night #64
Miller's Court X3308 Master (Neighborhood Privacy) "...And to all a Good Night" No. 64;Miller's Court: And to All a Good Night; the scene opens on a neighborhood scene of lights and drive-through traffic enjoying the lights and music; "Neighborhood Privacy"; black...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen Maguire Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Al Giglio, Emmons S. Levine, Rob Sturgeon, Baya...
384) 2716.1069 Miller's Court - After School #62
Master/ Dupe Miller's Court X3304 (Gay Rights) "After School" No. 62;Miller's Court: After School; Should sexual preference determine a teacher's job placement? Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, David Lee and Richard Emery, who present the le...;In the studio Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Al Giglio, Frank Gallozzi, Rob Sturgeon, Rob Sturgeon, Wayne Smith, Ge...
20) 2716.1068 Miller's Court - See No Evil #61
Master Miller's Court X3302 (Do Nothings) "See No Evil" No. 61 Sat. Nov. 17;Miller's Court: See No Evil; Is a neighbor liable for neglect by not reporting the abusive treatment of a child by her parents? Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, Robert Bank...;In the studio Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Al Giglio, Emmons S. Levine, Rob Sturgeon, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Joe Mo...
21) 2716.1067 Miller's Court - Final Analysis #60
Master Miller's Court X3300 Psychiatric Malpractice "Final Analysis" No. 60;Slate: “Miller’s Court Show 60 “Final Analysis””. Title: “Miller’s Court, The Final Analysis”. A woman talks about dating her psychiatrist. Arthur Miller explains the case, the ...;Credits: Miller’s Court with Arthur Miller Harvard Law School; Produced by Diane Sherlock; Directed by Bob Comiskey; Associate Producer: Karen M. Colbert; Assistant to the Produ...
22) 2716.1066 Miller's Court - Forced to Love #15
Master Miller's Court X2389 1/19 Show 15 "Forced to Love";Miller's Court: Forced to Love; Can a husband be found guilty of raping his wife? Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, James Shellow and Louis Sabadini, who will argue the poin...;In the studio Julie Sattler Rosene, Bill Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Bruce Goldman, Robert Clayman, Emmons, S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Sandy Foreman, Skip Peabody,...
23) 2716.1065 Miller's Court - Tears for a Killer #5
Master Miller's Court X2085 No. 5 10/8/82;Miller's Court: Tears for a Killer; A Vietnam veteran explains what life has been like for him since his return from service; Arthur Miller introduces the medical concept of PTS...;In the studio Julie Sattler Rosene, Bill Lowell, Sandy Devincentis, Diane Sherlock, Isaac Laughinghouse, Robert Clayman, Emmons, S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, A. Gallozzi, Al Gigli...
24) 2716.1064 Miller's Court - School Supplies
Miller's Court X4429 Master; School Supplies Rec. 5/15/87;Miller's Court: School Supplies; a family getting ready for kids' school, and the mother finds birth control pills in the daughter's purse; the attorneys are Alice Richmond and ...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Richard Puttkamer, Curtis Poole, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, John Boyle III, Bruce Goldman, Bryan Lans, George Ellard, George Nah...
31) 2716.1063 Miller's Court - Eye on the News
Miller's Court X4425 Master 'Eye on the News' Rec: 5/1/87 ;Miller's Court: Eye on News; the scene opens with a couple in a hotel room burst in on by a police squad and a reporter doing a live standup; the attorneys for the libel case of...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Richard Puttkamer, Curtis Poole, Linda Adler, Stephen Levin, J.I. Laughinghouse, Bruce Goldman Kif Williams, George Ellard, David G...
26) 2716.1062 Miller's Court - Contract for Life
Master Miller's Court X4419 Contract for Life Rec. 2/20/87;Miller's Court: Contract for Life; The legal rights of surrogate parents who signed a contract through a registered agency are at issue in this episode; Arthur Miller introduces...;In the studio Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Linda Adler, Karen Loop, Stephanie Levin, Frank Firnschild, Bruce Goldman, B. Geoffrey Lans, Joe Mozdiez, George Nahas...
27) 2716.1061 Miller's Court - Friend or Fraud #104
Miller's Coourt X4417 Friend or Fraud No. 104 Rec: 1/30/87;Miller's Court: Friend or Fraud; the scene opens with a woman entering a family planning center and then a slide show that was anti-abortion she was forced to watch while she wa...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Linda Adler, Karen Loop, Frank Firnschild, John Breen Bruce Goldman, George Ellard, Joe Mozdiez, George...
28) 2716.1060 Miller's Court - Birth Rights #102
Master Miller's Court X4395 Birth Rights No. 102 Rec. 12/19/86;Miller's Court: Birth Rights; Scott Harshbarger and Judith Lindahl argue the points of law around the issue of criminal responsibility during prenatal maternity; Arthur Miller i...;In the studio Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Linda Adler, Karen Loop, Stephanie Levin, J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Emmons S. Levine, George Ellard, George Nahas, Vern ...
29) 2716.1059 Miller's Court - Prodigal Son #101
Miller's Court X4156 Master; (Defector) "Prodigal Son"; Rec. 5-21-86;Miller's Court: Prodical Son; scene opens with a plane landing and a customs officer voices over a description of a man before he is arrested by the FBI; Norman Early and Steven...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Bruce Goldman, Bryan Lans, Geor...
4) 2716.1058 Miller's Court - High Spirits #88
Miller's Court X3952 WCVB Code 27; Master (Teens and Alcohol); Miller's Court "High Spirits" No. 88; Rec. Date: 5-8-86;Teens and alcohol; Miller's Court: High Spirits; the scene opens with teens stopped by police at a prom party found with alcohol but the parents are arrested; Michael Bradbury a...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, John Boyle, Bryan Lans, Geoge Ellard,...
31) 2716.1057 Miller's Court - Hitting Home #98
Master Miller's Court X3950 (Gay Adoption) "Hitting Home" No. 98 Rec. 4-30-86;Miller's Court: Hitting Home; a gay couple is denied custody in the adoption of a young child, and so they sue the state agency that claims the welfare of the child is better se...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Bruce Goldman, Bryan Lans, George Ell...
32) 2716.1056 Miller's Court - King of the Road #97
Miller's Court X3948 Master; (Seat Belts) "King of the Road"; Rec: 4/16/86;Miller's Court: King of the Road; Scene opens with a driver behind the wheel going around a roadblock and talking to the radio; he is pulled over by the police for having no car...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comisky, Curtis Poole, Mar Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Bryan Lans, Chris O'Har...
33) 2716.1055 Miller's Court - Special Delivery #96
Miller's Court Master X3946 Special Delivery Rec: 4/9/86 Show #96;Miller's Court: Special Delivery; Scene opens with the patient pressuring the doctor to consent to doing the final delivery of her pregnancy; he agrees after she signs a waiver;...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Cominskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Bryan Lans, George El...
34) 2716.1054 Miller's Court - Thou Shalt Not Kill #94
Miller's Court X3942 Master; (Juvenile Death Penalty) "Thou Shall Not Kill"; Rec: 3-14-86;Miller's Court: Thou Shalt Not Kill; the scene opens on a detention center for kids and talk about a particular case that calls for the Juvenile Death Penalty; Steven Clark and ...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Emmons L. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, John Boyle, George El...
32) 2716.1053 Miller's Court - Fair Game #91
Miller's Court X3936 Master (Sports Violence) "Fair Game" No. 91 Rec. 2-5-86 ;Miller's Court: Fair Game; Herman Gotcher and Joseph Balliro argue the points of law in a case involving hockey players and some resulting injury; Arthur Miller introduces the l...;In the studio Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Coleman, John Boyle, John Breen, George Ellard, Joe Mozdiez, Ro...
36) 2716.1052 Miller's Court - Honor Thy Parents #408
Miller's Court X3808 National Master (Aging Parents) "Honor Thy Parents" ;Miller's Court: Honor Thy Parents; the scene opens with two sons arguing about parents moving into a home for Aging Parents; son sues son for more support of the parents so that...;In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Jane Cartier, Kif Williams, George Ellar...
Next 36