7 work results

3) 0597 cat. 1800-01-WABI-71 1971 Aeronautics and Space Highlights
No description available
2) 0599 cat. 1803-01-WABI-72 Apollo XVII
Report on Apollo space missions.
4) 0603 cat. 1806-01-WABI-71 Missions to the Highlands
Apollo 16's missions in 1971.
1) 1140.0359 [Pratt-Whitney Innovations]
Pratt-Whitney visiting University of Maine. Exhibits display the company's recent innovations, including diagrams of fuel cell.
2) 1140.2983 [New Plans For Dow Base]
Interview with Bangor Development Director Ed McKeon about plans for the former Dow Air Force Base; President Harold Chute (sp?) of chemical company opening plant.
14) 1140.5786 [Loring Restart Hearing]
Loring Air Force Base closure hearing; Senator Edmund Muskie, Governor Joseph (Joe) Brennan, William Cohen, Olympia Snowe. Other people speak. Dale Duff reports.
7) 1191.4488 Aeronautics & Space Report - Highlights 1970
NASA-produced aeronautics and space report for the year 1970; report also includes educational film entitled 'The Moon: Old & New'.
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