5 work results

26) 0293 Tall Tales and Tall Timber
Stills show the history of Maine lumbering and loggers.
34) 0293 Singing Down the Road
Maine musician Tony Saletan interviews Mainers about lumbering days. Also sings lumbering song. FOR REFERENCE ONLY.
33) 1656.0021 From Stump to Ship
Depicts the year-round activities of the Machias Lumber Company on the Machias River in Washington County, Maine. Includes scenes of winter logging in the forest with hand tools...
10) 1656.0022 From Trees to Paper
Commercial production. Description from 1988 film catalog: Shows the steps in making paper from tree to the finished product.
2) 1656.0069 Cut and Run
Relationship between Maine woodsmen and the paper companies. Addresses problems of health and safety in the woods, mechanization in the workplace and the attempt of woodsmen to ...
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