111 work results

30) 0836.0111 Work -- [still negatives]
Work 35mm still negatives
25) 0836.0110 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 4
Can notes: 'Devilina at San Diego--March '75--Angelina and Pepi--Echo Canyon--Marble Can.--Death Valley--Jail Canyon Jan '76--Nadeau Rd--Mr. Snow Can.--Dev and Angelina with can...
23) 0836.0109 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 3
Can notes: '4th of July 1965 trip in toward Monache Meadows in the High Sierras of Calif. Footage at campsite on Fish Creek. And Death Valley March 1967.' // Amateur footage of ...
22) 0836.0108 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 2
Can notes: August 1964 Northern California and Oregon coast. // Amateur footage of family travel in northwest United States. // Formerly: 'Reel B.'
30) 0836.0107 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 1
Can notes: 'Sally and I camping in Dolly Copp Campground in the NH White Mountains Summer 1953. Meddy (Medfield) and her kittens playing at 213 South St. Medfield Mass. One of t...
25) 0836.0106 [Music and Masonry--soundtrack]
Can label: 'The New Track.' 'Original Direct from the LP Track for M+M.' // Fullcoat mag soundtrack. // VINEGAR SYNDROME.
105) 0836.0105 [Music and Masonry--soundtrack]
Can label: 'Transfer Work Track (From Orig Track) For Music and Masonry.' // Fullcoat mag soundtrack. // VINEGAR SYNDROME.
23) 0836.0104 [Music and Masonry--soundtrack]
Can label: 'Music and Masonry Music Worktrack.' // Leader label: 'Music Track Rite of Spring.' // Fullcoat mag soundtrack. // VINEGAR SYNDROME.
9) 0836.0103 [Music and Masonry Visual Cut Guide]
Can label: 'Music and Masonry Visual Cut Guide.'
21) 0836.0102 Hammer Mill Wetting Tub
Title on film: 'Hammer Mill Wetting Tub, Project 109. // Transferred at 15 fps. // Dates from edge codes on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 70.'
20) 0836.0101 [Berlin Foundry, 1954]
Donor's title: 'Berlin Foundry, 1954.' // Can note: Berlin Foundry surplus film Oct '63. // Transferred at 15 fps. // 1961 date code on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 69.'
10) 0836.0100 [Portable Chopper]
Donor's title: 'Portable Chopper, 1954 (original).' // Can note: Original film. Portable Chopper. Made Jan 15, 1954. Woods End Dept. for Carthage Mach. Co. One copy made for Car...
18) 0836.0099 [Your Cord of Wood and Trucking with Safety--titles & outtakes]
Donor's note: 'Timber is a Crop (footage).' // Can note: 12/20/65. Surplus copy film taken and used in 'Timber is a Crop.' Part of pulpwood drive taken at Dennison Bog Stream on...
17) 0836.0098 [Hauling Sequence from The Forest and the Woodsman]
Donor's notes: 'Hauling Sequence from The Forest and the Woodsman.' // Can note: 4/12/54. Copy film. Long log hauling sequence (Burgess large crane). Taken from 'The Forest and ...
16) 0836.0097 [American Pulpwood Association Equipment Conference]
American Pulpwood Association mechanical pulpwood equipment conference: June 4-8, 1945. // Transferred at 15 fps. // Formerly: 'Reel 65.'
9) 0836.0096 Trucking and Safety
Title on film: 'Trucking and Safety.' // Donor's note: 'Trucking with Safety, 1943.' // Can note: 'Original film--somewhat scratched--keep intact for future scenes. Some scenes ...
17) 0836.0095 A New Era in Woods Life
Title on film: 'A New Era in Woods Life.' // See collection folder for shot list. // Dates from edge codes on film. // Kodachrome color. // Formerly: 'Reel 63.'
13) 0836.0094 [Operation Sanmaur]
NHF transfer notes: Operation Sanmaur original film. // Kodachrome color. //Date from edge code on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 62.'
25) 0836.0093 [Operation Sanmaur]
Title on film: 'Operation Sanmaur 1946. // Donor's title: 'Operation--Sanhaur.' // Can note: January 1947. Original film on mechanical hauling. // Date from edge code on film. /...
11) 0836.0092 [River Water]
Donor's notes: 'Half dome (waterfall on cliff at left), down pan along waterfall, churning water, Yosemite Falls, small waterfall up high on a cliff, close up of water, half dom...
10) 0836.0091 [Pulp Handling from Stump to Mill]
Pulp handling from stump to mill. // Date from edge code on film. // Film has twist. // Formerly: 'Reel 59.'
22) 0836.0090 Pulpwood for Today and Tomorrow
Title on film: 'Pulpwood for Today and Tomorrow.' // Date range from edge codes on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 58.'
23) 0836.0089 [Army Pulpwood Caravan at Millbrook Camp]
Donor's notes: 'Army Pulpwood Caravan at Millbrook Camp, 1942.' This is one that we copied - it is in New Hampshire and was filmed during WWII. // Date from edge code on film. /...
9) 0836.0088 [Cutting and Moving Pulp]
Can notes: 2/11/60. Scenes taken from this original film for new Br. Co. 1960 movie: 1. CU detailing spruce log. Kelly's mill. 2. Detailed logs dropping down from ramp. 3. Board...
25) 0836.0087 [Brown Property]
Can note: 'Surplus copy film (note some of this film not treated for magnetic sound). Scenes: 1. Sling unloading at Burgess yard. 2. Sling unloading at Corey pile. 3. Sling unlo...
16) 0836.0086 [River Pollution]
Label on leader: 'Project 189 - River Pollution.' // Title on film: 'Research and Development Dept. River Pollution (Androscoggin River) 7-13-41.' // NHF transfer notes: '1. Riv...
20) 0836.0085 [New England Pulpwood Cutting Contest]
Footage of pulp cutting & loading--loading machines, cutting machines, pulp cutting. New England pulpwood cutting contest at Fryeburg Fair 1944. // NHF transfer notes: Dated...
3) 0836.0084 [Portable Chipper]
Portable chipper chipping slabs. // Date from edge code on film. // A-wind. // Kodachrome color. // Formerly: 'Reel 52.'
2) 0836.0083 [Crane-Loading Training Film]
Woods crane-loading training film. // Kodachrome color. // Date range from edge codes on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 51.'
19) 0836.0082 [Pulp-Handling Equipment]
Footage of pulp-handling equipment. // Date from processing date printed on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 50.'
53) 0836.0081 [unidentified]
Reel 1: [950 ft.], Reel 2: [450 ft.] // Originally one reel, broken down into two 05/2005. // Kids with film projector in b&w on reel 1. Reel 2 predominantly logging footage, po...
35) 0836.0080 [unidentified]
Reel 1: [1200 ft.], Reel 2: [800 ft.] // Originally one reel, broken down into two 05/2005. // Boats, logs on river. // Kodachrome color.
51) 0836.0079 [Transportation of Pulp]
Transportation of pulp. // Slight edgewave. // Men working with logs in river. // Formerly: 'Reel 49.'
34) 0836.0078 [Rehabilitation, 1960]
Donor's notes: 'Rehabilitation, 1960 (original print).' // Box notes: 5/26/60. Surplus film--tapes used. Client: Liberty Mutual Ins. Co. Subject: rehabilitation, 16mm color orig...
32) 0836.0077 The Story of Solka: The Amazing Basic Material that Makes a Thousand Things Better
Title on film: 'The Story of Solka: The Amazing Basic Material that Makes a Thousand Things Better.' // Donor's notes: 'Story of Solka, before 1940 (2 reels).' Note--History of ...
50) 0836.0076 [Preparing Pulpwood]
NHF transfer notes: preparing pulpwood. // Label on leader: 'Twitching.' // Date from edge code on film. // Formerly: 'Reel 46.'
Next 36