73 work results

4) 0252.0047 [Howard Kane--home movies] Reel 47
NHF notes as follows. Can/reel/box annotations appear in quotes. Reel 47: (100 ft.) 'Columbia [?] family 1934.' Scenes of a black family, a large house.
2) 0665.0002 [Otto Siebert--home movies] Boy Scouts
Scenes of scouts at lake, fire drill, awards, etc.
17) 0665.0008 [Otto Siebert--home movies] Camp 32 and Our Friend's Families
Mountains, white frame house, lake, snow scenes.
31) 0691.0001 [Mahlon Walsh--home movies] Reel 1
Amateur: two men using two-horse plow. Flowers and birdbath. Lengthy segment of person in beekeeping clothing using bee sprayer or smoker. Lupine flowers. Poorly focused flower ...
25) 0696.0019 [E.H. Maxcy--home movies]
NHF viewing notes as follows. Reel notes in quotes. 5511-10 'Thraia and Claussee' 'Crocker Pond' Ansco 1935. 100 ft. Child in rowboat, lake camp scenes.
26) 0714.0002 [Dr. A.K. Schuster--home movies] Little Log Cabin in the Northern Pines
Amateur story film called 'The Little Log Cabin in the Northern Pines' by Dr. A.K. Schuster of New Haven, CT, a dentist who came to Brownville, Maine, with his daughter, Frances...
4) 0737.0011 [Abbott family--home movies] Reel 11
NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96, for REEL 11: (2 min.) Cush and Tom White 1933. Washington monument. Shot of Washington D.C. panorama. Railing cutting through frame. Geometric patt...
34) 0762.0026 [Edward M. Graham, Sr.--home movies] Reel 26
Home movies of fishing and hunting in Maine. NHF cataloguer's notes below. (Reel notes from donor are in brackets; reel numbers are donor-assigned.) Reel 26: [Square Lake. Troll...
30) 0762.0027 [Edward M. Graham, Sr.--home movies] Reel 27
Home movies of fishing and hunting in Maine. NHF cataloguer's notes below. (Reel notes from donor are in brackets; reel numbers are donor-assigned.) Reel 27: [East Brach Penobsc...
3) 0762.0028 [Edward M. Graham, Sr.--home movies] Reel 28
Men walking through woods with paddles and packs. Man in water standing in canoe. Women in hat and scarf on shore sharing drinks and jokes with men. CU of man smiling and smokin...;Home movies of fishing and hunting in Maine. NHF cataloguer's notes below. (Reel notes from donor are in brackets; reel numbers are donor-assigned.) Reel 28: [Moosehead Lake 193...
2) 0780.0002 [Sawyer--home movies] Reel 002
NHF cataloguer's notes as follows (box/reel notes in quotes, reel numbers are NHF-assigned). Reel 2: 'Fred Preble eating beans 1938'. Length 0:23. b&w.;Lunch at a logging camp.
1) 0803.0001 [Harold B. Neal--home movies] Reel 1
Original title from donor for Reel 1: 'Children at West Lebanon, Me. Approx. 1932, b&w.' NHF cataloguer's notes, 1/96 for Reel 1: West Lebanon, Me. Four men exiting tent. Young ...
7) 0814.0001 Winter Sports in the White Mountain National Forest
VHS reference copy of USDA film. Summary: Highlights of White Mountain National Forest winter sports activities including scenes of skiing and invitational race in Tuckerman's R...
14) 0838.0001 [promotional footage by Harrie B. Coe] Reel 1
NHF cataloguer's notes (reel numbers are NHF-assigned): Reel 1: 'Girls Camp Activities', date code 1935. Title: 'Harrie B. Coe, State of Maine Publicity Bureau.' Red and faded c...
1) 0879.0001-.0004 [amateur camp footage] Reels 1-4
NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94 for Reels 1-4 (DIVISIONS BETWEEN REELS IS UNCLEAR IN NOTES): Raising the American flag, girls camp. Young and teen girls on a nature hike, studying...
2) 0879.0005-.0007 [amateur camp footage] Reels 5-7
NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94 for Reels 5-7 (DIVISIONS BETWEEN REELS IS UNCLEAR IN NOTES): Horseback riding, English saddles. Archery. Shooting practice with rifles. Canoeing. A...
21) 0953.0001-.0003 [unidentified--home movies] Reels 1-3
NHF transfer notes below for Reels 1-3 (reel divisions need clarification): Greenville. Grand Lake Stream canoeing, fishing, sports around camp. Ice fishing. Horse and sleigh on...;Donor's reel notes as follows: Reel 1: 'Color & b&w fishing, 1939-1940.' Reel 2: 'b&w, 1935. Ice fishing, horse and wagon hauling logs, snow storm, old truck on ice....
20) 0953.0004 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 4
NHF transfer notes below (donor's reel notes in quotes): Reel 4: 'Fishing 1933-1934. 'Birches log cabins.' Wildlife. Dam/Fishway, East Grand Lake?' Title: 'Birches Log Cabins.' ...
346) 0953.0005 [unidentified--home movies] Reel 5
NHF transfer notes below (donor's reel notes in quotes): Reel 5: '1937-1938. Fishing.' Fishing trip. Camp. Wrestling and fooling around. 'F' hats.;Men with fishing gear gather around canoes, some with an ‘F’ on their hats. Shots of various men on the dock. A man blowing up an inner tube. Three men in a canoe. A boat castin...
2) 95-40.0002 Fishing industry at Isle Royale--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 2
NHF cataloguer's notes, 2/96 for Reel 2: boy of 8-10 yrs. reading in parlour overstuffed chair dressed in suit with white starched collar; small commercial fishing boat and deta...
4) 95-40.0004 Awinita, first cruise--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 4
NHF cataloguer's notes, 2/96 for Reel 4: Boatyard; 6-8 member boatbuilding crew in process of putting finishing touches on cabin cruiser; man using hand brace and bit; boat chri...
5) 95-40.0005 Scoville Point Camp on Isle Royale--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 5
NHF cataloguer's notes, 2/96 for Reel 5: Onboard family cabin cruiser; elderly couple standing on deck, dressed in suits; young woman and boy seated on deck; rock outcrops along...
8) 95-40.0008 Cruising on the north shore of Lake Superior--Dassler family--home movies. Reel 8
NHF cataloguer's notes, 2/96 for Reel 8: Reel opens with map depicting north shore of Lake Superior; family members aboard cabin cruiser (boy and elderly man wearing nautical ca...
2) 95-40.0009-.0010 The east shore of Lake Superior--Dassler family--home movies. Reels 9-10
NHF cataloguer's notes, 2/96 for Reels 9 and 10: Family aboard cabin cruiser, including spaniel dog; panoramic footage of wooded hills along shoreline; boy rowing boat on calm w...
26) 1005.0009 -.0011 [O.P. Geer--home movies] Reels 9-11
Viewing notes: Reels 9-11 'The Backward Kids.' The Girl, Blanche Geer, The Boy, Malcolm McFall. SHOULD BE PLAYED FROM TAIL, a trick film with children making gestures so that ...;Movie Makers, April 1933 'By the Big Dome: An amateur movie maker visits the nation's capitol,' by Olin Potter Geer, ACL, Pages 144, 160, 161 "...if you go in an open car, as we...
35) 1005.0012 - 1005.0033 [O.P. Geer--home movies] Reels 12-33
Collection-level description: amateur, edited footage with intertitles and scenes of family life, work at the law office, travel, summer camp, boating and sailing. Also contains...;Reel 30: Esso gas station was on McKown Street and Todd Avenue. In 2013 a bank site. Robert Rice says Orland McKown ran the station before and during WW II, followed by Ralph W...
75) 1032 [George Erswell, Sr.--home movies]
KS notes 7/94: Reels 1-9. Poor visual quality. Dirty. Florida? Boy on rollerskates, dog, father. Girl and boy in chair swing. Trailer house. Women emerge. Couple kiss. Man with ...
11) 1048.0001-.0003 [unidentified--home movies]
Film box notes as follows (reel numbers are NHF assigned). #1. Cadillac Mts, Maine. Bar Harbor. [postmarked Sep 1932] #2. Crane's Beach [Mass.] #3. Conary. New York. [postmarked...
13) 1051 [H.D. Morrison--home movies] Reels 4-7
Collection-level description: amateur footage with scenes of children and activities at the family home on President Avenue in Trenton as well as at summer camp. Vacation footag...
65) 1068.0001 [Sunset Lodge promotional film]
Can notes for Reel 1: 'Sunset Lodge Promotional Film.' NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94 as follows. Printed title cards in quotes. 1. 'Two young ladies come to Maine for their bass...
5) 1108.0023 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 023
NHF cataloguer's notes, 4/96: Reel 23: Archie Stewart can notes: September 1932 Trip to Unknown Lake. Gop -- GG, Mary-ah. Fishing trip. [Mary Stewart Hafer notes that this reel...
19) 1108.0028 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 028
NHF cataloguer's notes, 4/96: Reel 28: Archie Stewart can notes: 1933 Maine fishing trip. Of little interest except to show when there were fish in Grand Lake and how they lived...
35) 1108.0033 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 033
Can notes for Reel 33: Archie Stewart can notes: 1933 4th of July trip to Maine. Rob, Kitty, Dr. Simkhovitch & Johnson Motor. <-Mary's request). September trip. Deep sea ...
34) 1108.0034 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 034
Can notes for Reel 34: 1933 hunting trip. The year we walked out. Jelly sandwiches. November, Hunting Unknown Lake. 1-George who shot one, Archie who got wet, Hoibey [Grandfathe...
68) 1108.0036 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 036
Can notes for Reel 36: Father's spring fishing trip. Rob Golding, Kitty Kimball, Kendall, JB Scott, Judge Corwin, Curtice, Old Man Warden, Uncle Roy and a couple of obliging moo...
25) 1108.0038 [Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 038
NHF cataloguer's notes, 7/96: Reel 38 Archie Stewart can notes: Hunting 1937. Screening notes: Men preparing boats on shore. (Faded color) Canoe launch, dog and man watch from ...
Next 36

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