5 work results

1) 2463.0001 Family and friends in Maine, 1937-1938--Cyrus Pinkham--home movies. Reel 1
Black-and-white reel compiling home movies of Pinkham family and friends at several Maine locations, including Gardiner and Pemaquid Beach.;Margaret - Cyrus - Charles & Peggy, Dot - Grandma, 1937, 1938 - Picnic at Buzell's with Farmers, Pinkhams and Smiths - Grandma's House - Dad's Old Home - The Rolfes - Margaret,...;Young woman picking flower from garden, playing with cat, smoking in repose. Intertitle: "Cyrus" Cyrus seen smoking, diving and swimming, in stage makeup as an older man, and ...
3) 2463.0003 Smiths and Pinkhams, 1939-1940--Cyrus Pinkham--home movies. Reel 3
Home movies of baby Carolyn on an outing with family, at play with other children, and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pinkham.;- Mother, Father, Margaret, Clinton, Handy Shop - Carolyn - at the picnic, at the playground, kids playing, Father reading book to Carolyn;Continues with footage of young Carolyn at the picnic seen at the end of Reel 2. Margaret and Carolyn leaving the Handy Shop with tricycle, Carolyn rides it on downtown sid...
2) 2463.0007 A day in a young boy's life, 1937--Cyrus Pinkham--home movies. Reel 7
Theatre in the Cellar presents A Day in A Young Boy's Life starring Charles Stewart, Jr.
12) 2463.0015 Lady and gentleman call, Newport, R.I., 1938--Cyrus Pinkham--home movies. Reel 15
1938 reel compiling a short dramatic scene featuring Margaret, Peggy, and Charles, and a visit to Viking Beach at Newport, Rhode Island.;Title: "Lady and Gentleman Call 10/38" A woman receives a visit by a young boy and girl. The three sit together in the living room working on a puzzle when the boy throws a ta...
16) 2463.0017 Home and Jones Beach, N.Y., 1937--Cyrus Pinkham--home movies. Reel 17
Color home movie of family gathered on lawn at home and of a visit by two women and young children to Jones Beach, N.Y.
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