3 work results

10) 2716.1534 House Call - Choosing a Psychiatrist
House Call M002 Choosing a Psychiatrist JWT Master Rec. 10-1-81;Slate: “House Call VTR 16778 & M-002 “Choosing a Psychiatrist” rec: 10/1/81 Prod: Manny/Graceffa Dir: Rubin”. Dr. Timothy Johnson talks with Dr. Leon Eisenberg of Harvard Medica...;Credits: House Call; Produced by Laurie Manny, Judith B. Graceffa; Directed by Phil Rubin; Assistant Director: J. Isaac Laughinghouse; Asst. to the Producer: Andrea L. Dolce; St...
2) 2716.1537 House Call - Stress Management #305
House Call M004 Stress Management No. JWT Show 305 Rec. 10-29-81;Slate: ‘House Call VTR 1422A & M-004 “Stress Management” Rec: 10/29/81 Prod: Freedman/Manny Dir: Freedman’. Title: ‘House Call with Timothy Johnson M.D.’. Dr. Timothy Johnson ta...;Credits: House Call; Produced and Directed by Robert Freedman; Associate Producer: Laurie Manny; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Switcher: John Delandis; Audio: Kathy McKen...
3) 2716.1538 House Call - Brittle Bones #306
Master House Call M005 Brittle Bones Show #306 Rec. 11-12-81;Title: ‘House Call’. Dr. Timothy Johnson talks to John Potts, M.D. and Robert Neer, M.D of Massachusetts General Hospital about bones, calcium, estrogen, brittle bone disease, a...;Credits: House Call; Produced & Directed by Robert Freedman; Associate Producer: Laurie Manny; Assistant Director: Brian Pellicano; Switcher: John Delandis; Audio: George Nahas;...
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