10 work results

35) 0752.0026 Warner Pathe News: Volume 4, Number 5
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'The President: 'Big Three Meeting', 'Eisenhower at U.N.''; 'First Atomic Submarine'; 'Tornado Rips Vicksbur...
11) 0752.0027 Warner Pathe News: Volume 4, Number 6
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'President Eisenhower Ends His First Year'; 'Queen Elizabeth on Pacific Tour'; 'France Hails a New President...
3) 0752.0028 Warner Pathe News: Volume 4, Number 7
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: ''Big Four' Meet in Red Zone of Berlin'; 'Indo-China: An Old War Goes On and On'; 'Return to Freedom: Releas...
8) 0752.0029 Warner Pathe News: Volume 4, Number 8
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'In the Midst of Battle in Indo-China'; 'In the Wake of War in Korea'; 'News from Australia'; 'Straight Up i...
19) 0752.0030 Warner Pathe News: Volume 4, Number 9
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'The Communist Threat: Train Links China and Russia, Berlin Refugee Flood at Height, Freedom Plane Arrives i...
31) 0752.0031 Warner Pathe News: Volume 4, Number 10
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Indo-China: End of a War: The Fall of Dienbienphu, The Geneva Conference, A New Premier- Mendes-France, Las...
21) 0752.0032 Warner Pathe News: Volume 5, Number 1
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Pilgrimage to Mecca'; 'Three U.S. Presidents: Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower'; 'What's New on Wheels: The Revol...
32) 0752.0033 Warner Pathe News: Volume 5, Number 2
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'Far East Departures: A Journey to Freedom, A Journey Home'; 'K-2 The Killer Mountain'; 'The Northwest Passa...
5) 0752.0034 Warner Pathe News: Volume 5, Number 3
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'The Reds Take Over Hanoi'; 'Indo-China Refugees'; 'Chiang's Troops on Formosa'; 'North Korean Reds on Parad...
33) 0752.0035 Warner Pathe News: Volume 5, Number 4
Warner Pathe classroom newsreel series. This Volume/Number contains: 'The Elections'; 'Keeping Up With the President: He Dedicates Iwo Statue, He Welcomes New Americans, He Open...
Next 36