6 work results

26) 0896.PC3 Live Lobster: Maine Lobsterman
Lobster fisherman Phil Alley shows how lobsters are caught and tells about the pattern of his lobstering year. Lobster in the process of moulting.
2) 1328.PC1-.PC25 ['Live Lobster' and 'Fence' film elements]
Film elements for 'Live Lobster: Maine Lobsterman' (1976) and 'Fence in the Water' (1980).
22) 1415.PC1-.PC41 [film elements for 'To Kayak,' 'Fence,' and other titles]
Film elements for various film projects by Peg Dice: To Kayak Fence in the Water Iceland Fishing Maine Seine Opthamologist Watershed
9) 1445.0001 ['Fence In the Water' videotape master]
Videotape master of 1980 Peg Dice production 'Fence in the Water' about fish weir belonging to Phil Alley and Gordon Chapin. They catch Atlantic herring for Maine sardines, watc...
35) 1445.PC4-PC6 ['Live Lobster' videotape masters]
Three videotape masters of 1976 Peg Dice production 'Live Lobster: Maine Lobsterman.' Lobster fisherman Phil Alley shows how lobsters are caught and tells about the pattern of h...
6) 1939.0003 Live Lobster: Maine Lobsterman
Betamax version // Original footage is 16 mm. (875 ft.).// LC list 1991: Lobster fisheries--Maine, Peg Dice. Not in LC collection.