14 work results

1) 2081.0001 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 1
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2001. Job #01-014. Accessioned 04/28/2004.;Girl and elderly woman with cane in garden with lilacs. Dog greets people, two boys and a man in a hat join the scene outside house. Camera is generally stable and follows acti...;At 76 Centre Street, Concord, NH, Jane Jameson with her grandmother Eidlitz Robert, John Jr.with parents John & Marion Jameson with Duke (dog) note lilac hedge East Hampton...
2) 2081.0002 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 2
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2001. Job #01-014. Accessioned 04/28/2004. Label on original can: 'Brownhill cows from pasture/Hope Jacksa(?) etc...
3) 2081.0003 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 3
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2001. Job #01-014. Accessioned 04/28/2004.;1926, Concord NH, School Parade 1927, July 4 200 Anniversary; (8:15) ;Robert D. Jameson in Scottish outfit Jane Jameson dressed as Dutch girl 1927 Parade, Concord, NH, 200th Bicentennial United Life float (John B. Jameson helped to found Uni...
4) 2081.0004 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 4
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2001. Job #01-014. Accessioned 04/28/2004. Label on original can: 'Brownhill haying/House/Signs/Broken;Keeping room, Blue room and front stairs at Brown Hill Farm, Bow, NH House was built in 1789 – purchased by John B. Jameson in 1924 Haying at Brown Hill Farm, John B. James...;Intertitle (on letterboard) “Brown Hill Farm. Built in 1799, Bought by John B Jameson in 1924” Interior of house, corner cabinet, fireplace with fire going, panning around r...
5) 2081.0005 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 5
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2002. Job #02-009.;1926, Jane Jameson riding Prince at Brown Hill Farm Robert D. Jameson coming through garden gate playing the bagpipes 1926, Concord Airport, Rene Fonch’s (French Avaitor...;Jane on her pony – close in walking away from camera and looking over shoulder; dismounts and shows her pony doing tricks. One hoof up and attempting to prance on hind legs. Jan...
7) 2081.0006 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 6
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2002. Job #02-009.;At the corner of Merrimack and Centre Streets, Concord, NH John Jameson Jr. and brother Robert bury sister Jane in snow Winter at Brown Hill Farm, Bow, NH Back in Concord ...;In town, children playing in snow with dog 10:47 Children bent over paddling snow through their legs at each other. Three boys and dog; kid dives into pile of snow headfirst. S...
8) 2081.0007 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 7
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2002. Job #02-009.;1926 Country Home of C.L.W. Eidlitz East Hampton L.I. N.Y. 1927 Montauk 1928 Devon Beach L.I., John Jr Robert & Jane swiming [sic] Montauk Light & Old Windmill ;19:52: Large shingled house; long pan past house to trees and shrubs, street. Wobbly view, returns to house. Pan again, weeping beech and other trees. Montauk, Long Island? 2...
8) 2081.0008 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 8
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2002. Job #02-009.;31: 31 Title, “Mexico Cuernavaca and Pyramids 1928” Building with sign Borda Gardens Inn Shots of gateways woman coming down steps toward camera gardens pools fountains. Pond...
9) 2081.0009 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 9
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2002. Job #02-009.;0:22 Title MEXICO CITY and the BULL FIGHT 1928 City street with cars coming toward camera. Another street with wide boulevard, stone buildings. Trolley car. Streetlights. Bui...
10) 2081.0010 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 10
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2002. Job #02-009.;1927 Joplin Mo. Zinc & Lead Dist. Okmulgee & Enid Okla. Champlin Refining Co. ;Blurry out of focus shot of circus parade around an open field. Many African American families. Two white children. African American band with trombone. White barker or tick...
11) 2081.0011 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 11
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2002. Job #02-009.;Title, “Joplin Okmulgee Enid 1927” title on art board. Then 28:09 3 boys building snow fort in town, perhaps Concord, NH. One boy in checked jacket, all in caps. Mining...
12) 2081.0012 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 12
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2002. Job #02-009.;Brown Hill Farm, Bow, NH Party put on for the Dearest Enemy Group (a NYC group involved in the production of the play Dearest Enemy) Riding Broad and Bright, dog (Duke) John ...;New Hampshire, Brown Hill Farm Family picnic with about a dozen people, barn behind. They sit on stone wall. They pose for camera. Woman dances with stone wall behind. She j...;TITLES 1926 Brown Hill Girls from the play “Dearest Enemy” Rene Fonch [Fonck] French Ace, Homer Berry Aviator http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/René_Fonck Homer Berry, http://www.af...
13) 2081.0013 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 13
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2002. Job #02-009.;Title: Bermuda 1927, Reel No. 1 on art card with palm tree. Light leaks both sides. Picket fence, hillside, house with flag, Crowd of people in front of building, is this a ra...
14) 2081.0014 [John B. Jameson--home movies] Reel 14
Transfer from 16 mm. film originally done as Tech Services job, 2002. Job #02-009.;View from steamship of Bermuda shore. White houses, trees, steam or smoke. Large buildings with tanks on roof. Four masted schooner docked close by. Church in distance. View ...
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