133 work results

4) 0285.0003 Pemaquid
Date from edge code on film. // Shot as unedited documentary footage, gives a detailed visual and oral account of the archeological site in Pemaquid, Maine where two 1000 year o...
14) 0307 cat. 0005-05-WABI John F. Kennedy in Bangor
Bangor: JFK's plane lands at Bangor airport (Dow Field) and he deplanes. Shots of JFK riding with three other men in a convertible in Bangor streets. Crowd cheers.
2) 0317 cat.0012-09-WABI-60 State of Maine Ship
'State of Maine' ship pulling into harbor. Shots of crowd and ship.
28) 0318 cat.0013-02-WABI Car Accident
Car accident. Shots of car and crowd.
18) 0321 cat.0014-05-WABI-60 Nixon in Bangor
Bangor: Dick and Pat Nixon presidential campaign stop. Boarding and arrival of their incoming plane, then boarding and departure of their outgoing plane. Speech at reception hal...
33) 0321 cat.0015-01-WABI-62 Lyndon B. Johnson in Portland
Portland: Lyndon Johnson and his wife campaign for Democratic incumbents in Maine. Views of LBJ and Lady Bird Johnson on platform, Margaret Chase Smith, Edmund S. Muskie, crowds...
17) 0322 cat.0016-09-WABI-60 Interstate Highway Augusta
Augusta: Opening of Interstate Highway connecting to I-95 in Augusta. Ribbon-cutting, crowd, marching band, cars entering highway.
34) 0322 cat.1007-08-WABI-60 'State of Maine' at Castine
Castine: Ship pulling into harbor through fog including docked ship with a few hundred people aboard, pier with crowd waiting, crew on ship, pan shots of ship.
34) 0323 cat. 0017-19-WABI-60 Bangor Dollar Days
Bangor : Annual Dollar Days celebration on Main Street. Shots of crowds, street scenes, banner, people window-shopping.
9) 0323 cat. 0017-22-WABI-60 Garry Moore at Northeast Air
Garry Moore poses, signs autographs for people in crowd.
16) 0323 cat. 0017-25-WABI-60 Star Store Opening
Ribbon cutting and crowd at new Star store.
24) 0324 cat. 0016-10-WABI-60 Republican State Convention
Bangor: Republican State Convention at Bangor Auditorium. Reed giving speech, onstage with his wife, with family in car. Also crowds, representatives marching with signs, audito...
9) 0324 cat. 0017-03-WABI-60 Armed Forces Day
Silent footage of Armed Forces Day at Air Force Base; Troop Carrier Aircraft 975, deboarding servicemembers and about two dozen uniformed bystanders.
10) 0325 cat. 0018-01-WABI-60 BOMARC and Base Dedication
BOMARC Missile Base dedication ceremonies. Shots include '30th Air Defense Missile Squadron' sign, speakers platform, ribbon cutting, crowd, soldiers, missile.
20) 0325 cat. 1008-11-WABI-60 Horse Show at Dow Air Force Base
Show including horses jumping over barricades, a clown with a water hose, a stagecoach loaded with Air Force men and cowboys, crowd in stands.
26) 0325 cat. 1008-13-WABI-60 Maine Exposition at Portland
Portland: Governor John Reed's visit to expo including his arrival, shaking hands, looking at lobster replica, Smokey the Bear mannequin, speaking with young woman wearing crown...
17) 0326 cat. 0016-02-WABI-60 New Hospital Wing
Ribbon cutting ceremony for new wing of eastern Maine hospital. Shots of new wing exterior, crowd at ribbon cutting, tour of wing's five x-ray rooms, lobby, hallways.
103) 0328 cat. 0018-19-WABI-60 United Fund Kickoff Dinner
Kickoff dinner includes speechmaking, award presentation, crowd at tables.
20) 0328 cat. 0019-05-WABI-60 The Mart Santa
Santa arrives at the Mart in a convertible, and waves to kids and cameras. He enters the Mart, makes his way through the crowds, seats himself, and takes kids on his lap. Also s...
33) 0328 cat. 0019-06-WABI-60 Pre-legislative Conference
Orono : University of Maine; Conference shots include conference and UM signs, speakers at a podium, crowd, officials.
25) 0329 cat. 0019-09-WABI Paul Bunyan Parade
Bangor : parade and unveiling of Paul Bunyan statue. Crowd including WABI reporter Dick Bronson, Norm Martin with a beard, Governor Closson, Norm Martin, celebration director Da...
46) 0334 cat. 0024-15-WABI-62 Deer
Several dead deer lying on ground as men inspect them and crowd watches.
21) 0340 cat. 1010-06-WABI-61 Bozo in Presque Isle
Presque Isle: Bozo's visit to Presque Isle Community Center including interior and exterior of building, crowd waiting, stage, introduction of Bozo, his talking to children and ...
24) 0341 cat. 0027-03-WABI-61 30th Missile Trapping
A gathering at BOMARC 30TH Air Defense Missile SQ. Shots include troops in formation, a crowd, speeches, missile.
18) 0343 cat. 0029-12-WABI-61 Lucerne Accident
Crowd looks at car's front end damage.
22) 0343 cat. 0029-15-WABI-61 Orono Class D Champs
Orono Class D Championship celebration includes bonfire and crowd.
18) 0343 cat. 0029-16-WABI-61 UM Electonic Brain
Crowd watches demonstration of computer in which it reads cards and IBM typewriter prints out.
4) 0344 cat. 0027-13-WABI North East Airlines
Silent footage of a North East Airlines executive meeting; shots of a large model jet; pan shots of dining hall seating for a presentation; tight shots of the speak and comments...
26) 0345 cat. 0032-01-WABI-61 Santa Parade
Bangor: Parade featuring school marching bands from Bangor, Brewer, Bucksport, Hermon, Ellsworth and Orono. Also Santa and reindeer float, Bangor fire truck, and crowds.
51) 0353 cat. 0047-06-WABI-62 Fire on Court Street
Bangor: Fire fighters work as crowd watches.
24) 0353 cat. 1020-11-WABI-62 Kenduskeag Stream Crane
Crane is used in construction or repair in stream as crowd watches.
24) 0354 cat. 0047-08-WABI-62 Crossman Hardware Fire
Bangor: Store fire including fire fighters working, building, crowd.
26) 0354 cat. 0047-12-WABI-62 Armed Forces Day
Ceremonies at Dow Air Force Base including tours of aircraft, shuttle, jets flying in formation, remote controlled toy planes.;Silent footage of the ceremonies at Dow Air Force Base including tours of aircraft, shuttles, jets flying in formation, and remote-controlled toy planes; a view of the Dow Air F...
16) 0354 cat. 0047-16-WABI-62 Democratic Convention in Waterville
Waterville: Convention at Elk's Club includes Central Fire Station exterior, YMCA, First Congregational Church, Muskie, candidates, crowds.;Silent footage of the Waterville Democratic Convention, May 11 and 12; street views include a school, Elk's Club, Central Fire Station exterior, YMCA, First Congregational Churc...
12) 0354 cat. 1020-22-WABI-62 Bijou Theater
Bangor: Bijou Theater, crowd, sign for 'Cape Fear' with Gregory Peck and Robert Mitchum.
18) 0356 cat. 0048-13-WABI-62 New England Town Managers
Man speaks to crowd at meeting.
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