8 work results

234) 1714.0001 [James F. Butler--home movies] Reel 1
Date from edge codes on film. // Perf damage throughout - film was transferred in reverse as result. // Two dogs playing together then playing with man and boy; shot of the Amer...
30) 1714.0002 [James F. Butler--home movies] Reel 2
Label on can: 'Yellowstone.' // Date from edge code on film. // Swimming pool scene; kids swimming, dog (Irish Setter?) near pool, man in hooded chaise lounge, man doing back fl...
5) 1714.0003 [James F. Butler--home movies] Reel 3
Date range from edge codes on film. // Screening notes: Bringing baby home, hunters, rapids, rope bridge, lake recreation. (Notes provided by donor: Small boat on lake, Cobbosse...
28) 1714.0004 [James F. Butler--home movies] Reel 4
Can label: '[ ? ], Niagara, Queen Mary.' // Date range from edge codes on film. // Reel was apparently transferred in two parts, as .0004A and .0004B. // 1930 Niagara Falls and ...
5) 1714.0005 [James F. Butler--home movies] Reel 5
Can label: 'Choate, Hockey, Destroyers.' // 1928, 1929, 1933 edge codes on film. // 1929, The Choate School: Pomfret Hockey Game, John Booth, Walter Kelly, Bud Sherwood, Zeke Sp...
26) 1714.0006 [James F. Butler--home movies] Reel 6
Can label: 'Brooklyn and Yarmouth.' // Date range from edge codes on film. // Screening notes: Family with young boys. Long circular pan of lumber yard, piles of timber, railroa...
7) 1714.0007 [James F. Butler--home movies] Reel 7
No label. // Date from edge code on film. // Two puppies and white dog (Samoyed?) in yard; baby in play pen (poor picture quality); kids posing (sitting) in yard, baby crawling ...
24) 1714.0008 [James F. Butler--home movies] Reel 8
Can label: 'Big Red, etc.' // Date from edge code on film. // Convertible car (roadster) driving up and down dirt road; man with rifle walking toward camera, stops and aims rifl...
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