7 work results

5) 0306 cat. 0004-02-WABI-57 Governor Edmund S. Muskie Inauguration
Augusta: Edmund Muskie's inaugural speech as governor of Maine includes Maine's natural resources, the farm economies, fish and game, forests and clean water, fair labor laws, a...;Augusta: Edmund Muskie's inaugural speech, delivered before a full legislative house, as governor of Maine; he includes a list of the initiatives he intends to present to the le...
2) 0316 cat.0011-01-WABI-60 Forestry Service Olamon
State Forest Nursery: Young trees are moved to other planting ground. Scenes include removal, bundling and transportation of trees. Also Smoky the Bear talking, a stump costume,...
13) 0337 cat. 0023-04-WABI-61 101 B Crash
Recovery of crashed 101 Bomber. Shots of search party, crash site, forest, wreckage.
24) 0353 cat. 1020-20-WABI-62 Fire Tower on Bald Mountain
Shots of fire tower including man climbing up it and looking at view through binoculars, pans of the countryside, Maine Forest Service Fire Control man talking on his car radio,...
26) 0364 cat. 0051-08-WABI-62 Fire Tower on Bald Mountain
Man climbs steps of Fire Tower on Bald Mountain and looks at view. Shots include MS profile of him looking through binoculars, pans of landscape, MS and CU of Maine Forest Servi...
106) 0452 cat. 1060-02-WABI-67 Forestry Building Construction Report #1
Construction of foundation. Shots of parts of work site, workers. Overhead shots from near-by building.
7) 0453 cat. 1061-21-WABI-67 End Rack Pulp Wood Cars at Bangor & Aroostook Railroad
WABI Reporter (Gordon?) with Mr. Swill of the B & A talking about the new pulp wood cars: their loading, cost ($17,000/each), uses, and railroad's future. Discuss route of the B...
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