9 work results

17) 0660.0009 Palestine
Title, 'Life in a tent. Swaddling baby. Making coffee. Spinning. Making bread.' Silhouettes. Exterior. 'Village scenes. Lilies of the Field? Shepherd boys. Views of people outsi...;Title card: 'LIFE IN A TENT – Swaddling Baby Making Coffee Spinning Making Bread.' A family gathered under a tent. A woman swaddles a baby and rocks the baby in a hammock. A man...
3) 1000.0019 Henry Strater: American Artist
Rocks Nudes and Flowers: A Portrait of Henry Strater, American Artist (1896- ). 'A portrait of life and works of prolific realist painter who has found in Maine the subjects he ...;Title card: ‘ROCKS NUDES AND FLOWERS’. Title: ‘a portrait of Henry Strater American Artist (1896- )’ Henry Strater, sitting on a rock wall by the water, talking about his youth ...
3) 1000.0020 In the Spirit of Haystack
'A film by Jane Morrison.' Made with funds from the Maine State Commission on the Arts during the filmmakers artist in residency at WCBB 1979 (per credits). Portrait of Haystack...;A man standing in front of the ocean puts a sheet of clay over his face and imprints a design with his fingers. Title card: ‘IN THE SPIRIT OF HAYSTACK, A film by Jane Morrison, ...
97) 1000.0021 Muscongus Pond: A Potters's Place
Potter Connie Romero at work. She talks about relationship between her work and her cabin on the pond. Closeups of potters wheel, hands, pots being created. Fall at pond. Romero...;Shot of a rocky island in a pond. Title: ‘MUSCONGUS POND a potter’s place’. A porch by the pond. Narration over footage of a woman, Connie Romero, at an outdoor potter’s wheel. ...
40) 1000.0022 Children of the Northlights: A portrait of Ingri and Edgar d'Aulaire
Portrait of children's book creators. Authors describe spending five years on Greek myths book. Travel with their children. One of their first books, Ola, about a Norwegian boy,...;Illustrations of trolls and other images. Title Card: ‘CHILDREN OF THE NORTHLIGHTS’. A child reading a picture book. Title: ‘a portrait of INGRI and EDGAR D’AULAIRE’. Ingri and ...
19) 2716.0109 Black History - Black Women Rising
Black History X4394 Black Women Rising;Title: “Black Women Rising”. Jayne Kennedy Overton hosts an episode about Black women in the United States. Includes clips of interviews with Elma Lewis, Artistic Director for t...;Credits: Produced by Karl Nurse; Written by Steve Hemingway; Host: Jayne Kennedy; Additional Writing: Karl Nurse, Barbara Brown; Cinematographers: Rodney Grace, David Skillicorn...
7) 2716.1423 This Was America - Growing Up--Episode 08 [1992]
Master This Was America X5843 "Growing Up" Rec. 1/7/92 Black w/code;Slate: “This Was America Show: 8 “Growing Up”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about children, child labor and education in the ...;Credits: Produced by Steve Schlow, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Written by Martin W. Sandler, Steve Schlow, Sherry Reisner, Claude Pelanne, Arnie Reisman; Main Title Sequence:...
29) 2716.1424 This Was America - Growing Up--Episode 08 [1980]
This Was America X1503 "Growing Up" #8;Slate: “Date 11/10/80 Title: This Was America Product Growing Up Client WCVB-TV”. Title: “This Was America with William Shatner”. William Shatner hosts an episode about children...;Credits: With William Shatner; Written by Martin Sandler, Claude Pelanne, Sherry Reisner; Music by Robert Cavicchio, Edward Korvin; Executive Producer: Steve Schlow; Produced by...
14) 2716.1717 Norman Rockwell and the Saturday Evening Post
Master Programming: Norman Rockwell and the X4728 Saturday Evening Post Rec: 11/3/87;Title: “Video Arts Inc. presents Norman Rockwell and the Saturday Evening Post”. A look at the life and work of artist Norman Rockwell. Includes interviews with Kenneth James St...;Credits: Produced By: Lew Sayre Schwartz and VIA Inc.; Executive Producer: John J. Bradley; Associate Producers: A.J. Calkins, William Logan; Written By: Richard M. Marschall, L...
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